Tale of Discovery

Chapter 299: Share of Secrets ; Blush *NSFW*

"They're not here," I mutter to myself as Origami and I get closer to the door that leads to our room.

Perplexed by the lack of three girls' presence, I begin using Clairvoyance to check out each one of the rooms available in the building.

Half a minute later, I find the three girls – In a room along with five other girls.

Out of the five others, I only recognize three of them, who is none other than the trio that hangs out with Tohka often at school. As for the other two, they're female classmates whose faces I don't recognize. In that case, it's highly likely they're friends with Miina and the one who Natsumi has taken over.

After a close inspection, I conclude that the eight girls are supposedly having some sort of girls' night-over.

If this is the case, I hope that they continue on with this for some time, after all…

Casting a glance over at Origami who is quietly walking beside me with her body pressed against my arm, a small smile forms on my lips as I say, "Hey, Origami. Do you remember what I told you?"

The moment my voice fades, Origami's brows twitch slightly as she tightens her grasp on my arm and replies, "Yes."

"Don't worry," I say, knowing all too well that her seemingly small reaction is quite something when she's impassive most of the time, "You can leave everything to me."

"Uhm," she nods her head and hums as a response.

Still… I should make sure that there won't be any distractions. For starters, I better check in on the twins.

With that thought in mind, I shift my sight over to Reine's room, upon which I immediately notice the two of them lying down beside one another on the bed while still dressed in our school's uniform.

Close to them, I find Reine who is glued to the same computer screen, seemingly having nothing else to do other than this.

Oh well, I can rest assured that the twins won't be bothering me tonight.

If there is anything that I need to be wary of, it would be Tohka, Natsumi, and Miina returning to our room once they decide to bring an end to their girl's talk event.

To deal with all this, there is one simple solution. That's right… the Arena.


"Are you prepared?" I question in a solemn tone while facing Origami who is standing in front of me with an equally serious look on her face.

"Yes," she responds firmly.

Nodding my head as a means of expressing my satisfaction, I open my mouth and mutter, "Arena."

Following this, the same usual process occurs as Origami and I, who were both in the room assigned to us a moment ago, find ourselves standing in the desolate city.

Curious about her reaction, I place all my focus on Origami, only to find her looking around with her expression remaining unchanged.

Hah~ What a letdown. I was hoping she would be a little more awed… Well, that doesn't matter much anyway.

For now, I should make sure that the place is safe, as there have already been more than enough odd occurrences during the times I've been over here.

The whole place is structured weirdly in and of itself, and then there is the fact that I saw those… things. I have yet to know what they are, but they definitely didn't seem friendly.

"Where do we go?" a voice suddenly reaches my ears, causing me to quickly focus back on Origami and say, "A place to spend some quality time as proper partners."


Opening the grand double door leading to the suite at the top of a luxurious hotel, I beckon Origami to enter first while smiling.

To this, Origami doesn't react much but simply walks past me into the suite and begins examining the room.

Seeing her like this, I let out a small sigh as I enter the suite as well while closing the door behind me.

Following that, I walk past Origami and directly head over to where the balcony is at, intending to have a look at the city.

And so, here I am right now, standing against the veranda while looking down at the city.

Shortly, I hear some noises behind me as Origami also walks over and stands beside me.

"Quite the sight, isn't it?" I say after a short while.

Origami doesn't say anything in response but continues to look over at the city the same way I do.

This goes on for a short while before she suddenly turns her head to face me and asks, "Is this place really another world?"

There we go. I expected her to express her doubts soon.

Earlier, when we were still back in the room, I took it upon myself to share some information regarding the existence of the Arena and what it is.

For obvious reasons, I couldn't tell her just yet what sort of place it is and what is its origin - not that I myself know of - so, I came up with an explanation that heavily revolved around the idea of the place being a separate world from the one we were on.

I had several reasons for doing so, with the main focusing on making it easy to explain the existence of Platforms and the Rift when the time comes in the future.

Expectedly, she had a lot of questions, one of which was: How am I able to access this 'world'.

To that, I 'revealed' bits of information similar to the ones I had presented to Kotori and Reine. Claiming that random memories appeared in my mind along with powers I never would've thought to possess.

From the looks of it back then, Origami had accepted the explanation, but some questions have most probably remained on her mind.

"Do you see any humans?" I question.

"No," she responds.

"What do you think of a city that looks so vibrant despite being so desolate and lacking life?"

My question leaves Origami in a state of deliberation for a short while before she responds in a serious tone, "Impossible."

"Exactly. Such a city couldn't exist, unless it's some utopian one that's taken care of by robots or whatever," I state, with the latter half muttered to myself.

"Anyway," I say before releasing a sigh and turning to face her, "Let's head back inside, shall we?"

As a response to my suggestion, Origami simply nods her head before doing as I said.

Seeing her head inside, I proceed to look back at the city one last time before shaking my head and following after her.

A few seconds later, I find Origami standing in front of the luxurious king-sized bed, staring at it as if she is trying to poke a hole into it through her eyes.

"What now?" she suddenly utters as she turns her head to gaze at my face.

"Strip," I reply nonchalantly, to which she just nods her head and begins to take off her clothes.

Hey now... she really just went ahead and did it…

Shaking my head in exasperation, I remind myself once more of the fact that this girl's thought process and is unusual as I walk over to her with a smile plastered to my lips.

"Wait," I find myself saying as I inspect Origami's lithe body that is bare apart from her breasts and privates which are blocked by her light blue lingerie.

Doing as I said, Origami stops her hands which were about to unclasp the bra and lets her arm down, waiting for me to continue saying what I have on my mind.

"You don't need to take those off," I say after a brief moment.

Having said that, I take a step forth and telekinetically take off the holster holding the odd pistol given to me by Kurumi before utilizing Destruction while doing so to swiftly get rid of all my clothes other than my underwear.

"Come," I state as I reach my right arm out to her.

Once she takes my hand, I proceed to swiftly pull her with me onto the bed and have her lie down on her back.

Just like that, I get on top of her thighs and savor the sight before me.

"I will ask one last time," I say after a few seconds, "Are you willing to take this to the final step? By doing so, you will belong to me and I wouldn't let you go."

"I am fine with that," she responds nigh-instantaneously.

"Great," I respond with a grin before slowly bending forward, intending to go in for a kiss.

As if realizing my intentions, Origami shuts her eyes and opens her mouth a little.

The next moment, my lips lock with hers, shortly after which I insert my tongue inside her mouth.

Having already decided that I won't hold back any further, I place both of my hands against Origami's breasts and squeeze them through the fabric.

As a response to my actions, her body twitches slightly and becomes stiff for a few seconds before relaxing completely.

"That's right," I say in a low tone as I detach my lips from hers and look into her eyes, "Just relax."

Origami only looks back into my eyes and doesn't say anything, to which I simply grin and lower my head to lock lips with her once again.

This time, the kiss goes on for a while, with me continuing to fondle Origami's breasts through the bra she has on.

After a brief while of continuous fondling, the bra slips off and reveals her bare breasts, to which I immediately respond by breaking our kiss and directly shifting my head over to nibble on her right nipple.

This results in Origami's body to flinch as she instinctively places both of her palms against my head and begins squeezing it.

Of course, this has absolutely no effect on me as I continue to play with her right nipple with my tongue while slowly sliding my left hand across her body over to her lower mouth.

Shortly, I begin rubbing the tip of my left index finger against the fine line that is present on the fabric covering her slit.

This earns me yet another reaction from Origami as she immediately closes her legs, which in turn squeezes my hand between her warm thighs.

Soon after, I slide my hand underneath her panties and slide them aside, fully exposing her now-wet slit.

"Wait," a soft voice reaches my ears, causing me to halt the movement of my finger that I was just about to insert inside her.

"What's wrong?" I question while peering into her eyes, "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"No," she responds in a tone that makes it seem like she's doubting her own response.

Silence ensues for a few minutes as I give Origami some time to recollect herself before she suddenly opens her mouth and simply says, "Continue."

Confused by her actions, I gawk at her face for a short duration with my brows raised.

"I'm sorry," she says while looking away.

"Don't be," I hastily say while adopting a gentle smile on my face, "You haven't done anything wrong."


"It's fine," I interrupt her in a voice slightly louder than usual while pushing the tip of my finger inside her entrance.

As a response to this, Origami further tightens the force on my hand, but then again, it's still nowhere enough to dissuade my actions.

"Ungh," a weak groan escapes from her dainty lips as I gradually begin playing around with her walls, which seem to be clasping on my finger harder by the second.

Shortly after, I notice that a ruddy hue has covered Origami's face as her eyes move in jerky motions.

Beaming a smile, I pull my finger out of her hole and proceed to reposition myself while destroying what's left of clothing on both of us through Destruction.

I guess it's about time that I went through with the last phase…

Releasing a short sigh, I peer into Origami's eyes for a few seconds before clasping my erect member and aligning the tip with her entrance.

Sensing this, her eyes widen for a brief moment and her expression turns a little complex as if hundreds of thoughts are swirling through her mind. At least, that's what it feels like to me.

The question is, what thoughts would be swirling her mind? This girl has been an odd one for as long as 'I' remember. Her thoughts are not aligned much and she takes instructions a little too literally.

What exactly would be the thoughts of such a girl right before she connects with her partner for the first time?

At this moment, my thoughts are interrupted by a gentle grasp on my wrist causing me to shift my focus back to Origami, only to find her looking at me with a resolute expression.

"Looks like you're finally ready," I remark with a smile, to which she responds by just nodding her head once and closing her eyes.

Seeing her like this, I move both of my arms underneath her legs and raise them a little before beginning to gradually move my hips forward.

Following this, Origami's previously relaxed body begins to stiffen once more as the tip of my rod slowly penetrates her.

Other than a small groan, she doesn't exhibit much of a reaction all the way until the whole thing is completely buried inside her.

Casting a glance at the thin line of red liquid flowing out, I question, "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine," she responds immediately as she opens her eyes and looks down at where the two of us are connected.

"Let's stay like this for now," I suggest while leaning forth for another kiss on the lips.

"Uhm," she hums as confirmation just before our lips meet, soon after which I slide my tongue inside her mouth.

Moments pass by with the two of us continuing to intertwine our tongues as I begin moving my hips while keeping a tab on her reactions to each time I thrust.

A few seconds later, I notice that she is shaking her bottom ever so slightly, which I take as her preferring such motion inside. So, I decide to try something that hadn't previously crossed my mind – targeting a certain side of her insides.

And so, with that thought in mind, I use my left hand to lift Origami's right leg completely before separating my lips from hers and leaning my body to the side.

In this position, I hold Origami's dainty leg against myself and slide my palm across it as I begin to pick up the pace at which I thrust inside her.

A 'loud' moan, relative to Origami, that is, escapes from the ever-so-taciturn girl as the red hue covering her face gets more vibrant each passing moment.

"Shido," a soft yet exhilarated voice suddenly reaches my ears, to which I respond by looking into Origami's eyes, slow down a little, and say, "What's wrong?"

"Aren't you going to ask if it's a safe day?" she questions while panting softly.

"Say what now?"

"According to some reliable sources," she continues while looking away, "A boyfriend is supposed to ask that question half-way through."

These sources of hers… Hah~ Whatever, there is no point in trying to make sense of them anymore.

"And if I were to ask that?" I question back out of sheer curiosity.

"Answer no," she responds.

Oh, at least these 'reliable sources' are making an effort in preventing 'accidents'.

"But the boyfriend is supposed to do it inside anyway as an expression of love," she continues, shattering any delusions I had about the sources being actually reliable.

"Is that so?" I say in a dubious tone, unsure of what else to say as a response to her words.

"So, you're not going to do it?"

"There isn't a need to," I respond with a wry smile as I begin to pick up the pace once more, resulting in Origami's eyes to widen slightly as she clutches at the bed sheets underneath us.

"All that is unnecessary," I state in a firm tone as I swiftly grab her by the arm and lift her off the bed before positioning her on my crotch, "The fact that we are even doing any of this, to begin with is already more than enough.

"So, please set what your 'reliable sources' have informed you of to the side and focus on how you feel, alright?"

Having said that, I give her a quick peck on the lips before placing both of my hands on her buttocks and proceeding to lie down on my back.

As such, I find myself lying on the comfy king-sized bed with Origami's modest breasts pressed against my chest.

Before I can take this chance to tell her something, she raises her body and places both of her palms against my chest while swaying her hips with my rod still inside her.

Admittedly, her actions are making me feel rather comfortable as I feel a soft and warm clasp on my shaft along with the gentle touch of a blushing maiden on my chest as she sits on top of me.

"Should I move?" she asks.

"Go right ahead," I respond with a smile.

Nodding her head, Origami presses her palms harder against my chest as a way to help lift her hips up and down.

Soon enough, she gets used to moving as she begins bobbing up and down at a fast pace with a very slight smile on her lips that I would've easily missed had I not been looking carefully.

After a while of her constantly moving her hips, I reach the point of peak pleasure and could release everything pent up at any given opportunity. So, I take this chance to swiftly place my hands against Origami's breasts and push her back while lifting my torso from the bed.

Then, I give the soft flesh in between my palms a good squeeze as I move in for a kiss on the lips.

At exactly the moment our lips meet, I thrust forth one last time let everything out deep inside her.

Just like that, the two of us remain motionless for the next few minutes before I finally detach my lips from hers and roll to the side after pulling out of her.

"So," I say while gazing at her flushed face, "How did it feel?"

Hearing this, Origami, who was staring at the ceiling with a daze moves her head to face me properly before replying, "Great."

Contented by her response, I beam a smile and say, "Fantastic. It felt great for me too."

"Mhm," she hums before saying, "Now, all that's left is the marriage paperwork."

"Reliable sources?" I mutter in an exasperated tone.

"Yes," comes the expected response.

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