Tale of Discovery

Chapter 263: Detection ; (Spoiler)

Upon setting foot into the living room, I am met by the sight of Tohka and Kotori who are both seated on a sofa and are watching TV.

Sensing our arrival, Kotori looks over at us as a red hue begins to creep up her face, most likely due to her remembering last night's 'punishment'.

Deciding that it would be best for me to not bring the matter up, I walk over to a sofa near to the one they are sitting on and set Yoshino down on it before sitting on it myself.

"So," I say after casting a glance at the unusually bashful Kotori, "Have there been any sightings of other spirits recently?"

Hearing my words, Kotori's expression immediately turns serious as she replies, "No. However, our equipment has detected seismic energy waves that could potentially be that of spirit."

"Another spirit?" Tohka chimes in, seemingly finding the conversation more entertaining than the drama on TV, unlike Yoshino.

"Yes," Kotori says, "However, it's not here, but from a tourist island that's quite some distance away from here.

"Also, the energy waves detected aren't strong, so the spirit might not be there anymore. Currently, we are investigating the matter."

"I see," I respond with a thoughtful expression, "Tell me if you find out anything."

"Why shou-" Kotori opens her mouth as a sharp voice escapes from her lips, but she doesn't finish what she had to say as she presses her palm against her mouth.

"Good," I say with a smile on my face, "You seem to understand our situation now."

Kotori doesn't say anything as a response to my words but simply looks over at the TV, acting like I'm not even here.

Shrugging my shoulders, I proceed to get up from the sofa and make my way over to my room, intending to change my clothes.


Leaving the house, I begin strolling around in the city, hoping to encounter a spirit by chance.

As long as they're within AI's range, she will inform me of their existence and location, to which I can act upon and head over to meet the spirit.

Naturally, this would only work if there are any spirits, excluding Kurumi, around in the city to begin with, which is highly unlikely.

Then again, running into Kurumi wouldn't be detrimental either.


A few hours have passed since I left the house, and I have yet to come across anything abnormal, which is quite disheartening.

As if hearing my thoughts, an alarm suddenly begins blaring as a female voice reverberates in the air.

Finally. I was starting to get bored.

Ignoring the surrounding crowd which is making their way over to the emergency utilities, I put on the earbud provided by Ratatoskr and say, "Kotori, are you there?"

Shortly after that, Kotori's voice reaches my ears as she responds, "Yes. Are you ready to get transported over to the location that the spirit will appear in?"

"There isn't a need for that. Just tell me where the location is."

"Huh? Are you sure?" she doubtfully responds.

"Just do it," I say firmly.

"Alright. The space quake is in an abandoned amusement park that's to the northwest of your location."

"Understood," I say before dashing toward the direction she indicated.

--3rd POV--

"Commander, what is he planning to do?" a semi-bald man asks Kotori who is gazing at a screen displaying Victor with a lollipop in her mouth.

"I don't know," she responds with a frown before her eyes suddenly widen as the lollipop falls out of her mouth.

Followed by that, everyone present in the room has various reactions while gazing at the screen.


The giant screen which was showing Victor is currently displaying nothing more than the ground he was standing on.

It seemed as if Victor had suddenly blinked out of existence.

"Look for him!" Kotori hurriedly orders in a concerned tone as she jumps up from her seat.

"Yes!" everyone responds as they focus on the computer screens in front of them.

--1st POV--

As I continue to fly in the direction given by Kotori, I consider asking her where the amusement park precisely is based on my current location, but before I can do so, I bear witness to a giant hole forming in the distance before growing in size and swallowing up everything around it.

{Code waves detected.}

I take a moment to gaze at the destroyed amusement park before dashing toward it.

Once there, I look around for a short while before my eyes catch sight of a woman that seems to be in her early twenties, standing atop a small stage with a broom in her hand.

The woman's attire consists of a provoking purple suit with golden stars embroidered on it, as well as a tall hat on top of her head.

Her hat resembles that of a which with a pair of bat wings protruding from it.

"Ah," she seems to react to my presence as she turns to face me and mutters, "It seems that I have a visitor."

Naturally, she is a short distance away from me, so seeing that she doesn't have any hostile intentions, I proceed to walk forward while adopting a smile.

"Hello," I say once I'm close enough.

The woman doesn't respond to me but instead, she inspects me from head to toe first as a glint shimmers in her eyes.

"Well, hello there," she says after a dozen or so seconds, "What brings you here? Shouldn't you be running away like the rest?"

Hearing her question, I slowly shake my head and say, "There isn't a need for that."

"Hm~?" the woman hums as her interest seems to grow.

"Shido, do you want us to provide you with assistance?" Kotori's voice suddenly resounds within my ear.

How odd. She seems to be anxious. And for her to make this suggestion despite already knowing my answer...

Knowing that she is watching me from somewhere, I slightly wave my left hand to indicate 'not needed'.


"Say," the woman suddenly says as a grin forms on her lips, "Am I beautiful?"

Huh? What a strange question to ask upon meeting someone for the first time...

I take a moment to observe the woman closely before nodding my head and replying in a serious tone, "You are."

Pleased with my response, the grin on her lips grows as she murmurs, "Of course."

Despite finding her actions peculiar, I decide against pointing it out, but instead ask her, "Would you mind telling me your name?"

"Ah, yes," she responds, "My name is Natsumi, and you may call me as such. Now, what is your name?"

As I open my mouth to give her a response, Kotori's voice interrupts me as she says, "Shido! A group of ten that seem to be members of the AST is heading over to where you are from behind you. You must hurry!"

Turning around, I focus my sight on a few small figures in the distance. Expectedly, they don't seem to have come with peaceful intentions, judging from the looks on their faces.

Neither Origami nor Mana is among them, which is a relief as I can take more decisive actions...

"We've got some uninvited company," I say nonchalantly.

As a response to my words, Natsumi chuckles for a few seconds before saying, "You act as if you were invited"

"What, am I unwelcome?" I say with a wry grin on my lips.

"No, that's not the case at all. Anyway, leave them to me."

Toward the end of her statement, I could sense her voice turn a little confident as she raises her broom while gazing in the direction the AST is coming from.


Full title:- Detection ; Witch

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