In an instant, the creatures of the heavens and realms only felt that their understanding had been completely subverted, and there was a sense of absurd and illusory distortion, and they fell into a deep shock.

They had already seen the power of the saint before, and it was not clear how powerful and terrifying the power of the saint was, and it was incomparable!

The saint is the supreme existence of the flood world, and his great power is infinitely vast, naturally there is no need to say more.

Moreover, they have also seen with their own eyes the power of the Quasi Saint, which is indeed coercing the heavens and the earth, shaking the universe, and the entire flood world is almost crawling down, which is extremely terrifying!

That Golden Spirit Virgin had faced the power of the saint in the inventory of the heavenly eye before, but she couldn't resist the coercion of the saint at all!

And the Golden Spirit Virgin is a quasi-saint power, with incomparable strength, only under the saint, but also a saint himself, the master sister of the sect, the strength can be regarded as extremely powerful.

However, even such an existence, in the face of the saint, it could not even withstand the coercion of the saint.

In this way, it is natural to see how powerful and terrifying the saint really is.

But the more so, the more outrageous the scene is now!

Such a powerful saint, just the momentum of the coercion, it is difficult to resist a quasi-saint power that presses it.

But right now, he was hit by Li Changshou and flew!

Li Changshou not only blasted Zhun Ti away, but also hit Zhun Ti and spit out blood, obviously he was not lightly injured.

The saint who suppressed everything and was enough to annihilate and erase everything was seriously injured by Li Changshou's blow and even bombarded.

This...... It's a bit outrageous!

Against the sky, it is simply against the sky!

The creatures of the heavens and realms stared at the picture, and everything that appeared on the sky at this moment was beyond their understanding.

These creatures didn't know what to do for a while.

"It seems that we don't know anything about the power of the hanging ratio. "

Although I have seen the inventory so many times, every time I take a new inventory, it will give the creatures of the ten thousand worlds a feeling that they can actually "160"!

Every time you take stock of a new hanging ratio, it will open the eyes of the creatures of the heavens and realms, and one is more outrageous than the other!

Although he already felt that his acceptance of hanging ratios was high enough, when Li Changshou made a move, injured Zhun Ti with one move, and blasted it away, countless creatures still widened their eyes in an instant, shocked.

"Wang Defa!"

"This is the hanging ratio!"

"This is the hanging ratio, even if it is the flood world, the hanging ratio is still the hanging ratio!"

"What shit saint, don't bird you at all, do what you should do, don't be daunted at all!"

"Against the sky! It's against the sky! These hangings are more outrageous than the other!"

"Flood Wilderness Saint, do it if you want?"

"This is the style of painting that we are familiar with, and this is the strength and forcing that hanging ratio should have." "

"Li Changshou has been here for so many years, and this time he is finally a person. "

"We can finally see the familiar hanging ratio. "

"This is the hanging ratio, cowering, what it looks like, it's just a shame. "

The creatures of the heavens and realms suddenly became excited.

Li Changshou rose to the top, showing his strength to beat the saint violently, as if they were beating the saint with their own hands.

The beings of the ten thousand worlds seemed extremely excited.

"Good, good, good!"

Now, they only looked forward to whether Li Changshou could kill the saint or not.

Although it can injure a saint, it is not simple to truly erase a saint.

He had to cut off his connection with the Origin of the Heavenly Dao in order to truly kill a saint and let him die and disappear.

This is far more difficult than hurting a saint!

At the same time, perfect plane.

When he saw this scene, his eyes also showed shock.

Li Changshou was actually so against the sky, he blasted a saint with one blow!

It was a real eye-opener for him!

The saints of the flooded world are supreme beings.

The strength of the mighty power is definitely the top existence among the countless creatures in the heavens and realms, even he, the immortal emperor, is not a existence of the same realm at all.

But such a supreme existence was actually beaten away by Li Changshou.

How this does not shock Arashi.

Rao Shihuang has seen a lot and seen countless strong people, and at this moment, he was still shocked.

Li Changshou is indeed meticulous, but he is not without strength.

The current beating of the saint is the best portrayal of his strength.

Li Changshou is just a gou, but his strength is just as terrifying!

If he strikes with all his might, then even saints will be beaten violently, just like today.

"Against the sky, it's simply against the sky!"

This was the first time that the Barren Heavenly Emperor felt that Li Changshou was unimaginable, and it was really against the sky.

At the same time, he couldn't understand why Li Changshou had such a strong strength, and he had to be so meticulous, which was simply unreasonable.

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li stared at the sky curtain, and lost his mind for a while.

"I take Nima's, this Li Changshou, why is it so strong?"

Han Li looked at Li Changshou who showed his might in the sky screen picture, and he was completely stunned at this moment.

Li Changshou can actually be strong to this step?

No, that's not going to happen.

Didn't it say okay, there are ants under the saints?

But as a saint, this quasi was really beaten by Li Changshou!

Isn't this Nima a joke?

The saint was violently beaten, Li Changshou is really a word, and he will open and hang ah.

However, this hanging is really a bit against the sky and can beat up the saint.

Let Li Changshou defeat a saint in the realm of a non-saint, this hanging is indeed a little too anti-heavenly.

Li Changshou, Li Changshou, really answered that sentence, and if it doesn't sound, it has become a blockbuster!

At this time, Li Changshou could be regarded as letting the creatures of all the heavens and realms see his strength.

It is estimated that from now on, no one will dare to laugh at him.

"Li Changshou, against the sky!"

Han Li gave a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart, praising Li Changshou, who was even more meticulous than himself.

At the same time, the flood world, Mount Meru in the west.

Seeing that he was actually bombarded by Li Changshou's blow, Jun Ti couldn't bear it at all!

He is also a saint, although he is the existence of the crane tail among the saints of the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao, but he is also a saint!

The saint was actually bombarded by such a little guy as Li Changshou, didn't he want face?

But he is a saint, and the face of a saint does not want money?

Under the saint are all ants, Li Changshou, this ant, actually injured his own saint.

Moreover, it was still in front of so many creatures in the heavens and realms.

Is he allowed to mention it without face?

For a time, the Junti Saint was naturally furious, and he couldn't care about his identity as a saint, and without saying a word, he directly got up and flew out of Mount Meru, coercing the sky, sweeping wantonly, and went straight to the Duxian Gate!

Sage coercion, straight Li Shou!

This time, he directly obliterated Li Changshou first, so that Li Changshou could not grow up.

See how you hurt this saint and how you slash the saint against the sky!

Jun Ti's eyes were full of anger and resentment.

As a saint, although he could not deduce Li Changshou, he knew where Li Changshou is now.

Despite the cover of Taiqing, he was still able to roughly calculate that Li Changshou was now in the Duxian Gate.

In this heavenly curtain, Li Changshou was so arrogant that he even clamored to kill the saint.

Moreover, he also confronted himself, he was not even the opponent of this guy, he was bombarded by him, and even mentioned that he was spitting blood from his mouth.

This is unacceptable to Zhun Ti.

Therefore, he personally came and went to the Duxian Gate to directly obliterate Li Changshou!

Even if Li Changshou is a saint disciple in the future, even if he is a hanging bi, what if he has the protection of the Heavenly Dao.

Li Changshou has not grown up yet, as a saint, can't he erase such an ant as Li Changshou?

Not much to say, he must kill Li Changshou and completely annihilate him!

He wanted to see how Li Changshou, who was killed, could turn the tide against the sky?

How could Li Changshou still hurt himself!

Jun Ti gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

As a saint, he was so embarrassed by Li Changshou that he was frequently provoked by that junior.

Now in front of the heavens and realms, he was beaten by such a little guy until he vomited blood and flew out upside down, who can bear this?

Who can endure this?

He is a saint!

The dignity of a saint has been trampled on in this way, if he does not take revenge and comes back, is he still a saint?

Between Zhun Ti's eyebrows, he was full of resentment and coldness.

This time, he had to kill Li Changshou!

Jun Ti also sensed the crisis, and if he allowed Li Changshou to grow up, it would definitely be a big trouble for their Western Sect's henchmen.

And today's Li Changshou is not so perverted in the inventory, he has not grown up now, and he can't even resist his coercion.

As long as he made a move, the coercion spread out, it was enough to erase Li Changshou and completely erase it between heaven and earth.

Be sure to let it go to dust!

However, just when Zhun Tixiong was in high spirits and ready to go to Li Changshou for trouble.

Between heaven and earth, a clear qi suddenly fell from above the nine heavens and blocked in front of Zhun Ti.

On that clear breath, spread the familiar breath, it is Taiqing!


For a time, Jun Ti's face changed, and it was extremely exciting.

How could he forget this stubble, although Li Changshou is hateful, he is indeed too clear a disciple!

Taiqing is now a personal disciple, that Xuandu.

If you count Li Changshou, it is only two.

The only second disciple of Taiqing, if he killed Li Changshou, he would completely offend Taiqing to death!

And although Taiqing is as good as water and does not like disputes, he is undoubtedly the first saint, the first person under the heavenly path!

It is by no means comparable to such a saint who honors the last seat.

For a while, Jun Ti's momentum suddenly dissipated, and he was provoked!

He didn't want to be an enemy of Taiqing. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Although Taiqing seems to be an old and good man, who doesn't know his horror, and he is two disciples, can he not protect the calf?

It can be imagined that if he really made a move to erase Li Changshou, in order to protect his disciples, Taiqing would do something.

Thinking of this, Jun Ti could only sigh unwillingly.

He wanted to kill Li Changshou, but he didn't want to be an enemy of Taiqing!

Taiqing, it's really terrifying!

Forget it, forget it....

Jun Ti could only shake his head unwillingly, let's take a look before talking.

He didn't believe it, then Li Changshou, can he really kill the saint?

Just kidding, think Choi's joke!

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

It is extremely difficult to completely erase a saint!

Even for a saint, it is extremely difficult to erase a saint.

As for Li Changshou's junior, he is not a saint, and if he wants to completely kill himself, it is simply a fool's dream, and there is absolutely no such possibility!

If you want to completely erase yourself and let yourself die in the Dao, then you must cut off the connection between yourself and the Heavenly Dao.

And if he wants to cut off the connection between himself and the Heavenly Dao, then Li Changshou must establish contact with Tai Dao.

Li Changshou that guy, he still doesn't know?

After looking at such a long period of inventory, Zhun Ti can be regarded as having figured out Li Changshou's character.

Li Changshou is as timid as a rat, and he is extremely scrupulous, for fear of being contaminated with cause and effect.

He will definitely not take the initiative to establish contact with the Heavenly Dao and be contaminated with great cause and effect!

That being the case, that is to say, Li Changshou has no way to erase himself at all.

Then there is nothing to be afraid of.

Since Li Changshou can't kill himself, then the end must be him, a saint, who personally kills Li Changshou who dares to offend the majesty of the saint!

Just an ant, dare to offend the majesty of the saint, die!

"I am a saint, supreme!"

Jun Ti's eyes flashed a sharp color.

"Even if it is a hanging ratio, it is difficult to shake the status of this saint!"

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were shocked by Li Changshou injuring Zhun Ti, the picture on the sky screen changed again.

Li Changshou's momentum was high, burning like a flame, and it was stirring wantonly.

He looked at Zhun Ti coldly, with a cold expression, and at the same time, the killing momentum also rose up in the sky, surging wantonly, like a river and a sea rolling.

The powerful and incomparable momentum soared into the sky and swept the heavens and the earth!

"Jun Ti, the era of the invincible world of saints has passed!"

He shouted, and Na Jun Ti was furious, and the two bombarded together again!

Although the enemy he faced was a saint, Li Changshou was still magnificent, mighty, and undaunted.

Every move and style exudes an incomparably powerful aura, as if it can shatter heaven and earth and shake the heavenly dome!

And that Zhun Ti, as a dignified saint, was beaten by a junior of Li Changshou without any ability to fight back, retreating one after another, embarrassed!

Li Changshou also knew that saints could not be easily killed.

If you want to completely obliterate the saint, you must establish a connection with the Heavenly Dao.

And if you establish contact with the Heavenly Dao, you will be bound by the Heavenly Dao.

Li Changshou has more important things to do, and he must not be bound by the Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, Li Changshou transmitted Zhao Gongming, let him follow the method he taught him and obtain the approval of the Heavenly Dao!

In an instant, Zhao Gongming nodded and understood what Li Changshou meant.

To be honest, the current Zhao Gongming is also extremely nervous, because what they are doing now is a move against the sky that has never been done in the past!

The two of them are not the juniors of the saint, and they want to forcibly rebel against the saint and kill the saint as non-saints!

That's all they have to do!

Such a feat, it can be called terrifying!

He didn't want to live up to 2.0 and all the efforts Li Changshou had made for this matter, and what they wanted to kill was still a saint.

Therefore, Zhao Gongming was naturally quite nervous.

But even so, he still followed everything Li Changshou told him, meticulously doing what he had to do, without the slightest panic.

However, his heart was beating wildly, beating extremely fast.

This is something that all living beings have never done in ancient times, and if it can be done, his name will shock the world after all and spread for eternity!

Zhao Gongming took out his most important treasure, twenty-four Dinghai God Beads.

In the original timeline, Zhao Gongming will fall in the Sealing God Tribulation, and the twenty-four Dinghai God Beads will be obtained by burning lamps, dedicated to Western religions, and evolve into the twenty-four heavens of Buddhism!

But now, Zhao Gongming is not dead, the Dinghai God Pearl is still in his hands, and the heavy task of evolving the twenty-four heavens naturally falls on Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming used twenty-four Dinghai God Beads to evolve the twenty-four heavens and join the Dao.

His body rippled with an incomparably powerful momentum!

The heavens unfolded, stretching out in this heaven and earth, Zhao Gongming's momentum was unimaginable!

And seeing this scene, Jun Ti also instantly understood Li Changshou's plan, and immediately he was shocked, his scalp was numb, and he turned around and wanted to run.

However, Zhao Gongming has successfully joined the way, and his strength is unimaginable.

Coupled with Li Changshou on the side, under the continuous bombardment, even if he burned mana, he was unable to return to the sky!

In the end, Jun Ti, who was fleeing in embarrassment, was pierced by Li Changshou's killing gun, stabbing a pair of penetrating hearts!

And the connection between him and the Heavenly Dao was also cut off by Zhao Gongming's twenty-four heavens!

Yuanshen was also destroyed by a pinch!

Above the dome of the sky, there was a rain of blood!

Heaven weeps for the vision of the fall of the saint!

One of the Six Saints of the Flood Wilderness, the Quasi Ti Saint, completely fell, and his body was destroyed!

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were all stunned, and then went crazy! .

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