Talented Genius

Chapter 2876: Yuanjia Road is narrow


When Secretary Lin and the others screamed to pay for their actions, Ye Tianlong took Tang Wuzui into the nearest hospital and asked the doctor to operate on him.

Tang Wuzui endured the pain and whispered to Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao, I'm sorry, let you get involved in danger."

She didn't expect that a hijacking incident would bring about a confrontation between Ye Tianlong and the Rong family, putting Ye Tianlong in danger.

"It's okay, this risk is too small for me."

Ye Tianlong said in a softly relieved sentence: "The enemy I provoke, I can settle it, the wind and waves are coming, this matter is easy to settle."

"Don't think too much, there is nothing wrong with a gunshot wound, just cooperate with the doctor's operation."

He smiled very warmly: "At most three months, you can fly around again."

Tang Wuzui nodded softly: "I will, I have to fly a plane, I won't let myself be troubled."

"Ye Shao, did you disappoint this time?"

"I should practice taekwondo more so that I don't worry about being hijacked by bad guys."

Tang Wuzui was carrying the pain of the wound, but always showed his best side to Ye Tianlong, not warm, but simple and innocent.

"Silly girl, how could I be disappointed?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "On the contrary, I think you are very good. Whether it is flying skills or critical mentality, you are all top-notch."

"I think after this incident, you will become a hero in the sky."

He held the palm of the woman in his hand: "The official will definitely give you the best reward."

"Your praise is more meaningful than official rewards."

Tang Wuzui showed a charming smile: "When I get better, will you accompany me to fly into the blue sky?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

After Tang Wuzui was sent into the operating room, Ye Tianlong also sat down on the bench at the door, and the Zhan Qinglou who had greeted the dean came over:

"The operation will take three hours, and the anesthesia will go away for eight hours. It's already the next day since she woke up. You don't need to stay here and wait."

"I have arranged a few people to stare at, nothing will happen."

"You are struggling, go back and rest."

Zhan Qinglou is very concerned: "Moreover, the Air Traffic Control Bureau has decided to treat her as a model. At most tomorrow morning, she will be a hero of China."

"I'm fine, sit down first, then go back to rest."

Ye Tianlong twisted a bottle of soda water: "By the way, how closely is Lin Miaomiao and Honor?"


Zhan Qinglou did not conceal the slightest bit: "Lin Miaomiao is a bribe given to Mu Guosheng by Rong Shengli. He is eighteen years old, youthful and invincible, and champion in liberal arts."

"Rong Shengli wanted to win over Mu Guosheng with beauty, so that he could better clean up the glory and care for the glory."

"It's just that Mu Guosheng was also the leader of the cigarette factory at that time. The white silver is more attractive than the beauty."

"So he only asked Lin Miaomiao to do miscellaneous tasks, and didn't touch her a finger, but Glory became a confidant with her."

Zhan Qinglou told some news: "Moreover, the two have been tired and crooked for fifteen years. It can be seen that there are really many topics in common."

Ye Tianlong was curious: "How could Mu Guosheng be arrested in the first place?"

Zhan Qinglou did not conceal from Ye Tianlong: "When Mu Guosheng was the leader of the border, he also served as the head of a declining tobacco factory."

"He used all his strength to save the cigarette factory, and also introduced a lot of equipment and technology, and at the same time used profits to improve the environment for the workers."

"After three years, that cigarette factory not only came back to life, but also became the No. 1 cigarette in China and Asia, paying more than 30 billion in taxes each year."

She gave a comparison: "As much as the house price fifteen years ago, you will know that the 30 billion yuan is considerable."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "At that time, the real estate was not in development, and there was no big source of finance. The annual tax payment of 30 billion was really good."

Zhan Qinglou laughed and said: "And his salary at the time was only more than 10,000 yuan, and he couldn't bear the temptation in his heart, so he kept evading taxes secretly."

"I heard that the tax is calculated like this, one for the country, one for me, one for the local, one for me..."

"In three years, Mu Guosheng has earned more than 20 billion yuan, touching the bottom line of the country, the taboo of the boss, so he went to jail."

"It's just that during the search later, only a billion yuan was frozen from his account, and the large amount of stolen money disappeared."

She sighed softly: "The disciplinary committee also checked his wife and daughter, but they didn't see the huge sum of money in their accounts."

Ye Tianlong asked, "How much is the stolen money?"

Zhan Qinglou gave a number: "The gap is more than 18 billion, but Mu Guosheng did not admit that he was killed. This is also because of the 15-year sentence."

"But his methods and tone are really good. For fifteen years, he hasn't confided a word, and it almost makes people think that he really didn't take it."

She was thoughtful: "But judging from his performance today, he actually took the money, and it has nothing to do with Glory."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head and looked at the opening of the operating room: "Things are getting more and more interesting..."



"Go ahead and get treatment!"

"My Aunt Lin has something, I will kill your family."

At this moment, there was another uproar in the hall, and medical staff came in pushing the mobile bed, and dozens of men and women in Chinese were clustered beside them.

There was a young woman lying on the hospital bed, her face pale, her head sweating profusely, and the indescribable pain was Lin Miaomiao whose finger was broken by Ye Tianlong.

Yuanjia has a narrow road.

In addition to the medical staff next to her, there are also a large number of men and women in Chinese clothes.

Black leather sneakers, black Japanese-style skateboard pants, a black gown with skulls, and dyed red hair made the young boy look mad.

"Aunt Lin, you have to hold on, you will be fine, my dad will come over soon."

"Damn! Doctor, you must save my Aunt Lin, what's wrong, I will kill you and your family."

The red-haired boy comforted Lin Miaomiao while threatening the medical staff, which made the medical staff unhappy and uneasy.

"Ye Tianlong!"

When the movable bed was about to turn, Lin Miaomiao, who was very weak, suddenly widened her eyes. She caught Ye Tianlong's figure and gritted her teeth:

"Asshole! Asshole!"

"He hurt us and broke our fingers!"

Lin Miaomiao stared at Ye Tianlong and shouted, with unspeakable resentment in her eyes: "It's him!"

"He hurt you?"

Hearing Lin Miaomiao's words, the red-haired boy immediately turned his head and locked Ye Tianlong like a poisonous snake.

A group of comrades also broke away from the hospital bed with a scream, and they surrounded Ye Tianlong in a tacit understanding, one by one, fierce and fierce.

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to hold down the Zhan Qinglou that was about to get up, and coldly looked at the red-haired boy who surrounded them: "This is the hospital, be quiet."

The red-haired boy pointed to Lin Miaomiao and shouted:

"Fuck you uncle, did you hurt my Aunt Lin?"

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