Tale of Discovery

Chapter 240: Skeptic ; Slightly Hectic Platform

Despite not being able to make sense of what's going on, I don't lose my composure as I quickly form an illusory barrier around myself and the naked Tohka.

"Shido?! What just happened? Where are you?"

They were watching me? From where?

Shaking my head in slight exasperation, I take a moment to admire Tohka's flawless body before saying, "We need to get you dressed."

As a response to my words, Tohka, who seemed to have been stuck in a daze, opens her eyes and excitedly asks, "What was that just now?!"

"Huh?" I respond, slightly distraught by her excited state.

"You mean the kiss?" I dubiously ask after a few seconds.

"That was a kiss? Is it someth-" Tohka's words get cut off as she notices that something is amiss.

Looking down, she finally seems to realize that she is naked as she shrieks and attempts to cover her breast and lower part.

For some reason, ever since the kiss, Tohka seems to have lost her ability to fly, so we are currently in the hover thanks to my Flight and Telekinesis.

"Hey, Shido! Do something about this! We still can't see you!"

Ignoring the annoying screams, I deliberate on something for a moment before pressing my hand against Tohka's, which are covering her breasts. Then, I use Creation to produce a purple bra in a way that Tohka would be wearing it once it 'appears'.

While doing so, I notice that my database has changed once again, with the items available being more slightly futuristic science-oriented.

Throwing that notion to the side, for now, I follow up with my previous actions by creating purple panties and a white dress for Tohka.

"Wow!" Tohka exclaims while looking down at her new attire, "How did you do that?"

Just as I'm about to answer, an idea appears in my head, ultimately stopping me from uttering a word.

Currently, I've appeared in a foreign world which I have some basic knowledge about. But, that doesn't seem to be the case for my sister.

From what I can tell, her identity is abnormal, and she most likely has extensive knowledge about this world. So, there is a high chance she will share information with me as I am her brother.

But, this is where the problem lies. Earlier, AI had stated that the arrogation was only half successful. As I do not know what this signifies, I should aim to prevent others from getting suspicious of me.

If I do that, I would both be able to both obtain information and prevent myself from getting too caught up in troublesome situations.

"Shido?" Tohka's confused voice reaches my ears as she tilts her head and peers into my eyes.

"Never mind that, Tohka," I say in a soothing tone before looking down at Origami Tobiichi who is lost in a trance while muttering something to herself.

Letting out a sigh, I proceed to dissipate the illusory barrier before floating to the ground.

"Finally, we can see you again," Kotori's exasperated voice resounds within my ear.

"Whatever," I say before landing right in front of Origami.

All of a sudden, Origami's horrified expression turns to that of shock and wonder as she gawks at me.

"How?" she asks after a short while.

"Shido, you need to leave the area. Leave her alone, her comrades will appear in a few minutes."

"I see," I respond before looking into Origami's eyes and using Hypnosis to render her unconscious.

"Where do we go?" I say, confusing Tohka who is standing beside me.

"Hold on, we will pick you up," comes the response from Kotori.


Alright. Although I expected Kotori to not be an ordinary individual from everything that has happened, I didn't think that it would be like this…

Currently, I am in a giant flying vessel, standing beside Kotori who is seated on a chair that's seemingly designated to a commander.

In her mouth is a lollipop that she casually plays with using her tongue while inspecting Tohka and me.

"What happened to you?" she suddenly asks while furrowing her brows at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask, unfazed.

"You have changed. Your appearance…"

Her words trail off as she adopts a thoughtful expression.

As expected, something is off. It seems like the part about others not sensing any changes has been rendered useless due to whatever error that has occurred.

So, I need to quickly shift the suspicion away from the prospect of another being taking over the body.

As such, I adopt a complicated expression as I explain, "I don't know what happened, but when I woke up, I felt a surge of power and strange feelings that I hadn't felt before. Not only that, but my memories seem to have gotten somewhat hazy."

"Huh? Don't tell me you have forgotten the training you went through..."

"Training?" I say in a doubtful tone.

"Ugh. This is the worst. My idiot brother is now even brain-damaged."

This brat. I will be sure to teach her a proper lesson once I've fully settled the matter of 'my' identity.

"Hey, Shido, why are we here?" Tohka who is beside me impatiently asks.

"I'd like to know the answer to that myself," I respond to her words while glaring at Kotori.

As a response to this, Kotori flinches before turning her head to gaze at me for a few seconds before saying, "You can leave if you want to. We can discuss this matter later at home."

"What about her?" I say while casting a glance at Tohka.

"She will stay here for now."

Hearing her words, I look over at Tohka, only to see that she has a look of trepidation on her face.

Letting out a small sigh, I reach my arm out to pat her head and say, "I will come to visit you later, alright?"

The moment she hears my words, Tohka's expression turns to that of excitement as she exclaims, "Really?"

"Yes, really," I respond.

"Really, really?" she says as her tone gets a little firmer.

"Yes, really, really," I reply a little exasperatedly.

"Really, really, really?" she continues.

Is she messing with me? Whatever.

Instead of responding to her words this time, I approach her and wrap my arms around her back, startling Tohka.

"Wow, you really have been brain-damaged," Kotori's voice reaches my ears, but I decide to ignore it… for now.


"Now then," I mutter upon landing on the ground.

Earlier, I had Kotori let me drop off from the flying vessel by convincing her that I had a feeling it would be fine.

She took my word for it and let me go through with the process.

So, I'm now beside the diner that Kotori was supposed to be the first time Shido Itsuka endangered his life.

The reason I have dropped off from the vessel is that I need to get a good grasp of the city that I will be living in for now - Tengu city.

And so, I begin walking through the desolated streets in the direction of my home while inspecting the buildings and other aspects of the city.

Soon after, the sky darkens before drops of water begin to fall from the sky.

Rain, huh? It's been a while since I've experienced it.

As I stroll through the streets while not minding the rain, AI's voice resounds within my head once again.

{Code waves detected.}

Again? From where?

{To Father's left.}

Looking over to my left, I am met with the astonishing sight of a young girl that seems to be twelve years old, leaping from a building to a higher one.

The heck? Say, is her Code similar to that of Tohka's?

{Affirmative. Similar to the aforementioned Code, the Code waves are extremely weak.}

And, you aren't able to identify them.

{That's correct.}

How troublesome. Perhaps, I should go over and interact with the girl a little?

The moment this thought flashes through my mind, the sky clears up as I notice that the girl has seemingly vanished.

{Unable to detect the Code waves anymore.}

As I thought… Still, where did she go? Also, how fast must she be to seemingly disappear in such a manner?

Teleportation? That could be the case too, but I can't be certain of anything until I meet her again.

For now, I should get back to my 'home' and collect information about this world and what the heck is going on.

After all, it's only been one day since I arrived, yet I've already encountered two Codes and discovered that my little sister is the commander of a giant futuristic-looking flying vessel.

I wonder what kind of Platform have I stumbled across…

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