Tales Of Demons And Gods - The Rise Of Chen Long


A few days later...

The doctor just left from my daily check up. And i am left alone in my room.

It took along time for them to convince me to accept that I am Chen Long. I decided to accept it since they we're really getting annoying.

Since i cannot move my body, I asked one of the servants for a mirror. I looked at the reflection, and saw a stranger. The person in the mirror is the same as the portrait on the wall.

I am covered neck down with bandages. It looks like most of my bones are broken, and it is going to be awhile until i can move around. I ask my (A...AHEM!) maidservant what had happened to me to be so messed up.

Her story stated that I was waiting in the campsite with the a couple bodyguards, while my dad went out teaching my brother how to hunt for demon beast. Suddenly, a stampede came out of nowhere. Trampling and killing everyone, excluding myself. When my dad and brother came back, they were horrified at my condition and rushed me home. The doctor was amazed when i came back to life. He was sure that my breathing stopped and all signs of life is gone.

I thanked her for the info and ask her that i want to be alone for now.

I began to look through the memories of my body's previous host.

NAME: Chen Long (9 yrs old)

FATHER: Chen Zhenlong

- *Divine Family Patriarch*

MOTHER: < Deceased >

UNCLE: Chen Fei

PLACE: Glory City

I also found out that I am in the novel that i recently got addicted to. I do not remember my character's name, because in my belief that this character died before the story started. The start of the story is when my brother is 15 yrs old. So i have 4 yrs before the start of the story.

I do not know any cultivation techniques at this moment. My brother is the future successor, so most cultivation techniques and materials are spent on him. He is one of the rising genius of the city. He hasn't started school yet, but he is already a 2-star bronze rank.

I have to gather information of cultivation techniques from the family library and get supplies to concuct a pill from my memories of the novel. But i can't do anything until i am healed.

A year later...

I have just finished my physical therapy and able to walk again. When the bandages came off 3 months ago, i found no strength in my legs and have to move around in a wheel chair. Now i walk with crutches and can move around the family grounds.

I found out that my father was really adventurous back in the days, and did treasure hunting a lot. He have a personal collection of treasures under lock and key. I now know where my brother got his drive to go out and do exploration. But due to him being the successor, he is under constant watch.

"Father, do you have any books with ancient writing on it?" I asked

"I'm very interested on it! Can I have some of it? Maybe one day, i can translate it." - me

"Hahaha! Tell you what, I will have the transcribers make a copy for you. But the originals, stays with me. I cannot trust a child in handling delicate books." - dad

"Im not a child! I am 10 and a half years old!"

He had transcribers make copies of his precious books. And a few months later, I have a bookshelf full of untranslated ancient books.

Since my family is rich, I have the servants buy materials for the purple haze bath solution. the solution consist of purple haze grass, dictamni, mulberry and fractus.

Since it is gonna take awhile before i get the ancient writing translated or even worst learn the language, it might take me at most a year. I have a fair confidencein this, since i remember how they decode the rosetta stone in my past life.

That night. I took a bath with the purple haze solution, while doing the mantra my brother thought me. The solution worked pretty good. It started to heal and strengthen my body.

"Not bad. I now have the strength to move around without the use of the crutches."

I did some light stretches to see anything out of the ordinary in my body. I am now at normal health. So this will be my starting point then. I did yoga exercise since i just got healthy. After the exercise, i lay on my bed and fall asleep.

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