Chapter 44 The Overlord slashes 3 billion, and Kidd dreams of shattering the Giant Country!



in the light curtain.

"It's you!!".

"CAptain, known for its cruelty——. KIDD!!"

In the next moment, the redhead was already in front of Kidd's eyes.


Looking at Shanks, the red-haired Shanks who suddenly popped up in front of him and had the same hair color as himself, Kidd was also taken aback!!

I didn't expect the redhead to appear so quickly.

This moment was also full of shock and despair.

It's the same feeling as Kaido did when he landed at base a few months ago.

in the picture.

Shanks didn't hesitate.

Directly pulled out the saber Griffin on his waist.

"God - Avoid !!


In an instant, the overlord-colored domineering materialized "lightning" crackled.

The sudden overlord color domineering is like an irresistible storm that brings death.

in the light curtain.

Some of the weak crew members of the Victoria Punk were directly stunned by the red-haired overlord domineering.

Passed out.

As for Kidd, he can only watch at this moment, and he can't dodge it at all!!

in the picture.

Shanks swung his sword with one hand, and easily split the electromagnetic cannon without blowing away.

Attacked Kidd directly behind the cannon.

In a flash.

Bang bang bang~

There was a violent explosion on the Victoria Punk!

The flames are blazing.

The redhead stabbed the electromagnetic cannon directly into powder!!

The deck ships exploded in unison.

The remnants of the overlord-colored domineering "lightning" continued to crackle.

Kidd was hit solidly by the overlord color domineering knot.

I don't know if I can comprehend the overlord color winding.

As for the rest of the crew of the Kidd Pirates on the Victoria Punk.

This moment.

Under the attack of the red hair, it was also directly blown away by the strong attack shockwave!!

The black thunder roared around them, and the surviving crew members who were far away nearby realized that their captain had long since lost consciousness.

Seriously injured!!

Under the dazzling firelight.

Shanks landed.

Put the knife into the sheath!!

Everything is so silky.

On the broken deck, the redhead slowly walked towards the loser Kidd with a blank face!

continued to release the "overlord color domineering" glaring at Kidd.

Next to Kidd's.

It's lying Kira.

Kira's mask was torn on the left side of her face, and blood was spilling from the corners of her mouth.

The crew who risked their lives to inspect Captain Kidd and Kira were also in deep despair at this moment.

The joy of the country of Wano not long ago has now turned into a bitter mouth.

Hit, Valle and others also hurriedly begged Shanks for mercy!!

[Eustace: "Ah??this !!!........."].

Kira: "...... We......... This will happen in the future???].

Trafalgaro: "This...... Kidd's ...... ......].

[Yellow Ape Polusalino: "Wow one, the emperor of this new world, powerful as a monster, so terrifying!!"].

[Kuzan: "Ahh

[Zoro: "Luffy's benefactor is really powerful, this strength. "】

[Zoro: "But this sword move excites me! "】

[The devil's heir - Barrett: "Hahahahaha, in the same way, I am also enthusiastic about watching Lao Tzu in prison, I really want to go out and do a big job!!"].

[Usopp: "You guys,,, hey, hey, don't take it, Zoro, that guy is the Emperor of the Sea!!"].

[Hades Reilly: "Hehehehe, after all, one of Captain Roger's famous tricks!How can it be weak?"].

Kira: "......... It seems that there is no extermination at the moment, and we will pay attention to it in the future. "】

[Immortal Bird Marko: "I really don't understand you, but they are the Four Emperors!!

How dare you do something and attack someone else's weak crew!

It seems that you had a good time in the first half of the Great Voyage, and you should have suffered a little when you entered the New World. "】

[Drought Jack: "I can only say......... What a head!!hahahaha. "】

[BigMom: "mamamammama, speaking of which, the red hair was killed in seconds with a single knife, which is really unexpected to my mother!

I thought the bounty of 3 billion would be a bit heavy!!

I didn't expect it to be gone with a knife, the old lady is really looking forward to it in vain!!"].

[Marshal Warring States: "??? BigMom, are you mistaken, bounty does not represent strength... It's the level of threat!!"].

[Doflamingo: "Fur fur, no matter what, one knife or two supernovas !! four emperors are really terrifying!!"].

[Red Earl * Redfield: "Hehe, the end result, I think the redhead didn't kill the hand, and the dead hand Kidd was in half.]

On the contrary, Kidd made a dead hand, and if he didn't get on Kidd, he would have killed a lot of people, so the redhead had to be killed. "】

[Bundy Wald: "Indeed, the death hand is directly repaired.] With the expressiveness of the red-haired guy just now,,, it was only a matter of a few seconds, and after the first wave of serious injuries, the next second passed in an instant, and he stabbed directly to the head!!"].

[Hundred Beast Kaido: "This situation in front of me can't help but make me think of decades ago, but Moriah back then was worse than Kidd, and it was all dead!!"].

[Moonlight Moria: "Can't ???? get by?" bastard Kaido !!

You wait, I will still seek revenge on you!!".

[Golden Emperor Tezzoro: "If memory serves, Kidd is the supernova who has landed on the island.] I can only say that I am still too anxious, and I should go through the experience again. "】

[Haixia Jinping: "I suddenly remembered that it echoed before and after,

When I first started broadcasting the Redheads' Record, I remember the Redheads saying ———— I'll laugh at you if you throw wine or food on me or spit on me, but no matter what your reason, I'll never forgive anyone who hurts my partner!!


Right now, Kidd, this guy, is going to do something to these old, weak, sick and disabled people under his control, no wonder the redhead is directly angry!!"].

[Sand crocodile Klockdal: "Hehehehehehe, Jinping, you guy, remember it quite clearly!!"].

[Undead Bird Marco: "It can only be said that Kidd doesn't know the temper of the redhead, thinking that like other pirates, it is common to meet and kill each other's younger brothers, but as a result, he directly stepped on the red-haired minefield!!"].

[Katakuri: "Indeed, if Kidd hadn't beaten the pirates, he might not have been beaten so badly!!"].

[Lafitte: "At least it won't come up and open big!!"].

[Rakiru: "Hahahahahaha, the boss has already chosen for them in advance, but they don't make a choice to jump in the minefield.] In that case, whether to give or not to give historical texts will destroy them!!"].

[Ben Beckman: "Hehe, it's actually not that miserable, supernova still has strength.]

Like Kidd, there are still highlights, but in Shanks's sights!!"].

[Eustace: "........."].

Kira: "......".

[Golden Lion Shiji: "It's too damn [laughing and crying] to win bamboo shoots!"].

[Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel: "But that future has been wiped out, and I can't show it, I can only say that Kidd is really miserable [eating melons]"].

[Bucky: "|???|.] The Four Emperor Gods can't avoid it, Kidd is really a big Sabi!"].

[Kidd:"......... (ー_ー)!!" 】

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