After Nobita finished teasing Shizuka, he went in the direction of the bookstore.

He has not forgotten his goal, which is to buy comics.

On the bookshelf, Nobita gets the comic book that he has been thinking about.

"Ahh "

Nobita cheered.

I took out the money and prepared to pay.

"No, I have the Devil's Passport now, so it's okay if I don't have to pay. "

Come to the radio.

Nobita's use of the Demon Passport is already like a fish in water.

He said to the cashier as a matter of course: "I took this comic, you should be okay with it, right?".

The cashier glanced at the demon's passport, then replied with a smile, "Okay, welcome next time." "

This moment.

Nobita felt so happy.

I've never been so happy.

In the past, in order to buy comics, I had to save up for several days of pocket money.

But with the devil's passport, he can completely prostitute for nothing.

He excitedly rushed out of the bookstore.

"Great, I can take the comic book away properly. "

[Ying Lili: You can really prostitute for nothing, it's amazing. 】

[Soul Emperor: Guy with no future, give me this passport, and I will definitely prostitute all the wealth of the ancient clan for nothing. 】

[Kiana: Isn't there any price to be paid for such a powerful prop?].

[lancer: The weapon of the law of cause and effect, generally speaking, can only be perfectly controlled by those who have a firm mind. 】

[Two rituals: Indeed, if there is a slight loosening of the will, it will be swallowed up. 】

[March 7: So, do you also have the law of cause and effect prop?].

[Two ceremonies: confidential. 】

[Big Big Wolf: What, I thought Nobita was going to rob a bank, but I ended up buying a comic book, which is really unpromising. 】

[Indigo dyeing: Heaven and earth, I am the only one. 】

Facing the sunset,

Nobita is running down the street with his favorite comic book in his arms.

It is said that the extremes of things must be opposed.

When Nobita felt the happiest,

Suddenly, a sense of guilt welled up in my heart.

"If I take the comic book, then the owner of the bookstore will lose more than 300 yuan, is that really good?"

He stopped

Look at the demon's passport.

The demon's avatar on the passport made Nobita feel a little depressed.


Nobita seems to hear the demon's laughter.

In this way, Nobita's originally happy mood instantly fell.

He returned to his house dejected.

[Big Big Wolf: It's really a guy who doesn't get angry, such a good baby, and I don't know how to make good use of it. 】

[Whitebeard: Hahaha, interesting guy.] 】

[March 7: It's a child after all.] 】

[Tang San: I would like to call it n paralysis, the world is centered on me, and everything is mine. 】

[Zhang Chulan: So, you are very brave?].

[Tang San: I'm super brave. 】

[lancer: The guy who can only explode the wall, let's wash and sleep, I don't have any self-knowledge. 】

in the picture.

Doraemon greets Nobita at the door.

Seeing Nobita come back, Doraemon didn't blame him for the first time.

"How does it feel to do something bad, do you feel happy?".

"It's fine. "

Nobita casually coped with it

Then he went to the second floor by himself.

Spread out your newly purchased comic book and start having fun with it.

As time passed, minute by minute,

Nobita's mind began to drift away.

His mind wasn't in the comic books at all.

Rather, I thought about everything that happened today.

"My mother is also very pitiful, she is also working hard every month for the sake of the family......".

Nobita shook his head vigorously, trying to shake off these non-existent thoughts.

"Ah~ This comic book is really good. "

[Ying Lili: I'm laughing to death, Nobita obviously doesn't have the heart to read comic books. 】

[March 7: We think so too. 】

[Nobita: How is it possible, I like to read comic books the most.] 】

[Aizen: Is this a side effect of the Demon Passport?].

[Zhongli: Maybe it's just Nobita's morality that he feels indebted. 】

[Big Big Wolf: Useless things, the Demon Passport is simply given to King Ben. 】

[Madara Uchiha: So far, I don't know the true power of the Demon Passport, and I don't know if it can affect the entire world. 】

[Soul Emperor: I think it's difficult. 】

[Yotsuya Miko: @哆啦A梦, do you know?].

[Doraemon: To be honest, I haven't tried it either. 】

[Lancer: It seems that we can only try it out after winning the Q&A later.] 】

in the picture.

Big Ambition absentmindedly looked at the comic books.


His mind kept coming back to the bad things he had done today.

Kicking into the trash can on the side of the street, lifting Shizuka's skirt, ruthlessly educating the fat tiger, and prostituting comic books ......

"I ...... It seems like it's gone too far. "

Nobita seems to have recognized the wrong behavior

However, it was at this time,

A black demon head appears in Nobita's mind.

"It's just a few little things, it's really useless. "

The demon tries to convince Nobita to accept it all in peace.

"But ......."

"If you hold back, then you will suffer forever, people like you, I can't help you, it's really useless, coward. "

[March 7: Mom, is this a real demon? 】

[Ying Lili: How do I feel that the demon is quite right, Nobita is a coward. 】

[Nobita: How can this be, I'm not worried about expensive. 】

[Doraemon: Obviously, it is. 】

[Tang San: Can this also be called a demon? It's ridiculous. 】

[Aizen: I think it's more like a demon.] 】

[Soul Emperor: Once the heart demon is formed, there will be endless troubles. 】

[Night God Moon: In real life, what the demon said is correct. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Agreed.] 】

[Big Big Wolf: Can't agree more.] 】

[Soul Emperor: Can't agree more?What does this mean?].

[Big Big Wolf: It's the meaning of super invincible consent!].


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