Talented Genius

Chapter 2731: Stop me and die


When the first thunder of the night exploded, Ye Tianlong was walking into the unique Supreme Hutong.

This is an alley similar to the structure of the capital. Walking through here to the bottom is the Jinjia Garden, where the first veteran Jin Xuanlong lived.

This alley is heavily guarded, with almost five steps, one post and ten steps, one guard, except for the prominent residents on both sides, others dare not enter easily.

The appearance of the white-haired Ye Tianlong seemed unusually abrupt and dazzling.

"Official Forbidden Land!"

Before Ye Tianlong walked out more than ten meters, three men in uniform appeared in front of them, with cold eyes, and shouted, "Who?"

Ye Tianlong kept moving forward slowly: "The murderer."

Three uniformed men went to touch the guns in the waist at the same time: "Get out!"

Ye Tianlong sneered: "I haven't killed Jin Xuanlong, how can I get out?"

The uniformed man leading the team simply ordered: "Shoot!"

At the same time, more than a dozen men in raincoats emerged on both sides of the alley, with guns in their hands, and the black muzzle pointed at Ye Tianlong.

The three uniformed men also drew their guns.

"Sword up!"

Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest nonsense, he still maintained the forward momentum, and at the same time, his upper body was slightly bent, four knives broke through the air with a swish, and the knives were brilliant.


Before the uniformed men could pull the trigger, Muramasa and Guitoru's four swords passed through the alley, whistling and stern, with a murderous intent.

The blade light flashed, screamed again and again, and the blood sprayed wanton.

When Ye Tianlong crossed most of the alley and recovered the four knives, there was already a corpse behind him, blood was splashed, and all 18 gunmen fell to the ground.

They have fatal wounds in their throats or chests.


In the next second, Ye Tianlong threw the Kusanaru sword in his hand, and the long sword swished out, shooting directly at the six guards rushing over when he heard the movement.

Fast and fierce.

The six had no time to resist and had no time to evade. They could only watch the sword pierce through the chest and then thunder out from behind.

The six screamed and fell to the ground, and there was no life after two twitches.

Six people with a sword, solemnly the heart of the guard behind.

"Ye Tianlong!!!"

When Ye Tianlong walked to the end of the alley and stood in the Jinjia Garden, the man in black couldn't help but shout out: "You are Ye Tianlong!"

The name seemed to carry magical powers that were strange, even the rain that was about to fall from the sky seemed to stop, and an unconcealable dignity surged into my heart.

Ye Tianlong looked up and recognized who the team leader was, Guan Li.

He had some accidental control over here, but he didn't take it to heart. He just pulled out his Kusana sword backhand.

Although Guan Li didn't know the truth of the battle on the top of the mountain, being able to fight Qiu Xiaozi decisively and survived the bombing would prove Ye Tianlong's dominance.

But Ye Tianlong found here and killed eighteen people in one go, which even showed the danger of Ye Tianlong.

Guan Li also knew about Baozhilan's and Qiao Chu's changes, and knew Ye Tianlong's murderous intentions.

"Ye Tianlong? Which Ye Tianlong?"

"Is it Ye Tianlong who interrupted Wen Shao's hands and feet?"

"That Ye Tianlong who entered the Oriental Palace and poisoned the heavenly king?"

"Didn't he fight with Qiu Xiaozi and be struck to death by lightning?"

As Ye Tianlong yelled out the three words, a large number of guards gushed out from the Jin Family Garden, babbled, highly guarded, and nervous sweat dripped down.

Although the public opinion was completely fabricated by Mrs. Wen and Yokota Taixiang during the month of Ye Tianlong's disappearance, Ye Tianlong was also discredited in a disparage way.

But the three words Ye Tianlong still have power, and the Jin guards inevitably become nervous.

Ye Tianlong ignored everyone, just gently wiped the blood from the sword.

Yuye didn't hear his breathing or screaming, but he seemed to hear his strong breath in everyone's ears.

He didn't make any movement, but focused the surrounding light on himself.

"Ye Tianlong, this is Lao Jin's residence, not a place where you can be presumptuous."

Guan Li bit his scalp and shouted, "You have a grudge with Wen Shao, you should find Wen Shao to solve it."

"Those who block me die!"

Ye Tianlong snorted coldly, like thunder that shook everyone's mind, and then he rushed directly over, like a cannonball.

"Stand back, protect the gate!"

Guan Li and the others did not expect Ye Tianlong Thunder to make a move, they instinctively withdrew five or six meters back to guard the gate of the Jin family.

At the same time, the swords and guns in the hands of more than forty people were raised, preparing to stabilize the position and then kill Ye Tianlong.


It's just that Ye Tianlong ran into the past like a cannonball before they formed the formation.


With a loud noise, sixteen Jin guards were rushed away like paper dummies.

Then Ye Tianlong's body turned, the sword light flashed, and the bodies of more than a dozen people around him shook, and then he fell to the ground with blood from his throat.

Ye Tianlong didn't stop for a while, his body slammed into the crowd behind him again.

Although there were four knives piercing his body, they broke one by one with the sound of clicking, and before the Jin family guard could react, they flew one by one.


Thirteen people were rushed into the air, and they heard the sound of their fractures.

When he fell, everyone's mouth was full of red blood, and his limbs were weakly opened in the rain and allowed to wash.

Guan Li couldn't see that they were dead, only knew that their eyes were big, seeming to ask the heavens why there is such a perverted powerhouse?

With two hits and one knife, all the defense lines at the door collapsed.

Ten Jinjia gunners protruded on both sides of the fence. Ye Tianlong stretched out his arms as soon as two bullets were fired, and shot the gunner to the ground with four knives.

At the door, only Guan Li was left, his arm injury was not healed, and it was a little difficult to even hold the knife.

But he still gritted his teeth and raised his head, squeezing out a sentence: "Officially important, please don't enter."

Ye Tianlong said coldly: "Are you going to block me?"

Guan Li sighed: "The responsibility..."


Ye Tianlong pierced out with a sword and directly pierced Guan Li's throat.


At almost the same moment, a flying knife flashed out of the garden gate and took Ye Tianlong's throat directly, accompanied by a curse: "Keep people under the sword."


With a backhand, Ye Tianlong slashed the throwing knife directly, and then the tip of the sword flicked, piercing Guanli's throat.

A burst of blood shot out, Guan Li's body was shaken, and then he fell to the ground without gaze.

He never thought that Ye Tianlong would kill him.

"Bastard stuff!"

An angry woman's voice came from inside: "Elder Jin asked you to keep people under the sword. Do you dare to kill people face to face?"

After speaking, eighteen men and women wielding knives emerged at the door. Compared with the guards who died in battle, these people looked much better.

And among them, surrounded by a black wheelchair, in the wheelchair, sat an elderly gray-clothed old man.

He looked a little skinny, but his eyes were deep and breathtaking, like a pool of well water that could never be seen.

Next to him, there is a woman in blue, holding a saber, staring at Ye Tianlong murderously: "You are too lawless."

Ye Tianlong said coldly: "Those who block me will die."

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