At the same time, the Emperor Overlord World, Li Qiye looked at everything that happened in the sky screen, his eyes were surprised, and he was a little surprised.

"Unexpectedly, Li Changshou would actually take the initiative to take the initiative to get involved in this causal dispute, which is completely different from his usual style of acting."

Li Changshou they saw in the inventory can be meticulous, how meticulous he is, and he will definitely not take the initiative to contaminate cause and effect, and he can't wait to avoid cause and effect.

The land of crossing robbery is even changed again and again, and it takes several places to change in one breath before daring to cross the robbery.

But such an old Goubi, a guy who can't wait to close his door for the rest of his life, actually took the initiative to get involved in this fight this time?!

It's a hell!

"Li Changshou, this guy, is he transsexual? That's unlikely, right? "

You know, this struggle is a battle of life and death!

A battle of canonization breaks out between the Truncated Sect and the Interpretation Sect, and the disciples of the two sects who fall in this battle will be listed on the list of canonized gods and become the gods of the Heavenly Court.

In this battle, the two great saints of Interpretation and Interception have long lost the friendship of the same family in the past, and they are all dead hands.

The causes and effects of this calamity are complicated, and one careless will provoke countless causes and effects for himself.

According to Li Changshou's urine nature, he should be the most displeased with such a situation, and he should be able to pick himself as clearly as he can.

However, this time, he did the opposite, shocking all the creatures in the heavens and realms, and he actually took the initiative to participate in the war!

Li Qiye's brows furrowed tightly, which was not in line with Li Changshou's character.

"Why is that?"

"Could it be that after Li Changshou's strength was strong, he swelled and felt that he could do it?"

"So, he is not ready to die, ready to come out and appear before people?"

"Or is there a hole card on Li Changshou's body that can defeat the saint?"

This seems to be the only explanation.

And when Li Qiye saw the old figure of the lantern that appeared on the sky, his eyes instantly condensed and became extremely solemn.

"The old way of carrying the lantern... Is this the saint of the flood world? "

"It's so terrifying?"

The coercion swept in from above the nine heavens, surging mightily, despite the infinite distance of time and space.

But the coercive pressure spread, and although it was in the heavenly curtain, it still shocked the heavens.

Just coercion can make all the creatures in the heavens and all the worlds who are watching the inventory of the heavenly curtain feel terrified.

His momentum crossed the heavenly curtain and permeated the heavens and realms, enough to affect countless creatures in the heavens and realms!

This is the horror of the saints!

That Golden Spirit Virgin is the sister of the Jiejiao master, the second disciple of the Jiejiao, and is also a quasi-saint power, strong in strength, coercive and powerful, mysterious in the Dao, and rare opponents among his peers.

Even such a powerful existence, only one realm away from the Saint 827 people, but it was still defeated by the Saint with one move, completely defeated, and there was no possibility of turning defeat into victory!

The gap between quasi-saints and saints is really huge, and there is no comparison at all.

A generation of quasi-saints, actually unable to bear the coercion of the saints, is enough to see the supremacy and glorious power of the saints.

"Is this a saint?"

Li Qiye's gaze fell on the old lantern bearer, extremely deep, and his heart was shocked.

Even he, in the face of such an existence, does not seem to be a united enemy, but an ant.

The Flood Barren World is worthy of being the supreme existence in the supreme plane, and the saint is also worthy of being the supreme existence of the Flood Barren.

The power is difficult to fathom, unimaginable, and unmatched.

At the same time, the sky is shading.

Ye Fan looked at the picture in Tianmu, his scalp was already numb, and his heart was shocked.

"I'll go!"

This saint was so terrifying that it was unimaginable!

"This is the power of a saint?"

"It's really a big horror!"

Even through the sky, across the infinitely distant and incomprehensible time and space, he could still feel the terrifying sense of oppression.

Although he was now a Red Dust Immortal and a supreme powerhouse covering the heavens, he couldn't help but tremble before this coercion.

"Under the saints, all are ants."

"This sentence may not be wrong."

It's terrifying.

Although he sensed that although it was only the coercion of the Quasi Ti Saint that came out of the heavenly curtain, it was under this infinitely distant coercion.

Even Ye Fan, the red dust fairy, felt that the originally domineering power in his body seemed to freeze in half, becoming a pool of stagnant water.

It seems that such a terrifying existence is not a big horror that he can compare to!

What a horror!

And the Golden Spirit Virgin, who is also Zhengang.

I know that there are ants under the saint, but I still dare to make a hard steel saint, if nothing else, this courage alone is simply amazing!

Who said that women are inferior to men, isn't this Golden Spirit Virgin so bullish.

At the very least, this Golden Spirit Virgin is much more domineering than Li Changshou's Gou Bi who can hide and hide!

At the same time, in the mortal plane, Han Li looked at the picture on the sky screen, and was also deeply shocked by the power of the saint.

"This is the Flood Wasteland Saint? It's horrible. "

"Every word and deed is the rule of the avenue."

"As soon as you raise your hand, there is an extremely rich and extremely rich rhyme that spreads down."

"The existence of a saint who has become a saint in the way of heaven is indeed magnificent, endless, and unimaginable."

"Is this the Flood Wilderness Saint, the supreme existence of the Flood Wilderness plane?"

Now he has some understanding of the words of the flood world: under the saints, all are ants.

This sentence is really not wrong!

The saint is supreme, and all the creatures under the saint, no matter how amazing and powerful, are difficult to compare with the saint.

Not a grade at all.

His gaze fell on Li Changshou, and he was a little curious.

"I don't know how Li Changshou will deal with it next."

"After all, his enemy is not an ordinary existence, but one of the six saints of the Flood Desolation, a true saint!"

And Li Changshou this guy has always been scrupulous, can not be in the limelight, can not be contaminated with cause and effect.

He thought it was to the extreme.

But the identity of the Golden Spirit Virgin is different, and the Golden Spirit Virgin is his best friend.

Although Li Changshou has many friends, there are very few who can really be called the best friends.

That Zhao Gongming was one of them.

Now that his closest friend was coerced by the saint, how should he choose.

"Just like before him, he does not stick to cause and effect, avoids all causes and effects in this world, and continues to perpetuate his own way."

"Or for the sake of friends, entanglement with saints, and battle with saints?"

If it were other creatures, maybe Li Changshou would have no burden to make a move, but this time, he had to face a saint.

That was the supreme Flood Saint of the Flood.

The saint is in charge of the hinterland, ruling everything, and his power is endless.

Isn't it to seek one's own death by making enemies with saints?

Will Li Changshou, the Gou King, really fight with the saint and seek his own death?

The creatures of the heavens and realms were very curious, and their eyes fell on the heavenly curtain.

At this moment, they couldn't wait for the sky screen to change, and they wanted to know how Li Changshou would decide.

Today, Li Changshou, who has been going for so many years, will continue to continue the Dao of Gou from the heart, or give up his own Dao and rise up once, depending on this battle.

At the same time, the eyes of countless creatures and endless cultivators in the Great Desolate World also fell on the sky screen, which was extremely shocking.

"Golden Spirit Virgin, that master sister of the Sect, will be a hard steel saint in the future?"

For a while, the creatures who sorted out these words all felt numb in their scalps, gasped for air, and their faces were full of shock.

"I'm holding Nima's, when has the world become so crazy?"

"Golden Spirit Virgin, is she so brave?"

The creatures who understood what this meant only felt that the world was crazy.

Although the Golden Spirit Virgin is the master sister of the Sect, she is still a disciple after all, and that Quasi Saint is the leader of the Great Saint Sect.

"No matter how strong the Golden Spirit Virgin is, it is no more than the quasi-saint realm, and the quasi-saint is a saint!"

"The entire Flood Wilderness knows how terrifying the saint really is, and the great power held by the saint is simply unimaginable!"

"Shattering the flood and reopening the heaven and earth, it's all a problem!"

As a disciple of the Tongtian Sect Lord, the Golden Spirit Virgin should naturally know the horror of the saint.

After all, the Tongtian Sect Lord was also a saint.

Then she should naturally know how huge the gap between saints and quasi-saints is.

But even so, the Golden Spirit Virgin still made a decisive move and made a move against the saint.

This completely shocked the eyes of countless living beings.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"This world, when did it become so crazy?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"That Golden Spirit Virgin, why dare you make a move against the saint?"

Even if it is the existence of the crane tail among the saints, it is also a saint!

Could it be that he is fighting his own backstage, but even so, he should not be able to make a move against the saint, crazy?

Although they all knew that this was a picture of the future, and that this had not happened yet, many creatures were looking in the direction of Mount Meru.

(BDCC) Mt. Meru stands on the Western Continent, with high peaks and peaks, majestic and majestic.

On Mount Meru, it is the ashram of the Western religion, and all the two saints of the West are here.

I don't know how the Second Sect Leader of the Western Sect, the Quasi Saint, will feel when he learns of all this.

After all, the saint who appeared in the sky was him!

A junior, he actually dared to make a move against him, a saint, I don't know if the saint has mixed tastes in his heart.

Meanwhile, Jinao Island.

The disciples of the Sect Intercept were also numb in their scalps, and they were all stunned at this moment.

At this moment, countless sect interception disciples stared at the sky curtain.

Master sister, so brave?

It's worthy of being a master sister!

"It is worthy of being our master sister, it is indeed good, and it is an example for our disciples!"

"Look, do our master sisters dare to harden the steel saint?"

"Quasi-Saint Hard Steel Saint, looking at the entire flood waste, from ancient times to the present, who dares to do this?"

"Even in ancient times, the king of the two Lich races, the first person under the saint, Donghuang Taiyi, did not dare to do this, right?"

"Our Jin Ling Senior Sister does this, Senior Sister is powerful, far superior to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!"

The disciples of the Sect Intercept cheered excitedly.

"Hard steel sage? I lean, fake! "

There are also some sect intercept disciples who can't believe it at all, because the quasi-saint hard steel saint is simply a fantasy story for them.

All the creatures of the flood know that under the saints are ants.

The power of the saints, do not offend.

How is it possible for a quasi-saint to strike at a saint?

Even if the Golden Spirit Virgin is indeed a gifted person, her opponent is a saint!

It's still hard to believe.

But since this event appeared in the sky, although it is a future event, it also means that it will happen.

That is, the Golden Spirit Virgin, will really be a hard steel saint?

This naturally shocked many living beings.

However, fortunately, the Golden Spirit Virgin is a disciple of the Tongtian Sect Lord, and she is also one of the four great relatives under the Tongtian Sect, the head of the Intercept Sect Immortal, and the Intercept Sect Master Sister!

Behind her is the Intercept Sect, as well as the behemoth of the Tongtian Sect Lord.

Under the protection of the Tongtian Sect Lord, even if she made a move against the saint, she should not have any big trouble.

The disciples of the Sect Intercept all gave a thumbs up.

"It has to be my Jin Ling Senior Sister."

"It's worthy of Jin Ling's senior sister, really domineering!"

Meanwhile, Mount Meru.

The quasi-mentioner opened his eyes, and his eyebrows were full of anger!

He was dressed in a Taoist robe, his figure was thin, and his face was full of anger, which he did not hide at all.

"Good, good, good!"

At this moment, he was already out of anger, and his eyes were burning with rage: "What a Golden Spirit Virgin!" What a quasi-saint! "

The Golden Spirit Virgin, a quasi-saint, actually dared to make a move against this saint of herself, couldn't she be crazy?!

Although his status among the saints is not high, he belongs to the existence of the last seat.

But even so, he is also a serious saint who Yuanshen pinned on the Heavenly Dao.

The saint shall not be disgraced, and under the saint there are ants!

A junior of the Golden Spirit Virgin, who dares to make a move on himself and disrespects himself, is simply looking for death!

He had to kill this Golden Spirit Virgin and turn it into ashes!

Jun Ti's gaze was filled with fierce killing intent, and although he was out of anger and wrapped in raging anger at this moment, he fortunately had not lost his mind.

Although he couldn't help but want to make a move against the Golden Spirit Virgin, he still restrained himself.

Naturally, this is not because of the fear of the Golden Spirit Virgin.

It's because behind the Golden Spirit Virgin there is a mighty existence that is not weaker than him—the Tongtian Sect Lord!

Compared to the existence of the crane tail among him, the Tongtian Sect Lord, is the real terror!

Thinking of the horror of the Tongtian Sect Leader, Jun Ti calmed down no matter how angry he was.

The Tongtian Sect Lord was holding the Qingping Sword, and there was even the Immortal Sword Array, and the way to kill was unmatched, if he rashly attacked the Golden Spirit Virgin, he would be an enemy of him.

After all, the Golden Spirit Virgin was a disciple of Tongtian, and although Jun Ti's anger was high in his heart, he was still restrained.

Compared with other saints, his strength is really not enough, and he does not dare to make a second time, so he can only give it up for the time being.

He still made a note of this in his heart, and he will naturally find the Golden Spirit Virgin to calculate it back in the future!

At the same time, Duxian Gate, Xiaoqiong Peak.

At this moment, Li Changshou was already stupid, looking at the old Dao in the sky screen picture, his brain couldn't turn for a while.



How could he provoke a saint?

The self in the heavenly curtain should not have been sanctified yet.

Since he is not sanctified, that is to say, he is still just an ant.

He is still just an ant, and he provoked the saint, this is not looking for death?

How can I be so unstable in the future.

Li Changshou's brows furrowed tightly, and his eyebrows were full of dissatisfaction.

Even if this quasi-mention saint could only rank last among the six saints of the Heavenly Dao, he was also a true saint!

"Do you want to let yourself fight such a saint?"

"Isn't this a great cause and effect?"

This is a saint!

The saint hooks up the Heavenly Dao, and can use the power of the Heavenly Dao to supplement it with a steady stream of mana.

What's more, the sage comprehended the Dao Rhyme, the Dao Rhyme, the Dao Rhyme is infinite, and the strength is incomparable, which is not comparable to him at all.

In addition, the Heavenly Dao Saint also has the ability to die and not die.

Even if he did everything he could, he would not be able to hurt the supreme saint.

Unless the brain is clamped by the door, it will provoke the saint.

"Isn't this looking for death?"

"Why on earth do you want to go to this muddy water?"

At this moment, Li Changshou did not understand why his future self would be like this.

His scalp was numb, and he couldn't think of any way to break the game.

Just as the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, the picture of the heavenly dome changed again.

"The Golden Spirit Virgin is disrespectful to the saint!"

The Junti Saint was naturally furious, and sacrificed the Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree, and many treasures fell from the emerald green treasure tree.

The power of the Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree was able to overwhelm the world, sweeping the heavens and earth, spreading out, and the vast and endless coercion suddenly surged like a flood, surging towards the Golden Spirit Virgin!

The Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree smashed out, that is clearly a killing move!

Zhun Ti, let Jin Ling die!

The Golden Spirit Virgin couldn't resist this saint's blow at all, and she was about to die under Jun Ti's attack.

And at this moment, beside the Golden Spirit Virgin, the space exploded, and a figure slowly walked out, blocking in front of her!

That figure, with his own body, blocked the holy light of the Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree!

And when they saw the face of that figure, the heavens and all the worlds went crazy!

Because that person is Li Changshou!

Li Changshou's eyes were full of mockery, looked at the heavenly dome, and faced the saint! .

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