Talented Genius

Chapter 789: Danger is rising

Chapter 789

In the cold wind and cold rain, the Wangjiang Tower with a light on seemed particularly lonely.

The restaurant where Ye Tianlong used to kill and Lin Chenxue was kidnapped by Wolverine has been renovated to become even more magnificent.

It's just that it hasn't fully opened yet, and the **** influence hasn't dissipated yet, so it has been a monk in the past few months, and few people have seen it.

But today, it is a bit more popular.

At the door stood ten hard-dressed men, five in black, and five in white. They patrolled in silence, their faces indifferent from letting any strangers approach.

Their waists are still bulging, and they contain a touch of murder.

The cold lights, the whistle in the distance, the quiet road, and the leaves that tremble slightly with the wind, give the building an indescribable loneliness.


But this tranquility was quickly broken by a train team, and four Cadillacs quietly drove into the parking lot of Wangjiang Tower.

The streamlined car doors opened one after another, and the adhering rain fell to the ground, and then twenty axe gang children drilled into the car.

Similar height, similar cruelty, it makes people feel like they were carved out of the same mold.

Afterwards, a short man emerged from the middle car, wrapped in a trench coat and standing on the ground, showing high spirits.

It is eight taels of gold.


When Baliangjin looked around, a man in black guarding the door ran up respectfully: "Are you here?"

Baliangjin swept over the men standing before the attack: "Are they here, Gangmaster Liang?"

Today is a good day. He and the Flying Dragon Gang will join hands against the Dai family. Baliangjin believes that as long as the two companies work together and under the command of Ye Tianlong, the current predicament can be resolved. Losing four hall masters gave Baliangjin absolute confidence in Ye Tianlong.

"Here, ten minutes ago, Gang Leader Liang brought the Eagles and the others here. He also asked when you would arrive."

The black-clothed man threw another sentence: "Except for the five people patrolling at the door, there are only fifteen bodyguards around him. They follow the rules and do not play tricks."

According to the agreement between the two parties, Liang Xiucai and Baliangjin can only bring 20 people to the meeting. One is to avoid crowded people, and the other is to negotiate and conflict.

After all, the two sides have fought too much in the past, and it is impossible to sit down and negotiate too smoothly. If there are too many people, they will start fighting if they disagree.

The more people there are, the more people die, and the situation is not easy to control.

Baliang Jinman nodded carelessly, and swept over the five Feilonggang children guarding the door: "Very well, tell my brothers, keep an eye on it."

"If a stranger approaches, go in immediately and tell us."

Baliangjin also took out the phone that had been turned off and took a look. Today, the two gangs Qiadan, but the first class and one secret, absolutely cannot be known by the Dai family.

So not only did I make an appointment with Liang Xiucai in a hidden place, but also told the participants to turn off all their mobile phones to avoid being locked in by the Dai family.

"Master of Eight, good noon."

At this moment, a woman in white greeted her with an umbrella and hurried forward, and smiled at Baliangjin: "Leang Gang is already inside."

The white-clothed woman in her twenties has a slender figure and a light body. She wears a decent professional attire, with a touch of charm in her dusty temperament.

She didn't wear high heels, but a pair of flat shoes. She won eight taels of gold in an instant. He was most upset that women who were taller than him wore high heels.

Baliangjin has always liked female sex, seeing beautiful women instinctively greedy, and seeing her being polite, she suddenly became less alert:

"who are you?"

The white-clothed woman smiled sweetly, very coquettishly: "I am a member of the Liang Gang, and today I followed him over to see the big scene."

There was a trace of surprise in Baliangjin's eyes, Liang Xiucai's person? In his memory, the Flying Dragon Gang didn't seem to be such a girl, he turned his head to look at the guard.

Although he is greedy for money and lust, strangers still make him tighten his nerves during this extraordinary period.

The black guard understood what Baliangjin meant: "If you return to the helper, she is indeed the person next to Liang's helper, who came with the eagle."

Baliangjin's expression eased a little, and he raised a smile: "You are from the Flying Dragon Gang, but why haven't I met you?"

"I am a distant relative of the Liang Gang leader, and also the financial director of the Flying Dragon Gang. The Flying Dragon Gang has a big business and a large number of accounts."

The white-clothed woman smiled very charmingly: "Liang Gang can't manage it, so he called me to the Flying Dragon Gang to take care of it."

"Today's negotiation is not a simple combination of personnel. It will definitely involve the economic benefits of the venue and the compensation standards for personnel."

"So Gang Leader Liang asked me to follow, and when I need it, I can do my best to make Qiadan complete smoothly."

What she said was not leaking: "I also believe that my participation will only benefit you, not harm."


Baliangjin laughed again, and then smiled meaningfully: "Let a newcomer like you participate in the meeting, it seems that Gangmaster Liang really trusts you, but you are not stunned by him, what are you running out for?"

"Didn't Leader Liang tell you that if the wind is heavy and rainy outside, you will get wind and chill if you are not careful."

Baliangjin does not have the cunningness of a crow, but he is not a newcomer in the rivers and lakes. He is always curious about the white-clothed woman who suddenly appears.

If it wasn't because of his absolute trust in Ye Tianlong, he would transfer to Liang Xiucai and then to the woman in white, he would have to check the identity of the latter.

"Of course I know it's windy and rainy outside."

Hearing the question of Baliangjin, the woman in white laughed: "It's just that no matter how hard it is, it can't stop me from meeting the strong."

"I'm worried that you will be busy with business later, and I can't speak, so I pinch the time you want to show up and report to Gangmaster Liang to come out to meet you."

She also grabbed eight taels of gold's hand and drew a few circles in his palm, with a strong provocative meaning, and then the voice came out softly:

"One is to demonstrate the sincerity of the Flying Dragon Gang, and the other is to let me know the eight gang masters."

She also held Baliangjin’s arm, letting the latter’s fingers touch her thigh intentionally or unintentionally:

"Beautiful women love heroes. How can I get acquainted with a hero like the eight gang master?"

Hearing the words of the woman in white, looking at the other person holding his arm, Jin Haha laughed, "Interesting, interesting."

"Liang Bangzhu is really a wonderful person. There is such an exquisite girl around him. No wonder the business of the Flying Dragon Gang is booming."

The woman in white responded with a smile: "Thank you for your praise." Then she held her hand, and the fragrant wind rushed: "Please here."

Baliangjin asked: "By the way, what is your name?"

"Ding Yanqing."

"Ding Yanqing? Good name, good name, it sounds fierce."

Baliangjin laughed and walked forward with her, looking like a mother holding a child...

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