Talented Genius

Chapter 633: Realm of Conscience

Chapter 633

The next day, when Ye Tianlong woke up, it was already three rods in the sun, his head was dizzy, and his limbs also had unspeakable soreness.

It's been many years, for the first time I overslept, and I got up later than Ning Hongzhuang Dianluan Dafeng. It can be seen that last night was really crazy.

Ye Tianlong rubbed his eyes vigorously and found that Lin Chenxue was no longer by his side, and her clothes were not seen on the ground, only messy, torn sheets.

Recalling the crazy score of seven times last night, Ye Tianlong's face has a smile: "This phone is really worth the money."

When she mistakenly thought that Lin Chenxue was attacked and fell from a building, and she appeared in front of her intact, Ye Tianlong was full of excitement and fear that had been recovered.

This also allowed him to pry into his own heart, Lin Chenxue is very important to him, her life and death equals her own life and death.

Lin Chenxue can also clearly feel Ye Tianlong's love, and her panic towards him also shows that she also likes this strange flower.

Neither Ye Tianlong nor Lin Chenxue wanted to have any regrets, otherwise once an accident happened, I was afraid that they would regret it all their lives.

So the two of them rolled on the bed naturally, wanting to blend themselves into each other's body to vent their love, which is also a way to cherish each other.

But Ye Tianlong didn't expect that, this did not leave any regrets, it was seven times, and every time he tried his best, it made him exhausted.

"Wake up? I cooked the bridge rice noodles by myself, try it."

When Ye Tianlong got up and took a shower to clean up and walked out, Lin Chenxue, who was only looming in thin pajamas, opened the door and walked into the room.

A fragrant wind poured in, a cold and arrogant face, a plump body, long white legs, and crystal clear toenails, all tempting in this morning.

Ye Tianlong suddenly felt that there was another heat spreading in his body. Fortunately, he could suppress that reaction in time and didn't make himself embarrassed.

Lin Chenxue was holding a tray with a hot casserole and two porcelain bowls on it.


Lin Chenxue changed the coldness of the past, put the casserole on the table, lifted the lid, and the aroma suddenly flowed out. She picked up the chopsticks and picked up the rice noodles.

Compared with the last time cooking at home, Lin Chenxue's cooking skills are a qualitative leap. The rice noodles are tough, the soup is rich, the ingredients are crispy, and he has an appetite.

Ye Tianlong raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, walked slowly behind her, and hugged her slender body: "Ms. Lin, I don't want to eat rice noodles."

Being hugged by Ye Tianlong like this and still feeling the scorching breath behind, Lin Chenxue's body became hot uncontrollably, and her eyes narrowed slightly:

"Then what do you want to eat? Tell me, I will make it for you."

Ye Tianlong bit her ear: "I want to eat you."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong couldn't allow Lin Chenxue to resist, like punishment, but also a declaration of sovereignty, and kissed her wantonly by the edge of the table.

This kiss, like last night, was so dim, until Ye Tianlong was about to suffocate.

"You...you are crazy."

When Ye Tianlong moved away from her red lips, Lin Chenxue panted, breathing in the fresh air: "Isn't it enough to toss last night?"

The woman's expression was full of complaints, and at the same time she showed panic and longing, and an expression of eagerness to refuse. This was the most unbearable expression of a man.

"I should say if it is enough."

Ye Tianlong squeezed Lin Chenxue's chin and chuckled softly in her painful voice: "There have always been exhausted cows, and there has been no bad farming."

He looked solemn: "The cows didn't cry hard, how can Tian complain?"

Lin Chenxue raised her pretty face and snorted seductively, "Knowing that you are not obedient to me? Believe it or not, I will clean up you now?"

The coquettish and exquisite goose-egg face, with a lightly cold smile, showed an extremely bewitching charm, which was regarded as a charming curse.

She directly pushed Ye Tianlong onto the chair, and then straddled her whole body, condescending: "Zhuangshi Ye, can you still fight?"

Her breath was gentle as spring breeze, with a sweet and intoxicating.

Slender fingers slid across Ye Tianlong's chest: "I don't want the seven flowers to gather at the top, I just want to score three times."

Ye Tianlong's aura was like a rainbow, and was immediately suppressed by Lin Chenxue. Seeing the woman's current state and the power to make breakfast, he sneered:

"Zong Lin calm down, just kidding, don't be angry, come, have breakfast, eat it while it's hot, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Although Ye Tianlong slept for a while, took a bath, and had a trace of strength on his body, but he could only make another shot, and he was helpless when he scored three times.

He made his smile brighter: "Mr. Lin, I will have some good things for you after breakfast later, Liu Shuqing's experience."

Lin Chenxue reached out and knocked Ye Tianlong on the head: "Bone."

She didn't suppress Ye Tianlong any more, she got up from him with a smug look, and she was not curious about what Liu Shuqing had learned, which seemed to her as a cover.

How could Ye Tianlong get something from Liu Shuqing?

Lin Chenxue didn't expose Ye Tianlong's diversion trick, and she scooped a few quail eggs into the rice noodles, soaked in the soup, which looked very beautiful.

"Tossing with me for a half night last night, I must be tired, you sit down and I feed you breakfast."

Lin Chenxue, who is still charming and coquettish without Fendai, now looks like a good wife and mother, picking up the rice noodles and blowing gently: "Open your mouth."

Ye Tianlong was a little embarrassed and even said no,

Lin Chenxue's pretty face became cold, and she complained: "Ye Tianlong, do you still treat me as an outsider? Or is Shen Tianmei the_one?"

Ye Tianlong gave a wry smile, this is the rhythm of the palace, he opened his mouth very well...

It took a full hour for a breakfast to be finished. Lin Chenxue served Ye Tianlong like a little wife and ate half a pot of rice noodles.

Ye Tianlong was a little uncomfortable, but after finishing the rice noodles obediently, Lin Chenxue finally wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, showing her gentleness.

"You said, Shen Tianmei and I, who is more gentle, who is more suitable to be your woman?"

Lin Chenxue put the bowls and chopsticks on the table, tilted her head and asked Ye Tianlong, "Tell me honestly, I won't be angry."


With this kind of problem, Ye Tianlong has long been familiar with the road, and he didn't hesitate to reply: "Mr. Lin must be gentle, who is more suitable to be a woman."

"Look at you, get out of the hall, get on the big bed, get into the kitchen, arrogant and cold to the outside, tender and soft inside."

He wantonly praised Lin Chenxue: "The style on the bed is charming enough, and the rice noodle craftsmanship is tough enough. How can Shen Tianmei compare to you?"

Lin Chenxue smiled like a flower: "Is this what you really mean?"

Ye Tianlong held his head up tall: "Of course."


When Ye Tianlong secretly screamed to calm Lin Chenxue, a sly smile bloomed on Lin Chenxue's pretty face, making Ye Tianlong's heart slightly choked.

Afterwards, Lin Chenxue took out a mobile phone from behind and smiled faintly at the other end of the phone: "Shen Tianmei, have you heard? You can't compare to me."

Ye Tianlong's eyes widened instantly, and his right hand trembled: "Shen Tianmei?"

Gong scheming.

The next second, he shook his body twice, ah, and fell on the table...

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