Knightsend was an old castle. Despite this, the castle was well maintained and provisioned. This was because Knightsend was the first defense of Castonia against the western Kingdoms. The castle was actually named Kimpler at first after the name of the noble that built it, but it was later renamed after the invasion of Tulosa.

15 years ago, the Kingdom of Tulosa invaded Castonia for political reasons. The leader of the expedition boasted that the knights under him were the best in the world and they would trample Castonia's heavy infantry in one charge. To be fair, the Tulosan Knights were powerful. But cavalry, even when knighted, can't jump over the walls of a castle. The Castonians hid inside the castle and waited for reinforcements to arrive.

The initial plan of the Tulosan General was to siege every castle in Castonia one by one and fighting off any Castonian reinforcements. This was actually a very good plan because any reinforcements Castonia sends must get past Tulosan cavalry to relieve the siege. A large portion of the Tulosan army was composed of cavalry and cavalry was deadly in field battles. The Tulosans were prepared for a long war. Unfortunately, there was an internal struggle in Tulosa and the commander of the expedition received only half of the number of soldiers. Worse, he received fewer Knights. Instead of postponing the invasion, the commander risked invading Castonia because of pressure from the Tulosan King. Tulosa was renowned for its Knights. Their charge was like thunder that melts courage like butter in a pan. Their long lances were designed to shock the enemy into submission. To make up for the deficiency of Knights, the commander knighted every person riding a horse and called them knights to scare the Castonians into believing he had more heavy cavalry than he actually had. In reality, this was all just to mask their weakness.

Unfortunately for him, the Castonians inside Knightsend never surrendered even though they were outnumbered 7 to 1. The Tulosans had 3 options- retreat, siege or attack the castle. Retreating won't do because the attrition, coupled with harassment from the rear, will haunt them on their way back to Tulosa. A siege won't work either because Castonian reinforcements were already approaching. They can't fight the reinforcements because of their numbers. The only option was to attack the castle. After all, conquering even a single castle was already a victory for Tulosa. But the commander underestimated Castonia's heavy infantry. The Tulosans attacked thrice, each time failing. The battle was bloody and corpses lined the castle walls. The control of the gate switched dozens of times and every person inside the castle aided in the defense including cooks and medical personnel. There was no use in treating the wounded anyway. If the castle falls, everyone will die. In the end, half of the castle's garrison died and the Tulosans surrendered after seeing the approaching Castonian reinforcements. Since then, the castle's name was changed to Knightsend- a name that serves as both a mockery and a warning to Tulosa.

Many people thought that such humiliating defeat would destroy Tulosa. After all, internal struggles already weakened it. Castonian revenge would be the final blow. While Tulosa eventually descended into civil war, the Castonian coup de grace didn't come. Castonia was drawn into another war.

Tulosa and Castonia never signed a peace treaty after that. Nevertheless, such large-scale aggression never happened since then. Several skirmishes occured from time to time, but that was the end of it- until a year ago. News of Tulosa's preparation for another invasion reached the ears of the Castonian King. Castonian spies reported large scale recruitment in Tulosa. The import of horses and steel production were increased. As a response, the King sent additional soldiers and his third son to Knightsend.

The involvement of Timothy was actually due to an argument he and his Father once had. The King was so furious that he ordered Timothy to pack his things and exiled him to Knightstend.

After arriving at the castle, Timothy saw its deplorable state. The provisions were plenty and the castle stood strong, but the garrison was composed of men with big bellies. The relaxed atmosphere in the western region all these years led to a decadence in discipline and morale. The first person he saw was a drunk soldier who was on watch. If the invasion 15 years ago happened that night, the castle would not repel the attack of 20,000 Tulosans. That night Timothy ordered the entire garrison to stand in the castle grounds in silence. Of course seeing that the prince is standing with them, most of the soldiers were too scared or too embarrassed to move. Most of them stood until dawn and those who failed to endure were kicked out. Castonia had no need of such men. Timothy spent the whole year reforming the garrison.

His strict attitude may seem the perfect recipe for a mutiny, but such a thing never happened. The soldiers only have respect for him. That was because he does everything the soldiers do. Morning marches? He was always at the front sweating like them. Bad food? He eats what they eat. Castle maintenance? He was the first one to pick up the shovel.

Furthermore, Timothy's charisma charmed the garrison. He was strict, yes. But he knew how to connect with them. He was serious but approachable. His personality gave a feeling of a person you can trust but not cross.


Timothy stared at the window. After reading the letter, he cancelled the march and went to his office with Erik.

The two were silent for a while until Erik spoke with a worried tone "Tim, you don't know anything about women"

"Yeah" he answered lazily

"And…" Erik paused as if recalling something "you never had a lover before"

"That's true" Timothy agreed

Erik leaned on his chair "Some people even say that you" he paused and whispered "like men"

Tim shot Erik a piercing look that almost made him fell off the chair. While it was true that he never had a lover before, it was not because he likes men. He just doesn't have interest in romance. For him, romance was a privilege only commoners could enjoy. Every noble family uses marriage as a political tool so he already knew that someday he would marry someone for political reasons. But now that it finally happened, he was slightly scared. He will live with this person possibly his whole life. Although Castonian law allowed divorce, he will still be tied to her. He was young and still had many ambitions.

He wanted to experience his youth and discover the secrets of this world. He wanted to travel north where the sea spans the horizon, to visit the howling mountains of Ninev, the lush fertile plains of sond, the ghambit desert. Most important of all, he wanted to find the person in his dreams, that woman whose presence fills his heart with both joy and sadness. If he will marry, he can't do these things.

"Baseless rumors!" Erik immediately clarified "but Tim, are you alright with this?"

"It's father's orders. I don't have a choice. As long as she doesn't shackle me, then it's alright."

Timothy stood up and went to the cabinet. He took a bottle of aged Hadean wine. The bottle was one of the best ones in his collection. He then took two cups and offered one to Erik.

"Drinking before breakfast. Is that wise?" Erik cautioned.

Timothy ignored his question. "We will leave the castle and head for the capital tomorrow. You're not unfamiliar with the King's patience. Besides.." he poured some wine into his cup. The aroma of aged hadean filled his nostrils with glee. " we also need to visit your father in Greenwater along the way" he took a sip. The rich taste of the wine warmed his heart.

"I'll make the preparations then" Erik also poured some wine into his cup. He took a sip and then emptied the cup into his mouth. He let out an ecstatic grunt "After we're done with this of course" he raised his cup and took the bottle again to pour some more.


Erik and James prepared for the journey while Tim went to see General Marvin and gave his final orders. He relinquished his command of the castle to the General. The castle must hold just like 15 years ago. If not, Castonia would lose control over its western mines.

News of the imminent departure made the mood in the castle somber. Several officers and even common soldiers went to Timothy to confirm the news.

In the afternoon, Timothy decided to give the soldiers his farewell. 4000 men stood silently. Their discipline was absolute and their eyes were brimming with pride. Timothy remembered the same scene a year ago when he punished the soldiers by making them stand all night.

"Garrison of Knightsend" He started. His voice was loud and clear. His posture was powerful but not overbearing "I am Timothy Castonia, your garrison commander" he paused "You know me as rooster prince" he gave a playful grin.

The soldiers contained their laughs and the mood was lightened.

"You may have heard of the news. I'm leaving Knightsend. But no, I'm not abandoning you" he assured them "the entire Castonian army is behind you so don't be anxious."

"I only have one request" he paused to catch everyone's attention "If the Tulosans dare invade us, make them kneel. Make them understand that Knightsend's name still stands. When the lion roars, even the wildest stallions tremble. Show them that they had chosen the wrong land to invade. " Timothy's voice echoed throughout the castle.

"15 years ago they tried to invade. Our predecessors broke them while defending the walls" Timothy pointed at the walls "these very walls" he stressed each word

"Now it's your turn to break them. It's your turn to defend your Kingdom. Because one thing is clear" Timothy looked at them.

"Knightsend will not fall!" With these words, he ended his speech. Filled with emotions, the soldiers saluted by pounding their fists into their chests. The assembly was disbanded with the soldiers in high spirits.

The afternoon gave way to evening, and evening became morning. Timothy, Erik and James took one last look at the Castle. Although Timothy might not want to admit it, he had grown fond of Knightsend. The walls were not that tall, but they gave an aura of strength and vigilance. The towers were not so imposing, but Timothy knew that only a fool would underestimate these towers. The gates were not the strongest in the word, but the enemy would have to sacrifice a lot to take it.

The three of them turned their horses around and started their journey. Their destination- The City of Nirvana, Capital of Castonia.

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