Talented Genius

Chapter 784: Too late

Chapter 784: Too Late

Ning Caiwei turned her head to see the Miao old man, she was surprised and lost her voice: "Is it you?"

Ye Tianlong also turned his head and looked over, his eyelids twitched, the old man's face was as cold as a death god, and he actually gave a sense of arrogance that people despised the common people.

When a man in black clothes heard this, he was furious, holding a sharp knife and yelling: "Fuck your mother! Old fellow, don't want to get out."

"Otherwise I would even cut you down..."


He didn't see how the Miao old man moved, but just moved his steps, he came to the black outfit man, his left arm swept out like a rainbow.


With a loud noise, the black man with a knife was beaten by the Miao old man for more than ten meters, spurting blood into the night sky.

It took a long time before he landed heavily, his head crooked, and there was no good luck.

Seeing the tragic death of his companion, the other man in black couldn't hold back his grief and anger. He roared and stabbed a knife from behind.

The Miao elder's eyes were cold, his right hand stuck out, grabbed the knife, and stabbed it out.

Under the astonishment and astonishment of the people around, the blade stabbed into the chest of the man in black abruptly, and a stream of blood splashed from his chest instantly.

Spicy and bloody.

The black clothes screamed shortly, staring at the old man in front of him dumbfounded. He didn't expect him to act so viciously.

flutter! The Miao old man turned his right hand and directly shredded his opponent's lungs. The black-clothed man's face was as gray as death, and then his body crashed to the ground.

The Miao old man didn't even look at it, just looked at the white dysentery and shouted, "Go away."

The audience fell silent.

Ye Tianlong, with his face covered in blood, mud and water, looked at the outstanding Miao old man, wondering where this is sacred, so domineering?

But he could tell that the seemingly arrogant old man seemed to know Ning Caiwei.

Ning Caiwei also felt hope, and ran to Ye Tianlong's side and helped him back a few meters, still a little excited on her face.

Ye Tianlong whispered: "Who is he?"

Ning Caiwei shook her head: "I don't know..." Then added the last sentence: "I bought a subway ticket for him."

Ye Tianlong realized.

"Old man, we are the police!"

When they saw the white dysentery, they would wave a knife and rush forward. Song Zhu waved his hand to stop their impulse, took a step forward and watched the Miao old man squeeze out:

"We came here to catch the bad guys, and I hope you won't hinder our official duties."

The Miao old man shouted again: "Get out!"

Song Zhu's face was very ugly. He had already seen that this Miao old man was not good at stubborn, and his skills were terrifying.

If he hadn't played against Ye Tianlong and his body was at its peak, he might still be able to fight against the Miao old man, but he was definitely not an opponent now.

The twenty-something brothers may not be opponents together, but he is not willing to let Song Zhu let go of Ye Tianlong at the end of the force.

In this battle tonight, he took out the colorless and tasteless "three bowls but not guards" that he has collected for many years, and he also brought dozens of elites to besieged with all his strength, and he has consumed half of his skill.

It can be said that the manpower and strength he worked hard for ten years were brought back by Ye Tianlong five years ago overnight.

Song Zhu suffered heavy losses, how could he return without success?

So in the face of the tyrannical Miao elders, Song Zhu shouted: "Don't deceive people too much!"

White dysentery also tensed his nerves and shouted: "If you get in the way, I won't blame us for being polite."


The Miao old man did not speak, and moved his feet, his body pulled out a shadow, and he immediately approached an opponent close to Ning Caiwei.

The latter had no time to evade, and collided face-to-face with the Miao old man.


With a loud noise, the hunk who collided with the Miao old man felt an instantaneous pain in his whole body, like hitting a rock, and his skeleton would be scattered.

Before he could react, the Miao old man had already raised his hand, grabbed the man's back hair, and slammed his forehead.

The man's head bloomed, and a dull sound came out. Then, the Miao old man shook his opponent and smashed into the group of enemies that followed.


Suddenly, seven or eight people were knocked down by their companion's huge body when they were caught off guard.

The white dysentery roared angrily: "Kill him!"

More than a dozen people raised their sharp knives and rushed towards the Miao old man, full of killing intent.

Ning Caiwei subconsciously shouted: "Be careful!"

The Miao old man’s eyes were cold, and his whole person’s momentum changed again. If it was just cold, now he is crazy like a devil.


The Miao old man raised his hands and shot two tough steel wires from his sleeves, which penetrated the throats of the two in front of them like poisonous snakes.

When a canopy of blood burst out, the steel wire broke from the back of the deceased's neck and quickly penetrated into the bodies of the two behind.

After killing four people in a row, the steel wire continued to break out of the body without losing its momentum, digging into the chests of the two behind, with strands of flesh hanging on the tips.

The white dysentery and others felt cold all over, and Song Zhu's breathing became thick.


After killing six people in a row, the Miao old man shook his wrist, and with a sharp sound of a steel wire, he recovered from the six people.

"Boom boom!"

The six who lost their support screamed and fell to the ground all together, extinguishing their vitality.

The moment they closed their eyes, they saw the Miao old man slinging out the steel wire again, piercing the throats of the four companions, cruel and vicious.

The screams resounded throughout the construction site and shocked people's hearts.

Two Song elites took the opportunity to pounce on the vicious old man, but as soon as they approached, the Miao old man shot two small silver snakes.

The ugly little snake flew out in the air, biting his throat like a cheetah, and with a crisp ‘click’, the throats of the two attackers were bitten off.

The sound of the throat became a nightmare for Ning Caiwei.

The two fell to the ground with a crash, but the snake did not leave immediately, but drank the blood from the corpse, and they were terrified with white diarrhea.


Ning Caiwei screamed and threw herself into Ye Tianlong's arms, trembling all over, not daring to look again.

Her instinct was afraid to scream, which caused the two little snakes to look sideways, with their blood-stained snake teeth exposed, as if they were about to attack.

The Miao old man coughed slightly, and the two little snakes immediately extinguished the attacking flames, and swished back to the Miao old man's body.

The remaining Song elites did not dare to charge anymore, all stagnated and looked at the Miao old man, then looked at the poisonous snake, instinctively moved back two steps.

This old man is terrible.

Bai Yiyi pulled off a collar button and looked sideways at Song Zhu, who had an ugly face, not knowing whether to continue his attack.

Song Zhu wanted to shoot several times and touch the gun behind his back several times, but finally held back.

He knew in his heart that he would shoot by himself unless it was a shot to kill the old man, otherwise the result would be very serious, and maybe he would not be able to get out of the door.

"Very well, I remember you."

The corner of Song Zhu's mouth moved a bit, and finally let go of the hand holding the gun, his face was gloomy and he walked to the commercial vehicle: "We have met in mountains and rivers."

"Too late!"

The Miao old man threw a sentence, then moved his feet and rushed towards the enemy group.

Hurry and kill!

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