Seeing such a scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms instantly boiled.

Good guy, really good guy, I didn't expect to see such a scene, which has long exceeded the expectations of countless living beings.

In the heavens and realms, countless creatures looked up at the sky curtain, looking at the angry and hideous figure in the sky curtain, they were already shocked beyond belief.

What kind of stuff?

Many creatures simply couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Above the canopy of that day, Li Changshou roared angrily, sad and angry to the extreme, and roared at the two saints who received and mentioned it.

The roar of anger bloomed between heaven and earth like spring thunder, rumbling throughout heaven and earth, shaking the earth, and sweeping the entire flood.

"Gou Bi is powerful!"

"A rare scene, Li Changshou, Goubi, the king of the heavens and realms, Goubi in Goubi, is actually powerful!"

"I really didn't expect it, I thought the sun came out from the west, and Li Changshou actually had a day of might." "

"A good Goubi, I thought he was a real Goubi, but I didn't expect that at this time, it made us open our eyes." "

"It turns out that Goobi not only survives, he also has a time of power. "

"A good Li Changshou, it used to be a buddy who underestimated you. "

The creatures of the heavens and realms saw Li Changshou's mighty appearance, and they talked about it and were amazed.

For a long time, in their impression, Li Changshou was a Goubi, but now they did not expect that Li Changshou directly hardened the two saints, which opened everyone's eyes.

"Two saints, I'm Nima, do you dare to think about this?!"

"I have to say that this guy Li Changshou is really not a sound, a blockbuster!"

Li Changshou has been living for so many years, everyone thought that he was just a simple Goubi.

However, at this moment, he stood up, angrily questioned the two saints because of the fall of one person, and faced the glorious holy power without fear or concession!

This is Li Changshou!

"Li Changshou is in the hard steel saint, and there are still two statues?!"

"Looking at this situation, I was going to die endlessly. "

"When Li Changshou was so brave, it was really eye-opening. "

"Bridge bean sack, isn't this guy Li Changshou always a goubi, he is not meticulous now, right?"

"What's going on, what's going on?"

"Li Changshou is actually meticulous, the king of the heavens and realms is actually meticulous, so what is the meaning of this inventory?"

"Ye Qingjie!"

"My youth is over!"

"Li has a long life, and it's not interesting for me to live." "

"But to be honest, Li Changshou has been living for so many years, why did he suddenly break his defense?"

"A good Li Changshou, actually has such strength, can actually call the sage, it seems that this kid is really hidden!"

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds were a little shocked, after all, they had seen with their own eyes how against the heavens the power of the saint was.

The power of the saint can be called terrifying, sweeping the heavens, the power is huge, and the entire flood is crawling under this mighty power.

But now, Li Changshou can face the saint head-on, facing two saints alone, who is not shocked by such a courage?

Although Li Changshou is a hanging ratio, he is not yet a saint, and under the saint are all ants.

Li Changshou calculated so much and played many hole cards, which injured the saint Zhun Ti.

When he faced this saint, he almost tried his best and endured a lot of hardships before he was injured with difficulty.

However, what he is facing now is two saints!

The strength of the connection is even above the quasi-mention!

This Li Changshou is really a person of great affection!

"Li Changshou was originally a goubi, but now he can be a good friend, two saints. "

"I didn't find out before, Li Changshou, this kid, is actually a lover. "

"With his own strength, facing the two saints alone, even in the face of the coercion of the saints, he will not retreat at all, this Li Changshou is finally a bit of a comparison. "

"However, I'm still not sure, facing the two saints, is Li Changshou really sure of winning?"

In the face of a saint like Zhun Ti, he and Zhao Gongming had already tried their best and played a lot of hole cards before finally hurting him with difficulty.

Now, counting the introduction, there are a total of two saints, Li Changshou alone is difficult to face, it seems that no matter how you look at it, he is not the opponent of the two saints.

This is not looking for death?!

Li Changshou can't win at all!

At the same time, the flooded world.

If you want to say who is most shocked, of course, it is the creatures of the flood world.

Because they know best how powerful and terrifying the saint really is!

The saint is the supreme being, connected to the way of heaven, the power is endless, omnipotent, immortal and immortal!

Such a supreme being is completely different from all other living beings.

That's why there is such a sentence, under the saints, are all ants!

However, Li Changshou, an ant under the saint, actually dared to call the saint, and he was still two saints!

No matter how you look at it, Li Changshou seems to be looking for death!

There is no doubt that he will be completely wiped out by the two saints, and his body will disappear, dissipating between heaven and earth, and even the loess will not be left.

Under the saints are all ants, this sentence is not empty words.

At that time, he was as powerful as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but he still fell under the glorious power of the saint.

Li Changshou this guy fainted, actually against the two saints, it can be predicted that the fall is his only end!

"Alas, it's a pity, it's over~. "

"Li Changshou was originally a generation of Tianjiao demons, and he may not have the possibility of achieving the peak of quasi-saints and becoming the first echelon under the saints in the future, but now everything is empty. "

"He's dead. "

"Originally, according to his previous habits, he did not care about anything, did not care about anything, as long as he stayed in his cave mansion and cultivated well, he definitely had a lot to do. "

"But who would have thought that this guy would suddenly go crazy, jump out, and take the initiative to get involved in this dispute, you say this is not looking for death?"

"No, isn't this guy Li Changshou the most afraid of contamination with cause and effect?"

"How could he be involved in a dispute, something was wrong, how could he take the initiative to contaminate cause and effect, he was crazy?"

"What's going on?"

"Could it be that this kid Li Changshou has any ability to carry us behind his back and be able to do a saint?"

"Ah? What kind of skill does that have to be, a saint?"

"I think it's a bit outrageous!"

"It's just that that's outrageous. "

"Li Changshou's strength is indeed good, but having been a saint, it is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"That's not a cat or dog, that's a saint!"

"In the flood world, under the saints, they are all ants, a non-saint existence, who has done a saint, joking, definitely a joke!"

"Impossible, there is absolutely no such possibility in the Flood Barren World, even if it is a hanging comparison, it is absolutely impossible!"

Such words have attracted countless living beings to praise them.

"That's it, how is it possible, although this guy Li Changshou is a demon, but after all, he is not a saint, then Zhu Ying and Zhun Ti are two saints!"

"Li Changshou is crazy?"

"I haven't heard of any means to make a creature who is not a saint fight two saints. "

"That is, I read little, don't lie to me, anyway, I don't believe that Li Changshou can shake the two saints of introduction and quasi-mention." "

That's a saint!

In the knowledge of the living beings in China, the saint is above all existence.

It is impossible for Li Changshou to shake the saint, Li Changshou this guy, there is no doubt, must be dead!

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked at the sky screen, and his eyes also showed a touch of stunned, obviously a little shocked.

Li Changshou, actually so brave?

This is really rare!

Everything that happened today has completely destroyed the inherent understanding of Li Changshou among the beings of the heavens and realms.

Li Changshou's move made Xiao Yan unable to help but look at it.

Is this really the Li Changshou he saw in the inventory?

So brave, it's just two people!

"Saint, isn't it the supreme existence of the Flood Desolation World, can Li Changshou really defeat?"

"These are two saints. "

Thinking of the incomparably hard time dealing with a saint before, Xiao Yan still shook his head.

He still felt that Li Changshou had no hope of victory.

Although this guy Li Changshou is a demon, although he is a hanging comparison, his strength is far from enough to shake the two saints.

"Could it be that because his friend died, he lost his mind and became angry, did he act like this?"

Xiao Yan groped his chin, to be honest, this is quite possible.

Li Changshou's strength is good, but his temperament is the most cautious, and under normal circumstances, he will definitely not be so gaffe.

There is only one possibility for this, and that is that he collapsed intellectually and lost his mind.

And although Li Changshou is meticulous, there is no doubt that he also attaches great importance to friendship, otherwise, he would not have personally come to help the Golden Spirit Virgin and others.

Our Lady of Golden Light killed herself in front of him, and Li Changshou watched his friend fall, but he couldn't do anything to stop it.

It is estimated that it is precisely because of this that his sanity collapsed to act like this?

That's a reasonable explanation.

Of course, in fact, Xiao Yan is also very curious, is the saint of the Flood Barren World really so powerful, so perverted, and so incomprehensible?

Even Li Changshou's hanging ratio is as small as an ant in front of the saint, and he has no ability to shake the saint at all.

Could it be that the saints are supreme, and there is no way to overcome them?

Is it really so against the sky?

As a veteran of crossing the ranks to kill enemies, Xiao Yan doubted this.

If the saint is really that perverted, then against the sky, doesn't it mean that Li Changshou will die today?

Looking at the picture on the sky dome, Xiao Yan was also curious about what would happen next.

What will Li Changshou do?

At the same moment, the mortal plane.

Han Li looked confused.

"What is the situation, the most meticulous person in the heavens and realms, the recognized king of Gou King, the Gou Zhong Saint actually took the initiative to abandon his own way of Gou, took the initiative to contaminate cause and effect, and faced the two saints?!"

"Wucao, Li Changshou, to be honest, are you really serious?"

Li Changshou not only took the initiative to contaminate cause and effect, but what he contaminated was also a big cause and effect!

Nonsense, the West teaches two saints, this cause and effect, can it be small?

With his own strength, fighting two saints alone, in exchange for whom, the evaluation is only two words: crazy!

Isn't this crazy what is it?

With the extreme power of Li Changshou, a hard steel saint is already his limit, how can he win if he shakes two saints?

The creatures of the heavens and realms did not see the slightest hope or possibility of victory!

Simply impossible!

Li Changshou was not a match for the two saints at all.

Fang Cai, he had struggled to face Jun Ti like that.

Now there is another more powerful connection than Jun Ti, but Li Changshou has become his own.

Under this trade-off, he is definitely not the opponent of the two saints of the West.

Li Changshou tried almost everything to finally injure Jun Ti.

Now to ask him to face two saints alone with his own strength is undoubtedly a fantasy, and it is a little too harsh.

Unless...... What cards does he have?

Thinking of this, Han Li's eyes lit up.

Could it be said that the reason why Li Changshou acted like this is not that he has no confidence, and he still has unknown hole cards?

What kind of hole card must be against the heavens to defeat the two saints?

Han Li didn't dare to think about it.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes flickered.

At this point in time, Li Changshou should have already entered the Taiqing Gate.

If Taiqing saw his disciple like this, he should not stand idly by.

Taiqing is also a saint, perhaps the most powerful existence among the saints, if he makes a move, not to mention whether he can defeat the two saints of Zhuyi and Zhun Ti, at least keep Li Changshou's name.

Perhaps, is there really a drama?

At the same time that the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, Li Changshou on the sky screen showed sadness and sadness.

He does have a lot of hole cards.

These hole cards have never been shown, and perhaps with these hole cards, he can indeed fight with the saint.

But then what?

Even if you can fight together, so what?

His master Taiqing once told him: Saint, do not die!

Because, the existence of the six saints is actually balancing the power of the Heavenly Dao.

If a saint falls, the Dao of Heaven will lose its balance.

At that time, it will be the real disaster of the flood world and countless living beings!

Therefore, even for this, the saint cannot fall.

Thinking of this, Li Changshou was unwilling, and his heart was even more angry.

The saint is immortal, on the one hand, because its supreme power is connected to the Heavenly Dao, and with the help of the power of the Heavenly Dao Origin, it can continuously condense the body and body, and it is difficult to completely annihilate.

As for the other hand, it is for the balance of the power of the Heavenly Dao, for the sake of the overall situation!

But now, the saint has long been unable to restrain the Heavenly Dao.

The relationship between the Heavenly Dao and the saints is no longer what it should be.

And the saint is becoming more and more arrogant.

Everything has changed.

But for the sake of the general trend, he still can't kill the saint!

Even if he had enough hole cards, even if he had enough confidence, he still couldn't make a move against the saint.

Because of the big picture!

For the sake of the big picture, he can't shoot!

He could only watch his friend being forced to death by Jun Ti, and he could only watch with his own eyes that the Golden Virgin was forced to kill herself and fall in front of him.

He saw it all with his own eyes, but was powerless to change it.

He hated this sense of powerlessness.

Floods should not be like this, everything should not be like this.

Not even saints!

"Saint, on what basis can he decide whether he lives or dies?"

"Saint, why is it high?"

"Saint, how can you overlook all living beings?"

Li Changshou's roar shook the heavens and the earth, and at this moment, the entire Hong Wilderness trembled violently because of his angry roar.

Li Changshou roared angrily at the sky, and his voice shook the Nine Heavenly Dome and rolled up wantonly.

"Teacher, today I want to kill the saint!"

"At all costs, I will kill the Second Saint of the Western Sect!"

"All the consequences, the disciple alone, one force!"

"No matter what the cost, today, I want to kill the saint!"

Li Changshou's tone was categorical, and he did not regret death, he looked above the sky dome, his eyes firm!

At this moment, the thoughts in his heart were extremely smooth and firm!

In an instant, the heavens boiled in an instant!

"Domineering! So domineering!"

"This is the real hanging ratio!"

"Cool! Cool!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were overjoyed.

"Li Changshou at this moment is simply so handsome that he has no friends!"

"Did I hear me wrong, what did he say he was going to do?"

"He wants to kill the saint?!"

"Killing Saint?!Lying groove, is this still the Li Changshou I know?"

"He's meticulous, Ye Qingjie!"

At the same time, all the sentient beings in the flood desolation were numb.

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