Tale of Discovery

Chapter 230: Single Valkyrie ; Comfort

Opening my eyes, I am met with Sora's sleeping face.

Thinking about her clinginess from last night, I let out a small sigh before using Permeation to free my arm from her grasp.

Then, I look down at Ophis and Gula who are sleeping atop my body as if it were some huge pillow.

Looking to my left, I see that Ayumi isn't holding onto me, causing me to sigh in relief.

I slowly raise my body, which slightly disturbs Ophis and Gula as the two of them both open their eyes and raise their heads.

Two pairs of beady eyes stare at my face for a few seconds before they both understandably move off my body.

Slowly floating up from the bed, I place my hands on their heads and rub a little before floating off the bed onto my room's floor.

The two of them stare at me for a few seconds before setting their heads on the bed and dozing off.

These two... They're so adorable that if I didn't know any better, I would've assumed that they were the most harmless beings in this world.

Shaking my head, I remember that it's Sunday, so there isn't school today. Now that I'm up this early anyway, it would be a waste to go back to sleep.

As such, I leave my room and make my way to the living room.

Upon arriving there, I find Rossweisse who is surrounded by a few notebooks and a plethora of papers.

"What are you doing?" I curiously question.

Rossweisse who was intently focused on her writing gets so surprised that she accidentally throws the pen in her hand at me.

I casually catch the pen before walking over to the sofa she is sitting on and telekinetically clear the mess before taking a seat beside her.

Grabbing her hand, I place the pen on her palm and say, "So?"

"Oh... Ah, yes!" she says in a high-pitched voice, "I was trying to work out Your Grace's foes."

"What do you mean?"

"Here," she says while presenting me the notebook she was just writing in.

Taking it into my hands, I skim through the content before realizing what she meant.

"Basically, you want to separate them accordingly so fighting against them will be easier, right?"

"That's correct," she responds while smiling, "This way, we can pick off of a certain group without any worry."

"Even so," I say while glancing at the notebook, "You have taken into account almost everyone's power in this notebook. Is this what you were discussing with the other girls last night while I was preparing Jeanne's room?"

"Indeed," she responds, "I was surprised to know that such powerful beings are living in this mansion."

"Well yeah," I say as a wry smile forms on my lips, "Excluding me, there are six individuals here capable of clashing with gods."

"Anyway," I say before Rossweisse can make any remarks regarding my statement, "How about you add my power here?"

"Is that fine?" she responds, a little shocked.

"Why not?" I say, "I will just give you a general idea of my powers, not a rundown of every single one of my abilities."

"Ah, alright," she says before taking the notebook from my hands and opening a new page.

As such, I begin to give her a brief description of my Code Essences and my 'affinities'.

When we reached the part about me being able to create anything as long as it's identified by the populace, she was shocked silly.

It took her a solid minute to regain her clarity before she began to frantically describe how absurd my power is.

"So, if everyone is made to believe in the existence of a weapon capable of destroying planets, Your Grace would be able to create it?"

"Essentially," I say, pleasantly surprised by the fact that she arrived at the same conclusion that I did. It seems like I have to try this out sometime in the future.


Finally. Done with giving Rossweisse a briefing of my Holy Essences, I let out a sigh before leaning back on the sofa and staring at her face as she intently deliberates on the info I just shared.

"Rossweisse, what do you think of my decision?"

"Eh?" she voices in a confused tone while looking my way.

"Are you dissatisfied with anything here?"

"Not at all," she hastily responds, "It's much more comfortable here elsewhere. At least, I don't get mocked here."

"Mocked?" I curiously inquire.

"Ah!" Rossweisse exclaims before pressing her hand against her lips.

"What's that about?" I ask while grinning.

Rossweisse's expression changes to that of embarrassment as she says, "I... am single."

"That's all?" I respond with raised brows, "How did that become something to mock?"

"It's uh... The thing is... I have never had a boyfriend," she meekly responds as her cheeks redden.

"Let me guess," I say, "It's because you're too serious."

As a response to this, Rossweisse groans as if she just took a bullet shot.

"There is a simple solution to that, you know?"

"Huh?" she looks at me with a befuddled expression.

"Get a boyfriend."

Silence ensues for a few seconds before Rossweisse leans back on the sofa and exclaims in a saddened voice, "Even Your Grace is mocking me now."

"How is that considered mocking," I say while moving closer to her, "Setting your cuteness aside, I'm sure that your lovely personality will easily get you one."

"In fact," I say in a serious tone, "You can get one at this very moment?"

"Eh?" Rossweisse mutters in a baffled tone while looking into my eyes.

After a few seconds, Rossweisse realizes the meaning behind my words as her eyes widen and her body flinches.

"I couldn't possibly do that!" she hastily exclaims.

"Why not?" I say, unfazed.

"Because..." her words trail off as a look of uncertainty appears on her face.

"See? There is no problem," I say while beaming a smile.

Even after half a minute has passed, Rossweisse doesn't say anything, so I grab her arm and pull her into my embrace, causing her to yelp in surprise.

"So soft," I remark while tightly holding her and nestling my nose in her silver hair.

She smells so nice...

After a while, I let go of her body and observe her face, only to see that it's completely flushed in red.

Her lips are quivering while her eyes are nervously darting around.

Unable to hold back any longer, I begin laughing at her innocent behavior for a good while before saying, "You sure are one adorable girl."

"Alright, I have some business to settle, so I must leave now."

Hearing this, Rossweisse regains a little of her composure as a glint of disappointment shimmers in her green eyes.

"Do you feel let down?" I say while grinning.

"Ah, no! I mean, yes –no! I mean..."

Seeing her frantically looking for a 'proper' answer while waving her hands, I abruptly move closer and seal her lips.

Stunned, Rossweisse's arms freeze in the air as her body tenses up.

Knowing that this is already too much for her, I break the kiss after a few seconds before moving my head to the side and giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Rossweisse, I know that you're a very capable girl. I'm going to be counting on you from now on."

As a response to this, Rossweisse, who is still in shock, slowly nods her head.

A smile forms on my lips as I kiss her cheek one last time before getting up from the sofa.

"Time to visit the foxes," I mutter with a solemn look on my face.

My actions with Rossweisse just now were for two reasons. The first one being that I needed her to take her 'planning' even more seriously. After all, going to war in an advantageous state while having solid plans is the recipe for certain victory.

Anyway, my other reason, which just so happens to be the main one, is that she is simply too cute. For some reason, it feels rather fun to tease her. It's almost like she was made to be teased.

Letting out a sigh, I begin to deliberate on the matter at hand.

Currently, most of the devils are planning to battle me, the fallen angels, and the pure angels.

It's almost absurd that they're even considering fighting in this war. Even if they have the backing of a few gods, that's still not enough.

As such, I've concluded that there must be even more to the matter than what I presently know of.

So, I'm going to visit Yasaka to see if there is anything worth knowing. Also, while I'm at it, I'll play with Kunou a little.

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