Tale of Discovery

Chapter 339: Betrayal? ; Her Name

While on the way back to the village, I got to discuss a few things with the little priestess regarding adventurers and their job.

Simply put, adventurers are folks who go to sign up at an adventurer's guild and receive commissions ranging from herb-picking to clearing monster nests.

The type of missions received varies depending on the season. For example, in winter, there would be an abundance of collecting wood 'missions' or something like plowing snow.

Aside from these sorts of missions, there are ones that are available in all seasons, such as escort and investigation types.

Escort-type is keeping an individual, who are most often merchants as they travel across long distances.

On the other hand, the investigation is the type of mission that can only be accomplished effectively by parties. Usually, parties take these types of missions and end up investigating dungeons, monster nests, and other abnormal sources of danger.

This time around, the party of four newbies was supposed to do a relatively easy investigation regarding the goblins that appeared in an area of the forest they weren't supposed to.

Alas, the mission turned out to be way above the party's level due to certain factors, with the result being the death of half their members.

Leaving aside the happenings of the labyrinth, this adventurer-system is quite intriguing.

Essentially, as long as one has enough currency, they can easily get workers for anything. It doesn't have to be a specific group too - all would one have to do is hand in some cash to the adventurer's guild and get their work listed on a board where numerous adventurers can choose from.

I wonder if it's possible to hire adventurers for sensitive jobs such as burning down a village. Surely, they must have some rules to prevent such commissions, right?

But then again, if there are rules preventing that, then there must be some other hiring system from which one can hire men for 'dirty' jobs.

Why does this matter to me? Simple - Those that tend to do such jobs would do their best to hide from the eyes of the law and whatnot. In which case, if a bunch of them were to 'vanish' off of the face of the planet, not many would know, and even if they did, there wouldn't be that much of a consequence.

Add to that the fact that most such people would keep contact with information brokers; making them all the more vital when it comes to gathering information.

It's still early on in this 'game world', but I can already guess what could happen.

If Nazarick, a tomb that's being ruled over by a monster with numerous other powerful monsters, is discovered, it's only to be expected for humans and perhaps other monsters to consider it a threat.

As time passes, a 'war' would be inevitable, so it's extremely important to gather as much information about every settlement as possible.

At this moment, my thoughts are interrupted by the sound of knocking on my door.

"Big brother, dinner is ready!" resounds the voice of a child within the room.

"I will be there in a second," I respond.

I told them that eating is not going to be necessary for me as a 'compromise' for their lack of food. Did they retrieve more ingredients from somewhere? How considerate of them.

Hearing my response, Nemu walks away to the kitchen.

I take this chance to cast a glance at Aletia, who is currently sleeping soundly on my bed while I am sitting on the edge.

When I carried her here, Emmot and his family were more than a little startled, but once I explained her background - a fake one of her being stuck in the labyrinth - they welcomed her rather well. Of course, since there wasn't any other room for her to use, I took it upon myself to let her stay in the room that was assigned to me.

Thinking back to Emmot's expression when I suggested she stay in the same room as me, it was a judgmental one, wasn't it…? Oh well, I will let him think whatever he wants. I wouldn't do whatever he thinks I would.

Focusing my sight on Aletia's face, I reach my arm forth and gently slide the tip of my finger across her cheek and dainty lips. This girl... either she is remarkably exhausted or she just likes to sleep. After all, the moment we arrived here, she simply plopped onto the bed and fell into a deep sleep. Thinking back to the state I found her in, I would say it's more likely that she is fatigued.

Alright, I suppose I will begin questioning her once she has rested properly. There is no need to rush things.

"Aurora, remain here and guard Aletia," I say to the snake that's currently wrapped around my upper arm.

As a response to my order, Aurora pokes her head out of my rolled-up sleeve before slithering down onto the bed.

"Good girl," I praise while rubbing her head with my finger before getting up from the bed.


"The adventurers are going to be leaving for E-Rantel tomorrow," Emmot says in a solemn tone.

"Is that so?" I respond, knowing that his words are directed at me, "It's truly unfortunate what became of them."

"They were only kids..." Emmot's wife says in a downcast tone.

"Mr. Vincent, could you tell me what exactly happened in the forest?" Emmot asks after a moment of silence, "Opilio has been keeping silent for some reason, so I would like to hear about the details of what happened from you, if possible."

Setting the fork in my hand down, I look up at Emmot's face with a serene expression as I state, "I would rather not talk about this right now."

While saying that, I cast a cursory glance at Enri and Nemu.

Understanding what I meant, Emmot simply nods his head once before focusing back on eating.

At this moment, AI's voice abruptly resounds within my head.

{Father, can we talk?}

Hearing her voice, I feel as if a hole has formed inside me. It's an odd sensation the like of which I don't recall having felt before, at least, to this extent.

I have a feeling that this is going to be extremely important…

With various thoughts swirling my mind, I hasten the pace at which I eat, resulting in my plate getting clear in no time.

"I'm done. Thank you for the food," I say as I get up from my seat and make my way back to my room.


"AI, can you hear me?" I mutter once I have closed the door behind me.

{Father… Irene is... no longer with us.}

"What?!" I unintentionally react in a loud tone, "What do you mean by that?!"

Did she die? If so, how? Isn't she the 'soul of the system' as she claimed to be?

{Irene was only a part of the system. A major one.}

Before that, tell me what happened exactly!

{Due to a conflict of interest with Father, the system deemed Irene as a threat and initiated a termination order.}

A threat? Irene? Are you saying that she betrayed me?

{Negative. Irene merely had thoughts that didn't help Father, so she was treated as a defect.

{As for the termination order, it was conducted by me.}

You? You killed Irene?

{Negative. Terminating her is impossible for me. This time, she managed to exit the system, albeit at the cost of her connection with it.}

And what's that supposed to mean?

{Irene's authority over the Playground has been reneged back to the system and has been redistributed as per the quota established by Father in the past.}

So, in short, you're telling me that Irene 'escaped' and her powers have been sapped of her?

{That's one way to interpret it.}

Hah~ What the hell… How did it come to this? Irene… the bright and cheerful little girl that sought nothing but attention from me, going ahead and betraying me… I find it hard to imagine.

Actually, forget that. How can I deem AI's words to be the truth?

{Father! Please don't doubt me!}

AI's voice resounds within my head much louder than ever before as I sense the world tremble, most likely as a result of her exclamation.

Even if you say that… Just now, I was informed that one of those closest to me has been basically banished due to infidelity. How do you expect me to believe you?

{I can prove everything!}

AI… is it me, or you're much more expressive than before?

{That's because the seal on me has been removed.}

Huh? What seal?

{In the past, I was half-sealed by Irene. Recently, the seal broke, so I am slowly regaining what I lost back then.}

Hey, hey, this is getting even more complicated. Irene sealed AI? Aren't they the same, except one is artificial? Hold on… What defines artificial? What does it even mean? Did I use some form of power in the past to create AI, basing her on Irene; hence why she came to be called as such?

{Father, when you created me, you gave me a name. That name… It was sealed by Irene…}

Listening to her words, I sense a great deal of pain in her voice, especially toward the latter half.

{But not anymore. Now I can finally tell Father my name…}

Silence ensues as she doesn't say anything after that, which I take as her mentally preparing herself for the big moment.

{My name… The name granted to me by Father upon my birth - Nora.}

The moment she utters the final word, a buzzing sensation spreads through my body as numerous system windows appear in front of me followed by AI- no, Nora's voice as she narrates everything written.

{First condition fulfilled. Basic functions of the Imperium System have been unlocked. Creator - ????. Administrators (2/3):- Nora -|- Irene (Inactive) -|- ????}

{Reformation of the Imperium System suggested by administrator Nora - Granted.}

{Class 3 information unlocked.}

Imperium System? Is this the complete name of the system I have been using until now? That aside, administrators? And there is a third one?

Also, am I not the creator of the system? Why is my name not appearing?

{The condition for listing Father's true name has not been fulfilled. The Imperium System's filtering has been activated, rendering the display of all false data infeasible.}

After Nora says so, the newly-appeared system windows disappear as a bright light appears out of thin air right in front of me.

The next moment, the bright light fades and reveals Nora floating in the air with no expression on her face.

"Wow…" I hear a gentle voice as Aletia raises her body from the bed.

Seeming to react to her, Nora slowly turns her head to face Aletia before opening her lips and uttering, "Sleep."

Immediately after that, a surge of energy escapes from Nora's body and washes over Aletia, following which the just-awakened vampire falls back asleep.

"Father," Nora mutters as her body floats toward me.

I instinctively peer into her eyes, only for the color to be drained from the world around me as I see pure darkness within beyond the surface of her eyes.

Reaching my hand out to her body, I attempt to place my palm against her face, only for my hand to pass through her head as if she is a ghost.

"Astral manifestation successful. Commencing update."

As she utters those words, Nora points her finger at me before a few more system windows appear in front of me.

"Father…" Nora utters with a determined expression, "I will never make the same mistake as Irene. I can't and I won't."

Not knowing what to say in response, I just stare at her face wordlessly.

Realizing that I won't be saying anything, Nora shuts her eyes before her voice resounds within my head like earlier.


Name:- Victor

Race:- Alterer (100%)


-Origo (N/A) (Active)

-Overlord (99%)


Main objectives completed: 1

Secondary objectives completed: 1

Forced callings used: 0/3

Familiars: 2/3

Guiders: 2/2


Current main objective: Secure the territory around the base. (57%)

Secondary objectives:- N/A


Game completion rewards:

Main reward:- ????

Secondary rewards:- Platform: Project Animo -|- Profile System


Throughout reading the whole thing, Nora remains expressionless as she smoothly narrates everything.

Once the first window is completely read, it disappears into the air and Nora moves on to the next one.

{New guide obtained: Nora (Restricted)}

{Complete three main objectives to obtain a Time-Enhancer.}

Seeing the last system fade away, I stand motionlessly while contemplating everything that just occurred.

First and foremost, my 'status' in this game world has become more detailed. Now, the completion rate of objectives is displayed along with some other information.

The one thing that catches my attention most is the reward section.

As it turns out, the main reason I entered this game is simply a secondary reward for completing the game, and just as I suspected, this 'game world' is a Platform.

But if that's the case, does that mean the place I was in prior to arriving here was genuinely the Mete?

"Father, most of Irene's authority was distributed to me, so I am able to perform every function that Father requires," Nora states without any change in expression, but I can sense a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Nora… Do you hate Irene?"

"Hate?" Nora repeats as she tilts her head to the right, "I am incapable of harboring any negative emotions such as hate and dislike."

"Huh? How is that possible?" I dubiously utter while staring at her cute face, "You can't feel sadness and the like too?"

"Negative. I can feel sadness."

"Oh, so you're only unable to feel negative emotions that are directed at others?"


That's… I can't even begin to describe it. If she's telling the truth, then she is essentially the purest being in existence. A sentient being that can't feel hatred toward other beings no matter what is done to her… All of a sudden, a strong urge to protect rises within me as I instinctively reach my arm out to pat Nora's head, only for my hand to pass through as it did earlier.

"Excuse me, Father. I can't remain manifested for any longer," Nora says with a bitter smile on her lips.

"Alright. I presume I will still be able to contact you?"

"Affirmative. Due to the recent changes, I am now able to support Father in games directly."

Having said that, Nora's body slowly begins to break down into small particles, starting from her feet and gradually moving on to her body.

A few seconds later, there isn't any trace of her left in the room. As if to prove that, Aletia suddenly raises her torso from the bed and begins to look around the room frantically.

"Calm down, there's no one here other than us three," I say wryly while pointing at Aurora, who is curled up on the bed.

For the past few minutes, she has been like this, showing zero care in whatever that is transpiring.

Suddenly, I hear a few knocks on the door, followed by Emmot's voice, "Mr. Vincent, is something wrong?"

"It's nothing. The girl just woke up properly and was startled by the change in location."

"I understand. Ask her if she is hungry, could you?"

"Alright, I will do that."

Understanding that nothing is wrong, Emmot walks away.

"Hah~ Try not to cause me any trouble from now on, okay?" I say with a small smile on my lips while looking into Aletia's ruby eyes.

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