Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were almost all stunned at this moment, and they all looked at the picture in the sky in disbelief.

One by one, all the creatures of the heavens and realms were shocked, looking at the figure in the sky curtain, their mouths were wide open, their faces were full of shock, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

They couldn't believe it, was it really the same Li Changshou they were familiar with?

How could these countless creatures in the heavens and realms never have expected that Li Changshou would really make a move?

"Timid as a rat, cowering, unwilling to be contaminated with cause and effect, Li Changshou, who can hide when something happens, would take the initiative to make a move?!"

"He actually took the initiative to contaminate cause and effect, putting himself in this life and death killing, not to mention that the enemy he faced was a saint! Foggy grass, brothers, is this true? "

"Li Changshou is really not a blockbuster, for so many years, he has always kept a low profile, and almost never takes the initiative to cause trouble."

"However, this time, he took the initiative to take action, contaminated with cause and effect, and the enemy against him was a saint!"

"Is this really Li Changshou?"

"Li Changshou did such a thing?"

"How dare he!"

"Brothers, I'm stupid, is Li Changshou slandered by whom? He would actually take the initiative to strike at a saint? Even wounded it?! "

In the Flood Barren World, in the absence of the Dao Ancestor, the Heavenly Dao Saint is the supreme being, ruling the heaven and earth, controlling ten thousand paths, the four seas and eight wildernesses, and the Flood Barren Universe are all under the control of the saints.

The saint is supreme, omniscient and omnipotent, immortal and immortal, and the power is unimaginably magnificent.

Under the saints, there are all ants, but all the creatures of the flooded world are aware of this matter.

Naturally, no one will dare to make enemies of saints.

But Li Changshou took the initiative and injured a Heavenly Dao Saint!

"How dare he?!"

"Li Changshou is obviously as timid as a mouse, how did he do such a thing?"

"This is not at all in line with his personality, and even the difference of 100,000 "520" 8,000 li, it is simply the opposite! "

"Li Changshou is not Goubi?"

"Yes! Isn't he Gobi? Suddenly changed identities?! "

For a time, countless creatures in the heavens and realms were messy in the wind.

At the same time, there were also creatures who were extremely shocked, looking at Li Changshou and Zhao Gongming in the sky screen picture, their eyes were full of shock.

"These two are so powerful! In the face of a saint, you can actually resist?! "

"In front of the saint, the two not only have the power to resist, but even Li Changshou even injured the Junti saint?"

It's incredible!

Sure enough, there is a big horror!

What about the ants under the good saints?

Looking at the current situation, why is something wrong.

"Doesn't it mean that the Flood Barren World, under the saints, are all ants?"

"But look, this Quasi-Ti Saint has been beaten and vomited blood by this guy Li Changshou!"

They saw it with their own eyes, the blood was raging, this can't be fake!

This Li Changshou was actually able to injure the saint with the body of an ant, causing the saint to be injured?!

"This is a saint!"

"What kind of monster is this guy Li Changshou, how can he be so outrageous?"

"Fellow Daoists, have you forgotten that Li Changshou is a hanging comparison, he just doesn't pretend, he just opens the hanging, there is no need to be so excited."

"Perhaps, this is the norm for this hanging ratio."

"It's just that Li Changshou has always been timid before, and he didn't dare to open it hard."

"Now he is not pretending, and the fire is fully on, which naturally shocks everyone."

"Good, good, don't pretend, right, great!"

"Seeing now, this inventory is finally a little interesting."

"It's starting to burn, brothers."

"It's not for me to say, what is the meaning of your whole inventory, which has been fearful?"

"It has to be done like this, since it is a hanging ratio, you will open the hanging and it will be over, you have a good life, the brothers are also happy to see, the best of both worlds, why not."

"That's the truth."


The creatures of the heavens and realms saw Li Changshou open and hanging, and finally became interested.

It has to be open and hung to be interesting, and if it is not opened, it is a sinister development history of Dogecoin, and there is nothing to look at all.

At the same time, the flooded world.

Almost all the living beings were shocked, looking at the sky in shock, their eyes were shocked, and their faces were full of disbelief.

At this moment, almost the entire flood barren world fell into a dead silence.

A huge desolate world, a vast expanse, countless creatures, countless countless creatures, can not be counted, but now it is extremely silent.

The whole world is as silent as death!

Almost all the living beings looked at the sky in shock, their eyes full of horror.

"This... Who dares to believe it? "

"Is this true?!"

"The saint is injured?"

The saint is supreme, he has always been the supreme existence of the flood world, and under the saint are ants!

This is the consensus of the entire flood world, and almost all living beings think so.

But this scene at the moment really shocked the heart of every flood creature.

"Saint, actually injured?!"

"Li Changshou... Can actually injure a saint?! "

The grasshopper ant actually shook the elephant, isn't this Nima a fantasy?

In the minds of countless living beings, saints are supreme beings, and it is simply a fantasy that creatures under the mixed element realm can injure saints.

Saint, will be injured by leapfrogging?

This undoubtedly broke the inherent cognition of countless creatures in the Flood Desolation World, and at this moment, countless creatures only felt that what they had always worshiped collapsed.

Sage...... It should be supreme!

Only the saint can be injured!

But at the moment, Li Changshou still crossed the step and injured the saint.

What does this mean?

This is the hanging ratio, and it really cannot be inferred by common sense.

Crossing the level of fighting, can also hurt the saint, enough to show Li Changshou's demon.

If this son grows up, he will definitely become a Heavenly Dao-level existence in the future.

It was they who underestimated Li Changshou and underestimated the hanging ratio, thinking that there was a supreme saint in the Flood Barren World, and the hanging ratio would definitely not be able to set off storms.

But now it seems that they are overconfident.

After all, they underestimated the energy of the hanging ratio.

Even if it is a saint?

As long as the plug-in is full, isn't the saint the same overturned?

Although Li Changshou did not completely defeat the saint, he was able to shake the saint in the realm under the saint, which was enough to be called a demon.

They finally opened their eyes and were taught a lesson by Li Changshou's plug-in!

If Li Changshou grows up, his future achievements will be limitless, and just thinking about it makes his scalp numb.

But...... Li Changshou has now angered the saint, which is a trouble.

Although Li Changshou is a demon, he has not grown to the mixed element level after all.

Seeing everything in this inventory, it is estimated that the Junti Saint will do whatever it takes to wipe out Zhao Gongming and Li Changshou.

Even if Li Changshou is a hanging ratio, but now he has not grown up, and he is not an opponent of the Quasi Saint at all.

If Zhun Ti Ti Ti will kill Li Changshou, the power of the saint will be unstoppable!

Li long-lived, will definitely die!

Meanwhile, Mount Meru.

The quasi-Taoist, looking at the picture on the sky screen, did not come to his senses for a long time, and his face was full of disbelief.

Jun Ti himself did not believe that Li Changshou would actually hurt him in the future.

Before becoming a saint, you can injure yourself who is already a saint, which is simply a fantasy!

Although Jun Ti did not believe it, it was.

In the heavenly curtain, he was indeed injured by Li Changshou, who had not yet become a saint.

Li Changshou's son, before he became holy, he could already hurt a saint, if he became a saint, wouldn't it be even more unimaginable?!

There was a look of shock in Jun Ti's eyes.

Such a demon actually made a vendetta with his Western religion.

Since this is the case, then this Li Changshou can not be kept at all.

He could not leave a scourge on his Western religion.

If Li Changshou does not die, the Western religion is doomed to bad luck.

Therefore, a cold look crossed Jun Ti's eyes, and the killing aura suddenly burst out.

In any case, Li Changshou must be obliterated.

Even if Li Changshou's son is now a disciple of Taiqing, and he can become a Taiqing disciple in the future, he must not stay!

Li Changshou's son is really too devilish, if he is left, he will definitely be a big trouble for the Western Sect in the future.

Now, we must kill it while it is fledgling and has not yet fully grown.

If he didn't kill Li Changshou Zhen, his Dao heart would be unstable.

Li Changshou's son is really too devilish, and he also has a feud with his Western religion, and there is basically no possibility of resolution.

Since this is the case, naturally there is no need to calculate anything, at all costs, obliteration is.

We must not teach the West and leave behind troubles.

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked at the picture in the sky eye, and was also shocked, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.


"Lie down a groove!"

"This Li Changshou is actually so outrageous? I really let him install it! "

Xiao Yan looked at Li Changshou in the picture and injured the saint, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

A good Li longevity, Zhennima outrageous.

Okay, under the saint are all ants, you secretly went against the sky and injured the saint?

It's really a hand-to-hand comparison.

After all, when he first appeared, the power of that saint really swept the heavens and shocked time and space.

All the heavens and all the worlds were terrified by the power of this terrifying saint.

The power of that unparalleled saint swept the heavens and the earth, swept countless living beings, and coerced the mighty. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A saint is invincible.

But even such an invincible existence was still hurt by Li Changshou!

Li Changshou's hand is really big.

Li Changshou actually has such strength that he can hurt a saint.

This is the real hanging ratio.

He has always ridiculed Li Changshou's sinister life, and now it seems that he underestimated Li Changshou.

Li Changshou This is not a sound, a blockbuster.

This guy, Gou is real, cowardice is real, and it is also true that he wants to save his life.

But this guy's strength is also real, and it is really against the sky!

In detail, when he was in the Duxian Gate, Li Changshou had already shown his terrifying talent, and his cultivation speed was almost unparalleled in the world, and in a short period of time, he had cultivated from a mortal to the Golden Immortal Realm, and successfully survived the Golden Immortal Tribulation.

The speed of cultivation is so against the sky, how can it be an ordinary person?

It's just that everyone was confused by Li Changshou's gou, forgetting how powerful his strength was and against the sky....

"Li Changshou, Li Changshou, it has to be you."

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds sighed one after another.

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li looked at the picture in the sky curtain, his face was shocked, and his heart was also shocked, and it took a long time to come back to his senses.

"Good fellow, good fellow!"

"Is this the real strength of Li Changshou?"

He looked at the figure in the sky that was still standing indifferently after being injured and competent, and a faint appreciation appeared in his eyes.

If it really doesn't sound, it's already a blockbuster!

A good Li Changshou, although he is usually very meticulous, can hide and hide, does not like to come out, but when he really wants to come out, he will definitely not be intimidated, and he really has the hard power to come out.

He usually just doesn't like to make a move, but once he does, it will shock the heavens and make countless creatures in the heavens and realms be shocked.

This is the quality that a real Goubi should have.

Don't look at me as low-key, but it's not easy to mess with.

Han Li has always believed in this view, low-key to improve his strength.

It seems that the same is true of Li Changshou.


"Li Changshou has such terrifying strength, being able to injure a saint in the realm below the holy realm, and he is actually so meticulous?!"

"Nima's, Li Changshou's this house is really insidious, really demon!"

If it weren't for Li Changshou's lifespan for so many years, he showed weakness.

This time, he may not be able to hurt Jun Ti.

Jun Ti must have been undefensive when facing Li Changshou, thinking that he was an old Goubi, he definitely didn't have much strength, so he didn't care.

But at that important juncture, Li Changshou directly burst out and exerted unimaginable strength, so he was able to injure the Junti Saint in one fell swoop.

It is worthy of your Li Changshou, and he is really a demon.

Of course, in addition to Li Changshou, that Zhao Gongming is not an idle person.

These two guys, hard steel saints, can still injure them, such a record is too brilliant, it is simply against the sky!

Such achievements, in the flood world, no one dares to believe it, it is really incomparably dazzling and unbelievable.

The flood world has always been devoted to saints, saints are supreme beings, and under saints are ants.

Under the mighty power of the saint, all living beings are not worth mentioning!

Even the first person of the demon race who was mighty in the ancient times, the first person in the flood wilderness, the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi, it was difficult to shake the saint.

Even if it was the Quasi-Ti Saint at the end of the Flood Wilderness Six Saints' crane, Donghuang Taiyi was not an opponent.

But Zhao Gongming and Li Changshou joined forces, but they hurt Zhun Ti, which is enough to see how against the sky they are.

Non-saint realm, but injured a saint, such a record, looking at the flood and wilderness, since Pangu opened the world for thousands of years, has never been!

Li Changshou, this guy, can also be regarded as creating history.

For a while, all the living beings were shocked.

"Could it be said that from now on, this guy Li Changshou will get rid of the way of Gobi and embark on the road of pretending."

"Wuhu, if that's the case, then this guy's pretense road must be very exciting!"

"Some expectations, to be honest, are really a little expectation, I don't know what kind of surprise Li Changshou will give us."

The creatures of the heavens and realms were stupid, and they were shocked by Li Changshou's operation.

Li Changshou's wave of operation is simply too against the sky, directly breaking the inherent impression of the creatures of the ten thousand worlds on him3.9.

Countless creatures thought that the inventory was wrong.

They also thought that Gou Bi was treated as a hanging comparison, and they had always questioned Li Changshou.

But now, it seems that they are still too young.

This Li Changshou does have the characteristics of hanging ratio, and it is also the hanging ratio of the flood barren world.

The Flood Desolation World is almost the first existence of the heavens and realms.

How can the comparison of the flood world be simple?

Just when the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were talking about it.

The Zhun Ti in the sky curtain was extremely furious.

He was a saint, but he was actually injured by two juniors?

The rule that saints cannot be dishonored was actually broken in him!

As a saint, he was actually humiliated like this, what a damn!

He is a saint!

Jun Ti was furious, and naturally prepared to strike and kill these two people.

But Li Changshou and Zhao Gongming are not bad in strength, although they are not saints, but in the face of saints, they also have some self-preservation power.

They Secretary Geng relied on the treasure in his hand and the cooperation between them to pull each other, so that Jun Ti could not take them for a while.

However, even so, what they are facing is still the most terrifying and powerful existence in this world, the saint!

Although they have tried to move around, they are still no opponents.

Zhao Gongming was still injured.

Immediately, the usher arrived!

Western Two Holy Qi Solstice!

The power of the two saints, should be skinless, shaking the ancient and shining, Li Changshou and Zhao Gongming could not resist at all, suppressed by the giant palm of the saint, unable to move!

And Zhun Ti's heart is cheerful, and his face is full of disdain.

"If you are not sanctified, you are an ant after all."

Li Changshou and Zhao Gongming jumped like a clown for a long time, but after all, they were just ants.

Seeing this scene, all the heavens and worlds were stunned.

"I'll go, and a saint?!"

"It's over, now, this hanging ratio is really finished."

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