Talented Genius

Chapter 607: Torn

Chapter 607


As Xiong Tianjiang's words fell, more than a dozen figures flashed all around, one by one in black military boots, burly and tall, staring at the downstairs.

Then, a man and two women flashed out, Jiang Zihao dangling a cigar, and two brightly dressed women in his arms, appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Jiang Zihao was very conspicuous, with red clothes, black leather shoes, and a gloomy smile.

The big red shirt feels weird, plus the eerie smile on Jiang Zihao's face, it feels like a fierce female ghost.

What makes Ye Tianlong angry most is that this guy's red clothes are the same as his own, which is completely discrediting himself who loves to wear red.

However, he didn't do it right away, he was still very frightened, lowered his head to prevent the other party from recognizing himself, while observing the surrounding environment.

Excluding the guards and Jiang Zihao outside, the upstairs, downstairs, plus the six bandits in the northwest, a total of 28 people, and Ye Tianlong vaguely felt that there were people hidden upstairs.

He conservatively estimated that there are at least one hundred thugs in this garden, and the Jiang family is really strong.

All of them were bulging, obviously hiding sharp weapons.

But the most tricky thing is that they are two gorgeous women in Jiang Zihao's arms. They look lovely and harmless, but Ye Tianlong can see that they have strong hands and feet.

Ye Tianlong sighed softly in his heart: It seems that tonight is another fierce fight, and he hopes that the oriole can get here in time.

Ye Tianlong didn't do anything all the way, in order to find out who was behind the scenes, but he did not expect that there were so many bodyguards around Jiang Zihao.

When he squinted his eyes to think about **** the enemy, he was seeing Shen Tianmei being pushed up, and his eyes flashed slyly.

Xiong Tianjiang yelled: "Jiang Zihao, people have brought you, and the mantissa should be given to us."

"Young Master Jiang, long time no see."

Shen Tianmei was not afraid, she smiled sweetly, and said, "When will Mingjiang come?"

"Don't say hello to me in advance, so I don't even have the opportunity to do my best as a landlord."

At this moment, Jiang Zihao was laughing strangely: "Haha, Reporter Shen is as charming and moving as ever, and he speaks beautifully."

"To be honest, if it weren't for stabbing our Jiang's knife too hard, I really can't bear to deal with you."

"After all, if you want to kill a beautiful person like you, I will really feel very disappointed and painful."

Xiong Tianjiang originally wanted to say something, but seeing this cat-and-mouse situation, he was not in a hurry, so he took out a cigarette and started smoking.

When he took out the cigarette, he vaguely felt some pain in his elbow, but it quickly disappeared, so he didn't care about it.

At this moment, Shen Tianmei was smiling, with a variety of styles: "That's not a knife? I'm just reporting the facts."

"Jiang Shao has such a big heart, he won't be too much tolerate that, right? Besides, your father went to the police station for a few days."

She always treated it calmly: "No, he will be out of prison in a few days."

Jiang Zihao's condescending gaze all fell on Shen Tianmei's body: "Are you embarrassed to say this?"

"It's not that you modern Da has made trouble and sent someone to drive him at the gate of the prison. Will he make an excuse for the police to continue to be detained in the prison?"

Shen Tianmei looked innocent: "Young Master Jiang, why don't I understand what you said? When did I ask someone to hit your father?"

"Don't pretend to be crazy."

The corner of Jiang Zihao's mouth showed a hint of joking, and he spouted a big puff of smoke: "We have found the perpetrator. He hired everything. You hired him."

"Five hundred thousand, if the brake fails and hits, if the thing is done or not, the money will be given."

Jiang Zihao sneered: "Miss Shen, you are really generous."

Shen Tianmei was silent for a while, and then sighed very resignedly: "Jiang Shao really has a lot of supernatural powers, and he can find out everything."

"It's not that I have supernatural powers, it's that you messed up your senses and only arranged for the driver to hit someone, but didn't arrange for him to run away."

Jiang Zihao's face was indescribably energetic: "Do you think he can hold the eighteenth generation greetings from the ancestor of my prisoner with a mouth?"

"However, if you don't do this, I can't make up my mind to deal with you. After all, Shao Kong hopes you are safe."

He stared at Shen Tianmei with a sneer: "The car accident, let me know thoroughly, it is the best way to deal with a woman like you, without mercy."

Shen Tianmei smiled: "Really? You just know that Shao Kong cares about me, so you still hurt me? Aren't you afraid that he will get angry and kill you?"

"How do you say, I am also the woman he likes, you killed me, can you withstand his anger?"

She let out a long breath: "I don't think that Jiang Shao has the strength to fight against the Kong family."

Seeing Shen Tianmei's calm and unhurried appearance, Ye Tianlong's eyes flashed with appreciation. This woman is indeed not simple, the environment is still full of talk and laughter.

Later, Ye Tianlong also discovered that the two Overlords' faces were not solemn, and even changed the arrogance of the restaurant, only a silence like autumn water.

They are like two wild beasts catching prey.

Ye Tianlong moved in his heart, feeling that there was something else inside.

"Of course the Jiang family is not as good as the Kong family. It's just that the truth is on my side now. The car accident is first and you are the second. Kong Shao has nothing to blame."

Jiang Zihao smiled coldly: "Even if he is really angry, the Kong family will not chop off Jiang's arm for a dead woman."

"Furthermore, you have harmed the Jiang clan too badly. Even if my father came out intact, the Jiang clan's empire would have been greatly injured."

Jiang Zihao's voice suddenly rose up a bit, his face was a bit more chill, and he cried out with a cigar in his mouth:

"For the 60 billion financial empire, if it were not for you to slash Jiang's seven inches, give us three more months, Jiang's can cash out."

"Jiang’s private bank in Myanmar is short of the last procedure. As long as it operates, we can easily transfer 30 billion away."

Jiang Zihao looked regretful: "With these 30 billion, can you imagine how chic and comfortable Jiang's life is?"

"Your life is happy, but thousands of families will be destroyed because of you."

Shen Tianmei's smile was still soft, but her words became sharp: "Even now, I am afraid that many innocent people will cry."

"After I die, how can I care about the flood?"

Jiang Zihao slowly stepped forward: "People don't kill themselves for their own sake, the first reporter of Mingjiang, don't you even understand this truth?"

"Actually you have a better choice."

Ye Tianlong could smell Jiang Zihao's murderous aura, and then heard him sigh: "For example, if you ask us for one billion eight billion, we will definitely give it to you."

"Even if you buy shares or cooperate, I think my father will promise you."

"But you took the most stupid and most ignorant way to directly destroy our Jiang family, and let my dad stay in prison for a few months."

Jiang Zihao doubled up two gorgeous women: "Twenty years of hard work and hard work, not only have we become paupers, but you will also face life and death."

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