Talented Genius

Chapter 2187: Pack us?


Seeing Ye Tianlong pull out Ning Xiaozhu's phone and wallet, Ning Xiaozhu and Luo Feicui screamed in secret at almost the same time. It was too despicable and shameless.

Everyone thought that Ye Tianlong said'I'm here' to pay the bill, and Luo Feicui took advantage of the trend to push him to the forefront of the storm, preparing to make him a scapegoat.

Who knows, Ye Tianlong directly came to a turning point. This "I'm here" is not to pay the bill, but to help Ning Xiaozhu take out his wallet and mobile phone.

Luo Feicui was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and Ning Xiaozhu almost slapped up the table, only Ning Caiwei snickered and laughed.

"Look, am I here to be more efficient?"

When the audience became embarrassed, Ye Tianlong smiled harmlessly: "I found my wallet and mobile phone at once, and now I can pay for it."

Ning Xiaozhu couldn't help but yelled, "Buy a single, whoever eats and drinks, pays for himself."

"The manager, the waiter, the migrant worker ordered the Na Lafite red wine and caviar. You need 300,000 to find him."

He took out a credit card from his wallet and patted it on the table: "My card only has a limit of 50,000. If you like to swipe it, you can swipe it. If it is too much, you can go to them.

Tonight, there was nothing, Bai's Yunyao was not accommodating, and he had to pay hundreds of thousands of money for food. Ning Xiaozhu would not be taken advantage of by killing him.

Luo Feicui also spoke out to help out: "Yes, we only pay for this table. Those two migrant workers will take care of those things."

"They don't have money, so you just grab them and let them wash the dishes and clean the toilet."

She directly expressed her attitude to the beautiful manager: "In short, we will not be taken advantage of."

The beautiful manager remained polite and polite: "Everyone, you are all decent people. You can't afford to pay hundreds of thousands of meals?"

"I don't know what kind of grievances you have, I just hope you can settle the 350,000 yuan."

She hid the needle in Mianli: "Although the club is small, it is not a place to eat Bawang's meal."

Luo Feicui yelled: "We have already said that whoever eats, who drinks, whoever pays the bill, don't take us as a fool."

A dozen rich second generations also shrugged their shoulders and moved their chairs a little, indicating that this meal has nothing to do with them. They are just guests at the banquet.

The duty manager glanced at Luo Feicui and the others, then looked at Ye Tianlong and Ning Caiwei, who were holding hard hats, and took out a cell phone and sent a message.

"President Ning, President Luo, why are you doing this?"

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "It's said that you asked for it, and you let me order it casually. How can you pay the bill and deny it?"

"You don't believe it, how can you do business in the future?"

Ning Caiwei also shook her head at Ning Xiaozhu. Originally, she wanted to communicate with the pasqueflower to help them, but now it seems that she can save this personal affection.

"Do you teach us how to do business? Do you two move bricks know how to do business?"

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Luo Feicui became completely angry: "Have you seen Lu coins? Have you been to Xiong Country? Have you seen 300,000?"

"Two guys who move bricks and earn thousands of dollars a month, discuss business in front of us who earn tens of millions a year..."

Luo Feicui looked disdainful: "It's extremely ridiculous."

"Which guy with no eyesight makes trouble in my Song Family Club after eating the leopard guts?"

At this moment, a thick voice suddenly poured into the private room like a sea wave.

The beautiful manager and waiter immediately leaned to the sides, their pretty faces showing undisguised respect: "Master Zhuo."

Luo Feicui and Ning Xiaozhu looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a young man with a flat head walking into the wing room with a dozen people.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled. Unexpectedly, the world is so coincidental. The flat-headed youth is not someone else, but Song Sanpao's nephew.

Ye Tianlong, who had been stepped on by Ye Tianlong at the beef restaurant, liked to play the banner of the Song family, Ye Tianlong vaguely remembered that Song Sanpao said his name was Zhuo Hongtao.

Ye Tianlong recognized Zhuo Hongtao, as well as the rich and the second generation. They left their seats and shouted:

"Master Zhuo, good evening."

They rushed to the door to greet Zhuo Hongtao, and directly squeezed Ye Tianlong and Ning Caiwei back to the corner.

Seeing a dozen of their companions get up, Ning Xiaozhu and Luo Feicui's faces changed slightly. They obviously realized that there was a big man, and they all stood up with a smile.

Especially after their companions pointed out Zhuo Hongtao's identity, Ning Xiaozhu and Luo Feicui's expressions instantly stagnated, and there was a panic and anxiety in their eyes.

It never occurred to him that this club had something to do with the Song family, and Shao Zhuo was also related to the Song family. There was a hint of worry at the moment.

The beautiful manager saw Zhuo Hongtao appear, and the gloom between her brows disappeared instantly, as if she had found the backbone:

"Master Zhuo, why are you here?"

Zhuo Hongtao remained cold, swept across the room and hummed, "Stop talking nonsense, say, what is going on?"

A dozen thugs behind him also raised their necks, staring at Ning Xiaozhu and the others like a vicious dog.

The beautiful manager Mei smiled and stepped forward and said: "In fact, it's nothing, a little thing, that is, they don't pay the bill, three hundred and sixty thousand yuan, push around."

"Don't pay the bill? What do you think of us here? Shantang?"

Zhuo Hongtao glanced at Ning Xiaozhu and the others: "A bunch of waste, don't consume if you can't afford it. If you don't pay for it, your mind is flooded?"

"There is no Overlord's meal here. Those who insist on eating either have their hands or feet broken, or they are sent directly to the prison."

With these words, Ning Xiaozhu and the others were frightened. The corners of their mouths twitched uncontrollably. Then, Zhuo Hongtao shouted with a single finger:

"Give them six hundred and thirty thousand orders, let them have a long memory, and let them know that our Song family is not easy to bully."

Zhuo Hongtao is extremely strong: "Beep again without giving money, just interrupt his hands and feet and throw it outside."

The beautiful managers replied in unison: "Yes."

"Master Zhuo, Master Zhuo, listen to me to explain."

Hearing that the three hundred and sixty thousand became six hundred and thirty thousand, Luo Feicui felt a little bit unbearable, and hurriedly stood up and shouted:

"We are also victims, and we are also calculated. The food is eaten by the two migrant workers, and the person who should eat it pays."

"In this way, we give three hundred and sixty thousand yuan, but if the extra comes out, can we find the two migrant workers?"

"They eat the best and drink the best, and they should pay a price, don't you think?"

While dragging Ye Tianlong into the water, Luo Feicui took out his bank card and swiped 360,000 yuan. Now he can save a little bit.

At the same time, he pretended to be very pitiful, rubbing Zhuo Hongtao like a cat, trying to confuse Zhuo Hongtao who had drunk.

"What you said makes sense."

Seeing that Luo Feicui is so witty and charming, the arrogance and texture of rubbing himself intentionally or unintentionally made Zhuo Hongtao less angry:

"Yes, migrant workers must also be punished. If you are weak, you are reasonable, and you cannot be the boss without money."

Zhuo Hongtao straightened his body: "Where did they go?"


More than a dozen people shouted almost in unison, and they all stepped aside, letting Ye Tianlong and Ning Caiwei show them.

Zhuo Hongtao rubbed his eyes and hummed heavily, "Did you eat something?"

"Yes, it's us."

Ye Tianlong replied, then smiled playfully: "Young Master Zhuo wants to clean up us?"

This sentence was careless, but the voice reached the ferocious Zhuo Hongtao's ears, like a plate of ice water poured on his head.

Zhuo Hongtao shivered on the spot.

All the aura from him disappeared instantly.

When Zhuo Hongtao's eyes widened and looked in the direction of the voice, he staggered even more after seeing the familiar face and fell to the ground.

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