In the wailing and pleading of the creatures of the ten thousand worlds, Li Xiaoyao did not have the slightest hesitation and soft-heartedness, and directly closed the inventory, the picture on the sky screen slowly dissipated, and the majestic purple-gold sky curtain gradually dispersed, reproducing the heavenly dome of various planes.

"Forget it, it seems that you can only wait for three days, and then continue to look at the inventory after three days."

"Three days later, there will be an inventory, let's look at it then, this inventory is too overwhelming, inseparable, inseparable."

"Inventor, you must open the inventory as soon as possible after three days, you really can't wait, this inventory is inseparable."

"It's been another difficult three days, if only the inventor could count ten people in one go."

The discussion of the creatures of the heavens and realms gradually dissipated, and Li Xiaoyao opened his eyes in the secret room and exhaled a turbid breath.

Take stock and see what rewards you can get this time.

Is there an opportunity to take that step?

[Congratulations on obtaining 100,000 years of cultivation and nine qi doppelganger. 】

One hundred thousand years of cultivation is already a standard reward, even if Li Xiaoyao has now achieved the Red Dust Immortal, this 100,000 years of cultivation is not a small improvement for him.

The Red Dust Immortal is already a realm that few people on the Desolate Continent can achieve, and above the Red Dust Immortal, what a great realm, the creatures on the Desolate Continent are almost unknowable.

No one knows how far it takes to cultivate to achieve the Red Dust Immortal.

In the history of the Desolate Continent, almost no one has ever achieved the Red Dust Fairy.

With the help of the system, Li Xiaoyao is taking steps towards the realm above the Red Dust Fairy, and perhaps he will become the first existence on the Desolate Continent to achieve above the Red Dust Fairy.

There is a systematic existence, as long as he keeps taking stock, then he is destined to become a great existence above the Red Dust Fairy.

As for another reward - the Nine Qi Doppelganger.

One thing to say, this reward is also quite good.

This "four seven zero" is a doppelganger, which is almost exactly the same as the strength of the Buddha-figure.

Obtaining this doppelganger is equivalent to Li Xiaoyao having another Red Dust Immortal-level combat power.

He alone is two red dust fairies.

The combat power of the two red dust immortals was enough to deter the entire Desolate Continent, making Li Xiaoyao a well-deserved king of the Desolate Continent.

A huge desolate continent can only submit to Li Xiaoyao's great shore.

His own Buddha-figure is a red dust fairy, which has already shocked and awered the entire continent, not to mention another doppelganger of the red dust fairy realm.

This avatar, if used well, will be of great use.

But at the moment, this doppelganger is actually not of much use.

Perhaps later, he will play his role.

For example, if Li Xiaoyao wanted to conquer other planes, and the Buddha-figure attacked other planes, then these nine qi doppelgangers could sit on the Desolate Continent and ensure that they would not be stolen.

Moreover, the cultivation of this Nine Qi doppelganger is not fixed, and he will grow as Li Xiaoyao's strength grows.

If one day, Li Xiaoyao can achieve above the Red Dust Fairy, then this wine doppelganger will also become a supreme existence above the Red Dust Fairy.

In this way, it is even more terrifying.

Although the reward this time was not much, Li Xiaoyao was very satisfied.

He nodded in satisfaction, and then without any hesitation, he accepted the reward.

Next, only wait three days later.

Three days later, the inventory was opened again, and he already had a candidate in his heart.

Three days passed, Li Xiaoyao opened his eyes, and his body exuded a deep and majestic aura.

The time has come, it's time to begin.

With a wave of his big hand, the magnificent purple-gold sky curtain fell from above the nine heavens and landed in every plane.

Many planes of the heavens and realms all appeared that majestic purple-gold heavenly curtain.

Stocktaking, here we go.

"It's coming, it's coming! Hurry, look at the sky screen, the inventory has begun again! "

"I know that the inventor will definitely not miss the appointment, and when the three days come, the stocktaker will come, which is really exciting."

"I don't know the protagonist of the system flow of this inventory, and I don't know what kind of strange system I will encounter this time."

"Don't say anything else, Chen Feng's system is honest, it's really too pitted, I understand that I want to pit the host, I really want to encounter that kind of system, or ask for blessings, not everyone has such good luck and eloquence like Chen Feng."

"I have to say that since the beginning of the inventory, my waist is no longer sore, my legs are no longer painful, and I can go to the third floor in one breath."

"This inventory is really a good thing, we must continue to read it, it is really interesting, there are so many talents in these heavens and realms, before the inventory began, I really didn't expect that there were so many fun people."

"There is a saying, it is because of this inventory that I know that there are people outside the people, there are heavens outside the sky, it turns out that among the heavens and realms, there are so many geniuses, and so many unimaginable existences."

"It's the inventory that has broadened my horizons, and it's hard to imagine what it would be like without the inventory."

"Inventory, always dripping God!"

"I waited for three days, and the inventory finally started again, looking forward to this inventory."

"What if it's me who counts this time?"

"Taoist friends think a lot, there is no system, it is simply impossible, instead of thinking that you are being counted, it is better to wash and sleep early."

"I'm different, I'm not looking forward to inventory, I'm looking forward to asking questions, I want to get the opportunity to ask questions."

"This Daoist friend is the same with you, do you really think that you have such an opportunity to stand out from countless living beings? You should also wash and sleep early. "

"This Taoist friend, his words are too real, so hurtful ahahahha

In the midst of the discussion of the creatures of the ten thousand worlds, above the sky curtain, a magnificent sound descended.

[Inventory of the third protagonist of the system flow: Su Xin! ] 】

[System carried: The strongest villain system! ] 】

[Features of this system: This system can obtain all the villain boss character exercises and martial arts in all martial arts worlds, helping the host become a villain BOSS with strong martial arts! ] 】

Above the purple-gold sky curtain, a figure slowly emerged.

That is a teenager dressed in cloth, this teenager is not unexpected, naturally it is the protagonist of the system flow of this inventory - Su Xin!


The creatures of the ten thousand worlds were shocked.

"Good guy, this is too straightforward, this time the protagonist is actually a big villain?"

"Even his system clearly says that this system is the strongest villain system, and it is committed to making the host the most powerful villain."

"One thing to say, this system is too six, so good, it has to be this system to play."

"Villain system? What about the system for this thing? "

"Villain?" Someone worriedly spoke: "I don't think this system is a serious system, and the host that can be selected by the villain system is definitely not a good person, not to mention that this system is also committed to cultivating the host into a villain." "

"Maybe this inventory, we will witness the rise of a powerful villain."

"Alas, these heavens and realms are really varied, what kind of system there are."

The villains of the heavens and realms were extremely excited, and they roared up to the sky.

"The sky has eyes! It's really eye-catching! "

"God finally sees our villain! We villains have always only been suppressed by positive characters, and the tall image of positive characters has never been cared about. "

"Now, it's different!"

"Our villains have also obtained the system, the most powerful villain! Come on Su Xin, I am optimistic about you! "

"The life of our villain is also fate, and the protagonists of Wei Guangzheng were counted before, and this time it is finally our villain's turn to shine."

"I hope that Su Xin, who is taking stock this time, must be able to deter all planes and let all the creatures of the world know that our villains are not easy to mess with."

"I like this, so straightforward, unabashed, it's also great, love to death."

"Why him? I'm also a big villain, I'm also a big villain, why isn't it me who got the system? "

"Daoist, don't be discouraged, although this system is the strongest villain system, committed to making the host the most powerful villain, but it may not have this ability, if you look closely, you can see that the aura emitted by this young man is not a true cultivator, but a warrior."

"Moreover, the inventor also said just now that the feature of this system is that it allows the host to obtain all the exercises in the martial arts world."

"In other words, this system is just a system of the martial arts world, and it is useless to us immortal cultivators." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Moreover, even if Su Xin really uses this villain system to get started, so what? He is just a martial artist, but Daoist friends are cultivators, are we still afraid of him? "

"Also, it's just a system in the martial arts world, there is really no need to worry."

"The martial arts world, and such a super villain? It's kind of interesting, see what's going on. "

On the canopy, the picture changes.

Inside the dilapidated hut, the light was dim and dim, faintly, and only a thin figure could be seen curled up at the table.

The thin figure curled up, carefully holding half of the moldy nest, as if holding some diluted treasure, and kept swallowing spit.

"No, this is reserved for my brother, I can't eat it."

It was clear that she had been tempted to the extreme by the nest, but the little girl still forcibly restrained herself and did not eat the half of the nest.

"Brother, you must wake up quickly, Xin'er is so useless, Xin'er wanted to go to the medicine store to steal some medicine for her brother to eat, but she didn't steal anything, and she didn't catch the medicine shop treasurer, even the bracelet left for us by my grandmother was snatched away."

"Brother, I miss you so much, you wake up quickly."

Xin'er's little face was full of concern and sadness, and her gaze fell firmly on the boy who was also on the bed, expecting a miracle.

After crying for a while, Xin'er climbed onto the rice jar, carefully counted thirty grains of rice from the rice jar that was almost bottomed, and then began to light a fire to cook.

The children of the poor have long been in charge, and although Xin'er is only seven years old, she has already learned to cook.......

In this world, these poor children, if they want to live, they must face the minions of life as soon as possible, and find a way to survive in the endless suffering.

Although Xin'er is young, she has relied on her brother for life over the years, naturally she is not a pampered eldest lady, and she has also suffered a lot of hardships in life.

Xin'er's little face was smoked black, but he finally made a meal, just a bowl of very thin rice soup.

That's it, it took her a lot of effort.

After all, she was so small.

She took the rice soup and fed it to her brother lying on the bed in small sips, hoping that his brother would get better soon.

My brother was injured and wanted to eat something good, but the family really didn't have money to buy good food for my brother, and even this rice soup was eaten after the last meal and not the next.

"Brother, get better quickly."

Xin'er wrinkled her little face with tears in her eyes.

At the same time, the boy suddenly moved, his eyes blinking slightly, as if he was about to wake up.

Xin'er also noticed this change, and was so excited that even the rice soup in her hand fell to the ground.

"Brother! Brother, you woke up brother! "

Xin'er threw herself into the boy's arms and cried.

"Brother, you finally woke up, Xin'er is so afraid."

"Grandma is gone, Abba is gone, Xin'er is so afraid that her brother is also gone."

"Brother, you're finally awake."

Su Xin slowly opened his eyes and looked at the roof blankly, digesting everything in his mind.

In his last life, he was a young and accomplished middle-level manager, and he was already a manager in less than thirty, with hundreds of people under his command, and he was full of spirit.

However, during a trip, they meet gangsters, who not only rob everyone in the car of money, but also want to insult a female passenger.

There were more than thirty people in the car, only Su Xin stood up to stop it, but the others all watched coldly, and Mu Ran watched him being beaten to death by three big pictures.

There were more than thirty people in the whole car, and none of them helped him, even the female passenger he had just risked her life to save looked at him numbly and did not help him.

At the moment of death, Su Xin's heart was cold.

He vowed to be a bad person in the next life, and he would never be a rotten good person again.

Only by being a bad person can you mix and thrive.

Unexpectedly, by chance, he did not die, but crossed.

Travel to this place called the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The place where he is now, according to the memory of the original owner, should be the Changning Mansion of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The original owner, Su Xin, should be a small gang member of the Flying Eagle Gang in the Three Gangs and Four Associations of Changning Mansion, and both parents died, leaving only a seven-year-old sister, Su Xin'er, to live with him and rely on each other for life.

He had actually woken up three days ago, but at that time he only woke up consciousness and could not dominate his body.

Only now can he move a little.

During these three days, he saw with his own eyes how Su Xin'er took care of herself.

This also made Su Xin's already completely cold heart slightly warm 2.1.

He could feel the meticulous care of this seven-year-old girl and the helplessness of loneliness.

Three days ago, in a gang fight, Su Xin was framed and besieged to death by his old opponent, and this was his crossing.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the cute little girl in front of him, with warmth in his eyes.

"Xin'er is good, my brother is awake, there is my brother here, and I won't let anyone bully you."

Looking at the originally cute little girl now like a little beggar, Su Xin's heart hurt like pins and needles.

[Su Xin, originally a small leader of Blue Star, young and promising, was beaten to death by gangsters when he saw righteousness and bravery, and then crossed and obtained the strongest villain system. ] 】

"What? Blue Star? Blue Star again?! "

"What's going on with this blue star, why is it so amazing, so many hanging ratios, so many system flow protagonists, all from Blue Star."

"This makes me curious, what kind of magic does this blue star have, can make so many people become the protagonists, is there any metaphysical theory in this plane?"

"Not only that, all the systematic people are traversers from Blue Star, have you found out?"

"From Xu Que in the wall-hanging inventory to the three people in the inventory of the protagonists of this system flow, they are all traversers from Blue Star, it seems that Blue Star and Crossing may be the key factors to obtain the system, and one is indispensable."

"It's kind of interesting, I'm full of curiosity about this blue star now, if I can cross the plane and go to other planes, I must see what is different about this blue star."

"Being able to give birth to so many hanging ratios, is this blue star really the legendary land of hanging comparisons?"


For a time, countless creatures in the heavens and realms became curious about Blue Star, wanting to see such a magical place.

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