Talented Genius

Chapter 2057: Chenxue arrested

Genetic warrior?

There was a touch of surprise on Ye Tianlong's face: "Is this the person who was injected with the drug?"

The genetic warrior, as the name suggests, is a super warrior created by changing human genes.

Scientists have thoroughly tapped the potential of human beings, but at the same time they have destroyed their consciousness. Strictly speaking, genetic warriors are no longer humans.

They are more like crazy beasts.

"Yes, this is the genetic warrior studied by the Mi Army."

Hong Jian looked at Ye Tianlong and nodded: "The information in the box shows that Mi Jun has been conducting this experiment many years ago and has made considerable progress."

"They have more than ten years of experience, and they have now developed the third generation. The video just now is one of the experiments, the power of drugs."

"They have made certain achievements in stability. Soldiers can lose their feelings by injecting drugs, become indifferent and become war machines."

"But they will not be aggressive without instructions. This is a great breakthrough."

"Such soldiers are most suitable for slaughtering cities, because they won't be intolerable when they kill. In fact, they have used them twice in the Middle East."

Red Arrow's conversation changed: "It's just that the stability of the rice army's genetic warriors has been achieved, but there is still a lack of combat effectiveness."

"At least there is a gap between the triple combat power that the Mi Army wants, so the main direction of the third generation is to stimulate the power of genetic warriors."

"Simply, the Mi Jun wants to transform Rank 6 soldiers into masters with Rank 8 strength."

Hong Jian told Ye Tianlong what he knew: "The video is one of the people who injected drugs..."

Hearing the words of Red Arrow, Ye Tianlong thought of Tianyao-1 inexplicably. Tianyao-1 is powerful but lacks stability. The two are highly complementary.

After that, Ye Tianlong shook his head secretly, the genetic warrior was always a time bomb, and it was completely creating an anti-human monster.

Especially the existence of genetic warriors will change the balance of this world. A powerful warrior is enough to destroy a company.

Ye Tianlong turned his mind into "First Blood" and single-handedly killed Stallone in a regiment of the Soviet Army. He was definitely the ideal genetic warrior of the Mi Army.

Red Arrow sighed softly: "A genetic warrior who has no emotions, is obedient, and can fight is definitely a thing that all countries in the world dream of."

"I don't know where the male and female thieves stole it, but the information in this box can really be exchanged for a golden mountain."

"Because it can at least replicate a group of fighters who have no emotions and absolute obedience."

He looked at Ye Tianlong and said: "Although the creation of genetic warriors is prohibited in the world, the hands and feet of countries that are privately developed cannot count."

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "No wonder the male and female robber said that this box will make me prosperous and wealthy for ten lifetimes."

He also wanted to understand why the eight-and-a-half-rank strange old man wanted to grab the box, which was worth more than the strange old man shot.

"The box contains the original data, the written records of several doctors, and the hard disk has a lot of process recording and analysis."

Hong Jian said it all in one mind: "Six bottles of injection water are their third-generation drugs. Two bottles are needed to control one person."

"Ye Shao, how do you deal with it?"

Ye Tianlong thought about it for a while, and then ordered Red Arrow: "Red Arrow, make a copy of the thing and store it in Tianmen's top-secret file."

"Only I can see the permission."

"Then you put these materials back into the box and let Di Kuangtian bring it back to Mingjiang in person. You must not let others know."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flickered: "As for how to deal with, sell money, or hand it in, I will talk about it later."

This is an extremely precious and hot thing. Once the wind leaks accidentally, Ye Tianlong will definitely cause harassment by all parties.

The Eagle Intelligence Bureau would also come to the door as soon as possible, and in all likelihood, he would not hesitate to stop his mouth by means. In that case, Ye Tianlong would not have a good life.

This year, without strong strength, it is his crime to hold Bi, so Ye Tianlong must hide first.

As for the snipers, Ye Tianlong didn't worry about them stabbing them out, after all, they paid more attention to the black box and never wanted many forces to **** it together.

Red Arrow nodded: "Understood, I will arrange it now."

Seeing Hong Jian turning around to make arrangements, Ye Tianlong squeezed the cup slightly, with a touch of contemplation in his eyes.

I got this box by accident, and I don’t know if it’s a misfortune or a blessing...

At almost the same moment, thousands of miles away, Lin Chenxue, who had slept until 8 o'clock in the Rong family villa, was awakened by the alarm clock, and then got up to clean up.

After washing, she poured a cup of coffee and went to the small study while drinking. She turned on the computer and tapped skillfully on the keyboard.

The computer quickly jumped out of several web pages, and Lin Chenxue quickly browsed it, and then opened her encrypted mailbox.

Looking at the hundreds of emails, Lin Chenxue quickly emptied the mailbox with her fingers, and then she logged out cleanly.


Then, Lin Chenxue opened another document, entered the password to unlock it, and packaged Ye Tianlong's physical examination report and Tianyao No. 1 data.

She put the information in a top-secret space on her own archive.

After doing this, Lin Chenxue deleted everything on the computer again, and finally formatted the hard disk and reinstalled the system.

She didn't know why she did this, only knew that after being called for questioning by the Disciplinary Department every few days, Lin Chenxue had a hint of bad symptoms.

She couldn't tell what it was, but she knew that she had to do something, especially the information about Ye Tianlong. Lin Chenxue needed to keep it strictly confidential.

After turning off the computer, Lin Chenxue finished his cup of coffee in one sip, then opened the glass to the large terrace.


The warm wind blew over and softened the sunlight in the sky.

Lin Chenxue opened her arms and took a deep breath, as if to hold the sun in the sky in her arms.

The shirt on her body was not tightened, so she was hunted and hunted by the wind. The dancing blue silk and exquisite pretty face made her show cold beauty.

A remnant flower was blown off by the wind, rolled a few times in the air, and then fell into Lin Chenxue's arms.

Lin Chenxue held up the flower and looked at the withered and mutilated leaves, she suddenly realized...

winter is here!


At this moment, a train team slowly drove into the Rongjia Garden, and then stopped at the villa where Lin Chenxue was located, and then, the doors opened one after another.

A group of soldiers and policemen dressed in straight uniforms and indifferent, accompanied by Wang Gobi and Rong Guang, slowly walked towards the hall silently.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a face in Chinese characters. He suddenly stopped while walking and looked up at the high platform.

His gaze was locked tightly on Lin Chenxue, with the cold like a snake...

"Lin Chenxue, you have been formally arrested..."

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