The lady, like Barbara, was one of the VIP audiences.


The barrage she sent is naturally very conspicuous.


Everyone in the entire live broadcast room saw her contemptuous remarks towards the wind god Barbatos.


For a moment.

The entire inventory live broadcast room was full of angry insults and rebukes.

These people, almost all of them, are Monds.

After all.

For the vast number of Monds, the wind god Barbatos, but their faith.

Although everyone's faith is different in depth.


It is undeniable that the vast majority of Mond people believe in the wind god in their hearts.

When the Monds meet on weekdays, the most common thing they say is not "Have you eaten", "Good morning and good evening", "How is the situation", but "May the wind god protect you." "

Time, in the fury of the vast number of Monds, passed quietly.


Five minutes later.

[A video related to Zhongli will be played soon - "A Thousand Rocks Are Firm, Heavy and Unmoved". 】

[Keli: Keli is the first! ] 】

[Walnut: It's coming! The seventy-seventh generation of the hall master of the past life hall came with benefits and discounts! 】

[Ying: I said Walnut, your advertising is really pervasive! ] 】

[Keqing: Qianyan is firm and unwavering, this is the belief of our Liyue Qianyan Army! ] 】


In the barrage, the light curtain slowly lit up.

Liyue, a busy street in the city.

Zhongli carried a birdcage and walked through the crowded streets with a face full of enjoyment.

His narration voice sounded leisurely: "Now I am just an ordinary Liyue person. "

"If there is no god in the world, this is the kingdom of man!"

"I was a god of man and should have witnessed the rise and fall of man."

"In order to be the right path, people keep giving up and losing constantly."

"Perhaps, this is the wear and tear that Heaven has imposed on my body."

"The more powerful the force, the greater the danger of being worn out."

"Thousands of years wash, even rocks, occasionally tired."

"If that is the way to achieve liberation, maybe it will be an easier way."

"But I am a human god, no matter how my identity changes, I will witness the history of man with my eyes!"

"There are still many pasts, many secrets on this continent."

"They've been gone too long, forgotten or abandoned."

"Witnesses, come for witness."

"Remembered, born by remembering."

"I ended an era with my own hands!"

"I've been thinking about how to record the history that ended with me!"

"Time has great power."

"History is distorted over the years."

"People who have lived too long can only search for their former comrades-in-arms and past scenery in their memories."

"Thousands of years ago, Liyue was in turmoil, and I was in full swing with the immortals."

"Contracts cannot define friendship, they cannot measure friendship, so what can weigh the weight of the emotions between you and me?"

"If fairness is lost, the contract becomes evidence of deception."

"In the face of longing, how many people can restrain their desires and follow the contract?"

"If you don't follow the rules, you can't form a square circle."

"Whether it is an ordinary person or an immortal, only by performing their own duties can Liyue be kept peaceful for a long time."

"You must know that all power has its price."

"A thousand powers come with a thousand responsibilities."

"Everything between earth, heaven and earth is only left for posterity to comment!"


Accompanied by the narration of Zhongli.

Above the light curtain, scene after scene flickered.

These pictures are all the ups and downs that Liyue has experienced since its establishment.

There is a picture of Zhong Li leading the immortals and Liyue people to expel the demon god!

There is a picture of Liyue being destroyed by disaster.

There is a picture of the Liyue people smiling when they get a good harvest.

There are pictures of people displaying colorful and lively pictures during the Liyue Sea Lantern Festival.

There are also pictures of comrades who follow Zhongli to fight and fall madly due to wear.

And so on and so forth.

At last.

In the rainy Liyue Port, Zhongli strolled in it.


Not far away, a businessman was praising his subordinates: "You have completed your duty, now, go and rest!" "

Zhongli, who was strolling, suddenly stopped and quietly stared at the merchant and his subordinates.

Next moment!

Zhongli's narration sounded again: "At that time, I stopped for a long time in the crowd of people, and I kept asking myself in my heart..."


The picture suddenly gave Zhongli a close-up.

I saw Zhong Li suddenly raise his head, look at the light curtain, and mutter, "Has my duty been completed?" "

It seems that Zhongli in the picture seems to be asking everyone in front of the light curtain!


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