Wolf Wind is the best among the young generation of Wolf Village, his strength is very strong, he has polished his martial arts quite well at a young age, and his strength is also one of the best among his peers.

Therefore, Chen Feng was moved.

He just happened to have a task to accept disciples to see if he could accept Chen Feng as a disciple.

However, when he wanted to try to collect wolf-flavored disciples, a word came from the Super Ancestor System.

"The object's qualifications are too low to become a disciple of the host."



In an instant, Chen Feng's eyes widened, do I knock!

Are you kidding?

Not enough qualifications?!

At this time, Chen Feng was really speechless.

Because of the existence of this task of accepting disciples, Chen Feng thought at first, if it really didn't work, he would first accept four disciples at random to fool him and save his own life.

You can't reopen it as soon as you cross over, then your luck is too bad.

However, I didn't expect that this system still has such a hand.

Good, good, good a dog system, what a dog!

It actually has qualification requirements!

This is simply wanting to die yourself!

At the same time, when the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they were first stunned, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, I lean, laugh at me, this system will really make trouble, there are actually qualification requirements for recruiting disciples!"

"Can't just find four disciples to fill up indiscriminately, and you must be able to meet the qualification requirements of the system, isn't this to let the host die?"

"If this ancestral master system wants the host to die, it can obviously be done directly, there is no need to be so complicated."

"I knock, what a system, this heart is too dark, actually came out with such a hand, good and good, worthy of the most pitted system."

"Spreading such a system, it's really pouring blood mold."

"Fellow Daoists, to tell you the truth, even the ancestors of various sects have a hard time recruiting four well-qualified disciples within a year, not to mention Chen Feng, a poor and white who has just crossed over and doesn't understand anything."

"This system is obviously trying to embarrass its host, it's really abominable."

"The heart of this system is so dark that it is simply going to kill the host."

"I knock, what a system, it's really not the son of man, such a system, hurry away from him, otherwise it will really finish the calf."

"Suddenly I feel that having a system is not necessarily a good thing, in case such a system is spread, it will really be finished."

"Within a year, you must recruit four disciples who meet the qualification requirements, otherwise they will be wiped out... It's better to directly obliterate the 410 master, this Nima is really difficult for strongmen. "

Perfect plane, above the sky.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor's brows furrowed, looked at the picture of the heavenly curtain, and shook his head slightly.

The requirements of this system are too harsh, and this Chen Feng is not a figure like the Great Elder, how can he say that he can accept disciples if he accepts them?

Accepting four protégé disciples within a year, and having to meet the qualification requirements of the system, in the opinion of No. 10, it is really a bit embarrassing.

At the same time, No. 10 had some expectations, could Chen Feng complete this obviously difficult task?

What kind of disciples he will accept is really exciting.

Cover the sky.

Ye Fan stood in the starry sky, looking at the sky screen, sighing faintly.

"My fellow is really unlucky, actually spread such a system, this is also called a system?"

"This is clearly the host murder weapon, and in just one year, I have to accept four disciples who meet the qualification requirements."

"One said, in a year's time, you may not be able to meet four qualified demon people, and still accept them as disciples? It's also too difficult. "

"However, since he can be on the inventory, it means that he must have succeeded, and he must have done something great in the future."

"I'd rather see how he does it."

Such an obviously difficult task can be completed, and this Chen Feng is not simple.

Ye Fan immediately became interested, he had to take a good look, to see how Chen Feng completed the difficulties of the super ancestor system.

At the same time, the sky screen changed again.

He heard from the people of Wolf Village that a little doll from Shicun, only four years old, seriously injured Wolf Village on the first day of Wolf Village.

At this moment, Chen Feng was frantically moved, this little doll is only four years old, and it has such a powerful strength, which can hurt the wolf wind.

If you wait for the little doll to grow a few years older, the future is simply limitless.

The qualifications of this little doll are too terrifying!

Maybe it meets his requirements for accepting apprentices?

For a while, Chen Feng seemed to see hope, and he seemed to be far away from the shadow of death, and the whole person suddenly became excited.

It seems that I have to go to Shicun to see if I can accept that little doll as a disciple.

But you have to go and secretly look, otherwise if you are discovered by everyone in Wolf Village, then he will be finished.

Wolf Village has a feud with Shicun, he currently lives in Wolf Village, if Wolf Village finds him sneaking to Shicun, he will definitely be regarded as a spy who eats inside and outside, and he may be killed.

Alas, in this strange world, it is really difficult, you must always be careful, otherwise you really don't know when your little life will be gone.

However, even if you go to Ishimura to see it, it is estimated that it will not be of much use.

It may not be able to fool that little doll into worshiping himself as a teacher.

If you want to let people worship teachers, at least you have to have some real skills.

Not to mention such a powerful little doll.

Although he is only four years old, he must be very good at fooling, but it also has to have some capital to be able to fool.

Chen Feng frowned, thinking that he was so poor and white, he would not know anything, what to fool.

Take the head to collect disciples?

However, at this moment, an icy voice suddenly sounded in Chen Feng's ears.

It was obviously a cold voice, but when it fell in Chen Feng's ears, it was like a heavenly sound, which made him extremely happy.

"The starter pack has been released, check it out now."

Newbie pack?!

I knock!

The newbie pack, which was not distributed because of the delay in the package system, is finally here!

Chen Feng was extremely happy, suppressed his excitement, quickly found a place where no one was, and chose to open the newbie package.

Opening the newbie package, Chen Feng obtained the four-layer realm of the basic cultivation period and obtained a lottery opportunity, as well as 300 exchange points.

Of course, what made him most excited was to obtain the Dao secret "Nine Heavenly Thunder Zhengfa", as well as the magical power Nine Heavens Thunder Guidance.

At this time, the realm, magical powers, and exercises are all there.

He even has a raffle and redeems points.

I drooled over the dazzling good things in the system mall before, but now I finally have redemption points and can spend them.

However, the things in the mall are still too expensive.

Therefore, Chen Feng was just exchanging his outfit.

After all, people rely on clothes and Buddha rely on gold, he is going to accept disciples this time, if he does not have a strong body, he will definitely be looked down upon, and he will not be able to accept disciples at all.

At this moment, Chen Feng was full of ambition.

Although the cultivation of the fourth layer of refining qi was very low, now, he was also an authentic cultivator with magical powers, cultivation, and exercises.

Fool a little doll and take it as a disciple, or is it a hand-to-hand capture?

When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they also smiled one after another.

"I know that the system must not force the host to death, you see if this is the case, sure enough, the newbie reward still came."

"Super Ancestor System, you really still have a bit of humanity, you didn't smuggle Chen Feng's newbie reward, otherwise he would really be finished."

"Hey, don't say, although this outfit is not cheap, but the effect is really good, after wearing it, there is indeed a feeling of fluttering out of the dust fairy, this exchange point value!"

"The newbie reward has been obtained, and now Chen Feng can also be regarded as a serious cultivator, and he can go out to collect disciples!"

"One thing to say, I am looking forward to Chen Feng's disciple, is he really going to Shicun and accepting that little doll as a disciple?"

"Daoists, I have a very familiar feeling, I always feel that this place in Shicun, where do I seem to have heard of it?"

"Fellow Daoists, do you feel this way?"

"Ishimura... When you say this, it seems to be a little familiar, it seems to be the village where the Barren Heavenly Emperor grew up before? "

"However, the two are not in the same plane at all, and the only thing they have in common should be that they are both small mountain villages called Shicun."

"Daoist, you think too much."


The picture turned on the sky screen, and when passing by the entrance of Shicun Village, Chen Feng saw a scorched black tree trunk.

However, he didn't think much about it.

However, this scene suddenly exploded in the heavens and realms.

"Groove, what is that!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It's just a dead tree trunk, Daoist friend, what are you excited about, why did you suddenly become so excited?" (bcej) Taoist, calm down! "

"No, don't you think this scorched black trunk is very familiar?"

"I knocked, I remembered, it seems that in another village, also called Shicun, there seems to be a scorched black dead trunk, lying trough, won't it..."

For a while, the creatures of the heavens and realms spoke one after another.

At this moment, they were all a little confused.

Immediately afterwards, the sky screen screen continued to change.

When Chen Feng stepped into the stone village, the sound of the system once again sounded in his ears.

"Discover the target, suitable to become a host disciple!"

Groove, finally here!

That's great!

Chen Feng suddenly became excited, and now he would finally not be killed by the system!

His eyes glowed with a faint green light, looking longingly at the stone village, the whole old village chief was confused, what did he want to do?

At the entrance of the village, a little pink doll is playing with a yellow dog there.

The little doll pulled the tail of the big yellow dog hard, and the childlike voice babbled in its mouth.

"Don't run, don't run."

"Objectives: Root Bone - 10; Enlightenment - 8; Mind - 8; Blessing - 8."

The root bone is 10, directly full, such a disciple should be his Chen Feng's first disciple!

Chen Feng is excited, buddy is finally going to complete the task given by this Gou Bi system, it's really not easy!

Chen Feng showed a warm smile on his face, little doll, Master Venerable is here!

Because the little doll was only four years old, it was definitely useless to tell him, so Chen Feng fooled the old village chief.

He told the old village chief that the little doll was the reincarnation of his disciple.

He searched in the red dust for a hundred years, just to find his disciple, and now he finally found the reincarnation of his disciple.

Chen Feng did not rush to accept the little doll as a disciple at the beginning, but first made his position clear and why, wanting to accept the little doll as a disciple through the old village chief's own brain supplement.

"Xiao Budian was born supreme, born with foundation building cultivation, if it weren't for his vicious cousin and aunt who took away the supreme Daoji, it wouldn't be like this."

"Maybe, Xiao Budian is really the reincarnation of that powerful disciple, maybe that powerful person can really help Xiao Budian."

The old village chief couldn't see the level of Chen Feng's cultivation, he could only see the aura fluctuations on Chen Feng's body, and he must be a cultivator cultivator.

But he really didn't want to let Xiao Budian take risks, Xiao Budian's life was too complicated, so he didn't want Xiao Budian to worship the teacher.

After all, Chen Feng's origin is mysterious, and his cultivation is also very mysterious, and he can't rashly entrust Xiao Budian to a stranger.

If his parents entrust their children to themselves, they can't be so unreliable.

All these conversations were quietly talked between the village chief and his wife.

But he didn't expect that Chen Feng, who had already sneaked outside the house, heard it clearly.

Good, good, I didn't expect to be a natural supreme, no wonder the root bone of that little doll is ten!

I knock, born supreme, who is not moved by this!

This is my good disciple of Chen Feng!

This disciple, he took it!

Chen Feng looked excited and overjoyed.

However, at the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms were all dumbfounded.

"Lying groove, one is a coincidence, two can also be said, three four? Brothers, you really can't fool yourself. "

"It's a little scary..."

"I obeyed, what is the situation, can't this little doll be the one?"

"Born Supreme, was robbed by his cousin Supreme Daoji, and sent to a mountain village by his parents, this mountain village is still called Shicun, and there is a charred tree trunk, and that little doll is still called Xiao Budian, and he also likes to drink animal milk!"

"Groove, right! It's all right! "

"Barren Heavenly Emperor?!"

"This Nima is the Barren Heavenly Emperor!"

"No, look at that little doll, it's exactly the same as when the Barren Heavenly Emperor was a child when he was a child!"

"It's just carved out of a mold!"

"Groove, what does that mean? Could it be that the first disciple that Chen Feng wanted to accept was actually the Barren Heaven Emperor? "

"I take Nima's, don't be ridiculous! This is also outrageous, I can't believe it! "

"It's not just you, I can't believe it!"

"The Barren Heavenly Emperor is actually someone else's disciple?"

"As outrageous as it gets, okay?"

"I didn't hear that before joining the Heavenly God Academy, the Barren Heavenly Emperor worshipped the master, it seems that this is estimated to be another same plane in the endless time and space."

"Six six six, I thought he was going to accept some disciple, but I didn't expect it to be the Barren Heaven Emperor!"

"Who is the Barren Heavenly Emperor, he will definitely be able to meet the requirements of this Gou Bi system!"

"Absolutely, I didn't expect that his disciple was actually the Barren Heavenly Emperor."

At the same time, perfect planes.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor looked at the sky curtain and was also silent.

Is this really yourself?!

Another space-time, another perfect plane of self?

He looked at the little doll carved in pink and jade, and always had the feeling of looking in the mirror.

Because when he was young, it was like this, exactly the same as this little doll.

Ishimura, Yanagina...

Unexpectedly, in another plane, there is also their existence.

The other plane of self seems to be luckier than himself.

How many hardships he had gone through to get to this point, the Barren Heavenly Emperor knew in his heart.

If the other plane of self can have a master of the system, he will definitely have a lot less trouble in the future.

I really didn't expect that he would actually have a day as a worship system holder.

It's really interesting.

Ara himself laughed.

"I didn't expect that your first disciple would actually be me."

In the big world, Xiao Yan's eyes widened.

"Groove! Do you want to be so outrageous, it is actually the Barren Heavenly Emperor?! "

"Good boy, it's really not a sound, it's a blockbuster!"

"Just now I also said how to find four disciples, but I didn't expect ah, your kid directly targeted the Barren Heavenly Emperor, SKR ruthless!"

"However, the first disciple is the Barren Heavenly Emperor, how can the disciples after this be accepted."

"No, no, this has not been confiscated."

People are Barren Heavenly Emperors, can Chen Feng really accept apprentices?

Xiao Yanhu looked at the sky screen suspiciously, expressing doubt.

For a time, the creatures of the heavens and realms were interested, wanting to see if Chen Feng could accept another time and space Desolate Heaven Emperor as a disciple.

Everyone stared intently at the picture of the sky screen, their eyes did not blink.

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