In the following days, he gradually got on the right track, and under the "help" or threat of the system, Chen Feng established his sect step by step, and also accepted more disciples.

His sect was established little by little - Daofa, Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Disciple Pavilion...

As the years passed, a behemoth gradually appeared between heaven and earth.

And his sect is getting stronger and stronger, and Chen Feng's own strength is also increasing day by day, becoming more powerful.

In the end, Chen Feng finally achieved the supreme position between heaven and earth, and his sect also became the largest and most powerful holy place in the hearts of countless living beings between heaven and earth.

And the nine major disciples under him, each of them is strong to the extreme, and they can suppress an era, and they are terrifying.

Each of such disciples is enough to become a supreme powerhouse who rules an era and overwhelms his contemporaries, but all of them are under his own disciple.

With such a disciple, can the sect not prosper?

In the end, the founding ancestor of the Xuanmen Heavenly Sect, the lord of the Xuanmen, the supreme heavens of the Tianyuan Great World, the eternal legend, the supreme existence Chen Feng broke through the void, transcended it, and became the eternal legend of the Tianyuan Great World.

However, although he left the Tianyuan Great World, he single-handedly created the Xuanmen Tianzong but stayed in the Tianyuan Great World forever, suppressing the ancient world and suppressing the starry sky.

His disciples, after him, one by one, achieved that supreme glorious realm.

Xuanmen Tianzong Xuan Wangu!

Generations of disciples and masters have become the true supreme holy place of the Tianyuan Great World!

In the entire Tianyuan Great World, all the living beings yearned for it and wanted to join the Xuanmen Heavenly Sect.

Chen Feng, this is the first person in the world's Xuanmen, the first ancestor of the ancient world!

Seeing this, the creatures of the heavens and realms finally couldn't help but sigh.

"I knock, this is also too Nima cow!"

"It's nothing if you are powerful, if you can bring your disciples together, it's a real cow."

"Chen Feng, this is really too ruthless, not only is he detached and has become a legend, his disciples are also legends of the Tianyuan Great World, enough to shock all ages, even after endless years, there are still their legends in this heaven and earth."

"Nonsense, don't look at who the disciples he accepts are, the Barren Heaven Emperor, the Yan Emperor..."

"These are all the protagonists' fate, the children of destiny who are lucky, how can they not become a legend?"

"There is such a disciple under the disciple, his own strength is strong, and it would be strange if the sect he created did not become a legend and a holy place in the heavens and realms."

"In the end, Chen Feng still got his wish and became the first ancestor in history, although the process was a little tortuous, this Dogecoin system always wanted to kill the host, but in the end his achievements were really not small, it was really enviable."

Ten Thousand Worlds looked at the picture on the sky screen with emotion, and his face was full of envy and jealousy.

This kid eventually survived under the various fancy pit hosts of the Dogecoin system, not only that, but also lived his own wonderful.

He is still detached in the end, and the strength of the disciples under his disciples is also stronger than one, and they are all legendary existences.

What is not satisfying about this?

Even the extremely powerful Super Ancestor System could not blame his achievements.

One thing to say, Chen Feng's experience is really good.

Although he has experienced a lot and was still pitted by the system very badly, in the end, he finally achieved the supreme position, and the disciples under his disciples are all legends.

"I knock, worthy of being the protagonist of the system flow, this treatment, really is different."

"People's luck is profound, so many harsh tasks, he can complete, if he changes us, without luck, he will be killed long ago."

"At the beginning, when I saw Chen Feng being pitted by the system, I was still quite worried, for fear that something would happen to him and didn't want him to die."

"But now seeing that he has actually become the supreme ruler of a large world, I can't help but grit my teeth again, what a damn!"

"How can this kid's luck be so good?"

"Of course, I feel bad in my heart when I see my brother suffer, but seeing my brother developing, it's really more uncomfortable than killing me!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, and all of them looked unhappy.

Broken, really let this kid walk, this is still playing Nima.

The creatures in the ten thousand worlds who were not clear were envious and jealous, and even gritted their teeth.

"Brother is doing well, I can't help it'."

And at the same time, the world of ancestors.

Chen Feng looked at himself in the sky and was stunned for a long time, in disbelief.


The existence who wears a feather crown of stars, floats out of the dust, and knows at a glance that the strength is strong, crushing the heavens, and being admired by countless people, is actually himself?!

Moreover, he finally managed to shatter the void, achieve detachment, and leave the Tianyuan Great World?


Groove Groove Groove!

Bull batch!

Not long after Chen Feng crossed over, he had just obtained the system, and he was still in the stage of panic and confusion, and he was not at all accurate about how to change his future path.

However, this inventory undoubtedly gave him a shot in the arm, allowing him to see his future achievements and his own possibilities.

It turned out that he could actually become such a powerful existence.

It's really... Thai pants spicy!

Seeing this, Chen Feng's heart couldn't help but get excited, and his face was full of excitement.

At the very least, when he learned that his life was not in danger, and that he would even be able to become a supreme existence in the future, Chen Feng's whole person was excited.

"Sure enough, the traversers all have a good luck bonus, I won't die hahaha!"

"This seat said, this seat will definitely achieve great things in the future."

As the inventory ended, Chen Feng's heart couldn't help but come alive.

After taking stock, there are still rewards.

If you can get the reward of the inventor, maybe you will not be so ruthlessly pitted by the dog thief of the system.

Suddenly, he thought of the reward for inventory, and suddenly Chen Feng's whole person became more excited.

Take stock of the reward, which is a reward that can change a person's destiny.

If he gets the inventory reward, the tribulations and setbacks he will encounter in the future will not be repeated.

He will go straight to the ninth sky!

The Dogecoin system will no longer be able to hold him.

Chen Feng looked at the sky screen, full of anticipation for the upcoming reward.

I don't know what kind of reward will come down later, will it make him ascend to the sky in one step?

If that's the case, then he'll make a lot of money.

For a while, Chen Feng's heart was moved, and his eyes stared directly at the deep purple-gold sky curtain.

At the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms also realized this, and they all looked up at the sky with curiosity in their eyes.

It seems that this inventory is over, and the reward is estimated to be lowered.

At this moment, a magnificent heavenly sound spread across the four seas and eight wastes, echoing between heaven and earth, and the majestic shore was deep.

[The inventory is over, and rewards are now distributed.] 】

Here it comes!

For a while, the hearts of countless people in the heavens and realms became tense.

But take a good look at what kind of reward this is.

"The reward is finally here, let me see what kind of rich reward this Chen Feng will get."

"Will he be like all the previous stocktakers?"

"It's possible, but I feel that the technology tree he ordered is obviously not on the strength side, but like on the sect side."

"Could it be that this inventory of the rewards lowered will also help him establish a supreme sect?"

"Huh? If that's the case, then I'm going to die of acid. "

"With incomparably terrifying and superb strength, you can actually have a supreme sect? I can't accept this a little! "

Just as the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were discussing, the picture of the sky screen changed.

A figure dressed in coarse linen appeared in the sky and fell in front of the eyes of the creatures of the ten thousand worlds.

"This is Chen Feng!"

"Judging from his dress, he should still be in the stage of just getting the system, and the mortal clothes have not been changed yet!"

"Six, this brother, Ning is Leeuwenhoek alive? Can you see it even if you can? Terrible! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It's coming, look at the sky!"

Hearing this, everyone quickly looked at the sky screen.

From above the lofty and profound heavenly dome, a magnificent, incomparably thick golden light suddenly descended, vast, running through the entire heavenly dome, from above the infinite heavenly dome, straight down, and fell on Chen Feng.

The moment the boundless golden light fell, Chen Feng's aura suddenly became profound and powerful.

His momentum surged like a wave, sweeping and rolling wantonly, shaking in all directions!

His cultivation is rising day by day, and his momentum is sweeping through the wilderness like an unprecedented attitude!

This thick golden light is giving Chen Feng an unprecedented creation.

And this great creation can allow him to achieve detachment and reach the other side!

That's the reward of stocktaking!

Chen Feng's breath climbed step by step, and the qi waves, like a tidal wave, swept in all directions, rolling eight wastes, and circulating wantonly.

In the blink of an eye, he had gone from a mortal with no cultivation at all to a transcendent realm when he became the legend of the Tianyuan Great World in the future!

In just a few breaths, a supreme existence of the Tianyuan Great World was born!

Countless creatures gasped.

"Look! I'll just say, sure enough! "

"The reward of this inventory is so unpretentious, but it is heartwarming."

"Don't talk nonsense with you, don't play with you, directly reward the achievement of the supreme existence and become the strongest."

"Lying groove, look at it, who can block such a reward!"

"Inventor, please, next time take stock of me, I think I can too, I also have the qualifications to become a supreme existence."

"Buddy upstairs, don't think about it, this is a system holder special session, if you are not a traverser, not from Blue Star, and there is no system, then you probably have no chance."

"The reward of the inventory is the biggest opportunity, standing on the ground to achieve detachment, straight to the other side, which directly saves Chen Feng how many years of hard work, if we can also get the inventory reward, it will be great."

"Daoist friends think too much, inventory rewards are not so easy to get."

"And there is one thing to say, if you want to be on the inventory, not everyone can do it."

"At the very least, this one you have to be the owner of the system first, and you have these unrealistic dreams day by day."

"Instead of dreaming about this, you should dream that you can make a fortune."

"Dude, you're also too self-confident, I can't make any of them."

"Ah, if that's the case, here I suggest brother you still don't dream."

"Instead of dreaming of being inventoried, it is better to dream of grabbing the opportunity to ask questions, which is more practical."

"Alas, where is the inventory, competing with us on the same stage, competing for the opportunity to ask questions, one by one, can we really take the opportunity to take the inventory from them?"

As soon as he thought that there had been a supreme existence like a saint in this inventory, countless creatures suddenly felt numb in their scalps.

If only ordinary people would forget it, but even an existence like the Mixed Element Saint came to grab the opportunity to ask questions.

They are not opponents at all, how can this be played?

Yes? How does this play?

There are countless creatures in the heavens and realms, and they can't be counted, even the sands of the Ganges, they may not be so many.

To create an opportunity among so many creatures and seize the opportunity to ask questions, it is simply more difficult than ascending to the sky.

But fortunately, it was pure luck.

Instead of praying to be counted, it is better to pray for good luck and the opportunity to ask questions.

If you can get the opportunity to ask questions, you can also change your life against the sky, anyway, the effect is similar, and asking questions is simpler, what's wrong?

[Inventory ends, next, the rush begins! ] 】

Hearing this, the creatures of the heavens and realms were immediately excited.

"Great! The quiz has finally begun! "

"This time, no matter what, I'm going to get the opportunity to ask questions!"

"The heavenly gods and Buddhas bless, great compassion, supreme inventor blessed, this time I am willing to gamble my good brother's twenty-year life, just to get a chance to ask questions, get rid of it!"

"I am willing to be single for 30 years, get the opportunity to ask questions, and change my life against the sky."

"Inventor, please look at me, this time the opportunity to ask questions, must let me grab it, when I grab the opportunity to ask questions and change my fate, I must let the enemy pay in blood!"

"This time, at all costs, I must also grab the opportunity to ask questions, and I must get the opportunity to ask questions!"

Among the heavens and realms, there are some creatures who have snatched the opportunity to ask questions many times, but they have never found anything.

This time, they really couldn't hold back, and some even sacrificed their good brother's Yang Shou just to get the opportunity to ask questions.

I have to say, it's really hard to collapse.

However, even so, this opportunity to ask questions is not so easy to obtain.

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms compete on the same stage, and everyone (promises) competes for luck together, to see who is lucky, and those who are lucky will naturally get the opportunity to ask questions.

And this kind of competition that relies purely on luck can be said to rely purely on hard power, and luck is also part of hard power!

Even he, the inventor, had no way to manipulate it in the dark.

Therefore, it can only be seen who has better luck among the creatures of the ten thousand worlds.

Of course, in addition to these people, there are also some creatures who have a clear understanding of themselves.

"I didn't grab the opportunity to ask questions so many times, it seems that I don't have this life."

"Still that sentence, I hope that all Daoists will remember the agreement between us, don't forget it!"

"That is, I can only hope that if any Daoist can seize the opportunity to ask questions, please follow the example of Zhang Zhen and ask some questions that can benefit all living beings in the heavens and realms."

"In this way, all our heavens and realms can be beneficial, so why not?"

Some people feel that they have not been given the opportunity to ask questions, so they have to find another way and put all their hopes on others.

I only hope that after others get the opportunity to ask questions, they can not forget the creatures of the heavens and worlds, and remember the agreement between the creatures of the ten thousand worlds.

But how many people can really be so selfless?

Anyway, so far, the creatures of the ten thousand worlds have only seen one creature so selfless, and that is Zhang Sanfeng, who has successfully ascended.

【Preemptive question starts! 】 】

As the voice of the inventor fell, the hearts of the creatures of the ten thousand worlds suddenly raised their throats.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the heavenly dome, and they did not dare to look away for a moment.

Of course, there are also some timid people who dare not look at the picture on the sky screen with their heads down, for fear that the person who appears in the sky screen is not themselves.

At this moment, a figure gradually became clear in the sky.

It was a snowy night, a teenager with a bow on his back, standing in the long night of the snow.

His face was resolute, his expression was calm, and his eyes revealed a supreme firmness.

This boy is the lucky one who asked this question! .

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