Tale of Discovery

Chapter 274: Ocean Park (12)

"That took longer than I expected," I mutter as I glance at the gate behind us that leads inside the Ocean Park.

We were a little delayed due to there being a line that we had to wait through.

Fortunately, Tohka and Yoshino were already in an excited state, so they didn't find it that boring. However, the same couldn't be said about Kotori as she continued to whine about how annoying the line was.

While doing so, she pressed her head against my shoulder, hence why I didn't bother to do something about it.

Anyway, it didn't take us that long to get inside. The reason for that is because there were some machines set up that could apparently detect 'foreign' objects.

At least, that's what Reine had said through the earbud in my right ear.

Well, whatever. The Ocean Park should be more concerned about 'foreign' individuals than 'foreign' objects.

"Wow!" Tohka suddenly exclaims, causing me to shift my attention back to where we are.

What meets my eyes is the sight of numerous water slides of all sizes and colors as well as a huge pool at the bottom.

Expectedly, Tohka and Yoshino are both gawking at the water slides with stars shimmering in their eyes.

It seems like they will be enjoying their time here quite a bit.

"Hey, hey, big brother," Kotori says, "We should go get changed, right?"

Right… They will be changing into their swimsuits now. Still, wouldn't they get cold?

Focusing my vision on the water slides, I will for my abnormal sight to disappear, resulting in the whole place to dim down quite a bit.

Nevertheless, there is plenty of lighting set up all over the place that gives it a rather mysterious feel.

"Go on ahead," I say after checking the small building designated for changing out.

And so, Kotori happily walks toward the changing room while carrying a plastic bag containing all three girls' swimsuits as Yoshino and Tohka follow after her.

With the three of them off to get changed, I begin to look around the place with intrigue.

A few minutes pass by with the girls still being in the small building.

All of a sudden, an odd sound reverberates all over the place as a portion of those present begins cheering.

Following that, the sound of huge mechanical objects operating reaches my ears as the 'walls' surrounding the Ocean Park begin moving.

Shortly, the moon and stars get blocked by what seem to be panels of light that are turned off.

Before I can make sense of what's happening, the panels on top light up.

And so, here I am standing with wonder upon my face as I witness an artificial sky and sun from atop of us.

The technology used is rather credible as the sky looks rather realistic unless I make use of my eyes' properties.

Just as I begin to think that's all there is to it, the sound of mechanical objects moving once again reverberates all over the place as the temperature seemingly begins to rise.

Air conditioning as well? They sure weren't kidding when they said this place is 'unique'.

I wonder when this place was constructed and how long did it take. Apart from that, there is the cost for the building and maintenance, particularly the power supply.

In conclusion, this Ocean Park is definitely government-funded. Makes me wonder if there are other similar places.

At this moment, I sense three figures walking toward me, causing me to look over and find all three girls near me while dressed in their swimsuits.

All three of them are currently looking around with amazed expressions on their faces. Tohka, in particular continues to switch her sight from me to the sky and vice versa.

"Are you not going to get changed, big brother?" Kotori asks.

"Right," I say as I use Creation to skim through the database and create a pair of black and gray camo shorts right underneath my current clothes.

Then, I take a few seconds to wait for a moment that only the girls are watching before using Destruction to get rid of all my clothes apart from the newly-created shorts.

Tohka's eyes widen in shock at the sight, while Yoshino immediately blocks her eyes using her hands.

"Amazing!" Kotori exclaims, "What was that just now?"

Patting her head, I say in a casual tone, "Don't pay much attention to it. Let's enjoy our time here."

Following this, Tohka and Yoshino who has dropped her hands, stare at my body, while Kotori has a slightly deliberative look on her face that's unlike her current 'spoiled' persona.

{Code waves detected. Entity identified: Natsumi}

She's here? Why?

Looking around, I can't seem to locate her, indicating that she either is quite a distance away or is simply disguising herself.

AI, inform me when the waves get stronger and identify her physical body, alright?


It would be bothersome to look for, so I will act like I'm unaware she is here to see what she is up to.


"Ready?" I whisper into Yoshino's ears, who is seated in between my legs with my arms wrapped around her torso.

"Yes," she responds in a meek tone while pressing the back of her head against my chest.

Patting her wet hair, I examine the bottom of the slide we are presently on. After making sure that there is no one present, I say, "Get ready."

A few seconds after that, I telekinetically push us forward, resulting in us gradually picking up speed as we enter the slide.

As I had expected, Yoshino doesn't release any screams of fear and whatnot, but only laughs merrily, indicating that she is enjoying the ride.

Just like that, we reach the bottom in no time and enter the pool.

For safety purposes, I keep my arms wrapped around Yoshino's body while keeping us afloat.

"Big brother, incoming!" I hear a loud cry before a red figure jumps into the pool from behind us.

Following that, a loud splashing sound reaches my ears as a wave of water hits my back.

"Kotori," I say as I turn around along with Yoshino, who is now resting within my arms, seemingly not caring about anything else.

{Reporting: Criteria met. Entity identified as Natsumi is within 5 meters of Father.}

Hearing this, my brows raise as I focus on the only other person than Yoshino who is close to me - Kotori.

This... Natsumi has disguised herself as her? Where is the real one?

Not showing any doubt on my face, I say, "Kotori, is that you?"

Meanwhile, I let go of Yoshino and slowly move her toward the edge of the pool using telekinesis in a way that makes it seem like she's swimming over to it.

Fortunately, Yoshino doesn't react much to this other than casting me a glance then one at 'Kotori' who has now swam over to me.

"Yes," the faker replies in a cheerful tone, "So, is it my turn next, big brother?"

Beaming a smile at her, I place my hands on her shoulder, resulting in a confused look to appear on her face.

"I thought that I made it clear your transformation doesn't work on my eyes."

Hearing this, Natsumi, who is disguised as Kotori, tries to get away from me, but is unable to do so as I swiftly pull her in for a hug.

"You know," I say, "You are plenty cute yourself. I don't think it's necessary for you to disguise yourself."

"Nevertheless, you lied to me. That requires appropriate punishment."

Natsumi opens her mouth, seemingly wanting to say something, but I prevent her from doing so by abruptly forcing our bodies to sink underwater.

Then, I use telekinesis to halt the motion of Natsuni's flailing arms and proceed to peer into her eyes.

After a few seconds, I notice that Natsumi has calmed down and is looking back at me with a furious expression in her face.

Time to punish her...

With that notion in mind, I use Destruction to get rid off the energy that is forming Natsumi's disguise.

That results in Kotori's figure to disappear as Natsumi's disheveled little girl appearance comes into sight.

With her long hair wet and floating, she looks a lot odd, but I don't pay that much attention as I close whatever distance there is between our lips, completely startling her.

I take this chance to get rid of the water in our mouths using Destruction before inserting my tongue into her small mouth.

Natsumi tries her best to push me away, but that ultimately proves to be futile due to the overwhelming difference between our powers...

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