Tales of Herding Gods

: The second live broadcast: the big power of the house pig!

1. Why did you not enter the 18th century, but the 17th century?

I explain this. There is no great silence in the 17th century because the material of the 17th century is so rare that it cannot prevent the expansion of the void.

Energy and matter are conserved, energy and matter are conserved, how much matter in the first episode, how much energy there is, and how much energy in the second episode.

But there are a group of people, the enlightened, the first wave of the masters of the Miluo Palace, the Palace Lord lived in the Second Age, and more people lived to the Third Age.

The total mass and total energy of the universe are concentrated on more and more enlightened people. They occupy a large part, leading to the future birth of the universe (except these enlighteners), the quality and energy are slowly decreasing.

By the time of the seventeenth century, the energy occupied by the Miro Palace and other enlightened people was already great, and the quality and energy of the new universe was drastically reduced, leading to an irreversible infinite expansion of the void.

2. Can someone who has been vacant in the air be rescued by Qin Mu?

No, because after the void, all the information of this person has disappeared.

In "The Goddess of the Gods", in addition to the information on the flesh, a person's information also has information on the gods, as well as conscious information, divided into these three.

The information on the meat is very easy to recover. For example, the exercises such as the creation of Xuan Gong can restore the information on the flesh, and the metaphysical work can restore the information of the gods in the later period. For example, recreate the gods. .

The sacred magical power of Tianyin can restore the gods through the soul black sand, but after the voiding, even the soul black sand is gone, including all the information of consciousness, and it is turned into a void.

The idea is just to restore another, not the real "you."

3, the old pig, the saint said "a husband and wife, the righteousness" how many keyboards smashed?

I don't have it. My keyboard is very strong and I have never been smashed by the keyboard.

4, pig big, animal husbandry, what is the meaning of grazing gods

Putting God's power into a cage, grazing the gods means that God is for human use, and God's power and human existence right form a benign cycle.

5. Why did you write the book of the goddess? What is the source?

The most important thing is the ancient reforms and the current reform and opening up. This is the source of inspiration.

6. Is the chaotic cultivation practice written by Qin Mu really true?

It is true that the chaotic exercises and chaos that he wrote at the Mi Luo Palace are true, but no one can understand it. This can't blame Qin Mu. I taught, learning is not your business.

7. I want to see Ye Shaobao’s story of finding Jiang Zichuan’s account.

In fact, I can't write the story of Jiang Zichuan's account.

Ye Xu can't beat Jiang Zichuan, not Jiang Zichuan's opponent.

(That Qin Mu, Ye Xu, Jiang Nan can not fight one)

Qin Mu is the protagonist of the gods, Ye Xu is the protagonist of "The One Steps in the World", Jiangnan is the protagonist of "Emperor", their cultivation level is different, the exercises are different, the background is not the same, three people can't fight one frame.

8. Is Ling Tianzun the third strongest in the seventeen universes, except for Qin Mu and the palace master?

Ling Tianzun is not the third strongest. Ling Tianzun’s strength is after the Lord of Heaven, and after Qin Lingyi, it is the fifth strongest. Her qualification is very high, but the fighting consciousness is not strong. This is the biggest flaw, so Can only be ranked fifth.

9. What are the full names of Jiutian Zun?

Jiu Tian Zun does not have a full name, Tian Zun is a symbol, whether it is a nine-day or ten-day respect is a symbol.

Symbolic writing is a feature of the gods.

10, "Di Zun" mentioned that the emperor's father is the evil existence of the beginning of the Taoist Yuan, why not beat Jiangnan?

This is because the father of the emperor is called Ye Xu, Ye Xu is probably the four cards, but Jiangnan is not the same. Jiangnan is a card of eternal proof. A card of eternal proof means that he is the real Yuan Shi, and any avenue Jiangnan can reach the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The realm of the realm can even create a boulevard to reach the realm of the Yuan Dynasty.

Ye Xu's one card and four cards, the beginning of the Zhengdao Yuan four times, this is not comparable to Jiangnan.

When Ye Xu came to the robbery, he needed to go to Zongdao to go to him, but Jiangnan did not need it. Jiangnan is also the realm of Yuanshi in the future and will not fall.

10. Why do you want to call Jiang Baigui a martyr?

Because Jiang Baigui's system is not the inherent system of the Mire Palace, it is the system of enlightenment, and does not rely on the Yujing City of the Miluo Palace.

The martyr does not exist, but the fortune of the endless people used to smear those who do not cultivate the Taoist system is an excuse to suppress dissidents. Whoever wants to suppress can say who is the martyr.

11. In the world of animal husbandry, can't mathematics survive?

What is more, in the world of the gods, if mathematics is slag, even a supernatural power is not.

Your seven-star god, even in the later ancestral system, there are many places that need to use mathematics, use mathematics to calculate the specific geographical position of the heavens, the specific position and movement laws of the stars, and then Open up these gods.

If the math is not good, it will not be calculated. A cultural person who can only make poetry and songs is difficult to make a living in the world of the gods, and basically stops before the seven-star realm.

Well, the martial arts sorcerer tea, people are also the leader of the bullfighting days, mathematics is also very good.

12. The universe of Jiangnan and Qin Mu is similar to the increase of heat and entropy. Is it similar to the big tear and Hawking radiation?

Yes, the reason for the destruction of their two universes comes from these two scientific hypotheses. Hawking radiation is a phenomenon of evaporation, similar to the evaporation of the return of the book.

13, Zhan Silence and Promise are all returning to the goddess of the gods, how the lotus plate of the Promise is full, and some aspects of the son are stronger than the masters of the Miluo Palace, then their achievements are not repeated?

This question can be seen in Qin Mu, Qin Mu is also a 16-pronged lotus platform. Qin Mu’s 16-pronged lotus platform has not absorbed other enlightened people. It is cultivated by himself, and the Promise is the third-generation retreat. Goddess, the ultimate achievement of Zhan Sil is not to return to the market, no repetition.

14. What do you want to do around the fan?

There are not many fans, and there is no way to send them to all the book friends. If you want, you can pay attention to the public number, the house pig. Let's make a lottery and give it to everyone.

15. The pastor is finished, I am watching humanity, what is the book that can be seen when the book is gone?

"Humanitarian Supreme" has been written. After two or three years of writing, everyone can go and see. I think that "Humanitarian Supreme" is also very good-looking. The books of Emperor Zun and Dubu are also very good.

16. When is the time outside?

What do you want to see? Is the village chief nine people, or Qin Mu and Bai Yuer, or Yue Tianzun and Ling Tianzun, or the Emperor of the Emperor, or the story of Yun Tianzun, or the story of the Taidi? Or is it the story of Wugongzi and Liugongzi?

Which one do you want me to write?

In the past few days, I will start voting on the public number. I am sure what to write specifically, and I will sort it out and remember to vote.

I will try to finish the pastoral work in September, and then I will try my best to prepare a new book (if I want to write, then there is no new book).

17. When does the physical book of "The God of the Gods" come out specifically, I want to buy it?

I am also inquiring about the physical book. It should be a little longer. After the physical book of "The God of the Gods" comes out, I will say it on the public account, and there will be notices in the group of friends.

If you want to collect it, you can support it.

18. Geographical distribution map of Yuanyuan, Daxu, Yankang and Zuting

I can't paint it for you. I am not a professional painter. I am a soul painter. I paint very ugly.

It’s already complicated to see a single world. I can imagine these magnificent worlds, but it won’t work if I draw them.

In fact, there are many talented readers who have drawn some maps and painted very well.

19, the type of new book, will be a fantasy theme, I am now accumulating information, bought a dozen books, watching some professional content.

20. Samoyed? It should be Moesa.

21, the village chiefs must have survived, the virtual flowers, the blue Yutian, the fox Linger also survived.

22, send bricks? Then send a few bricks, I am still waiting to build a new house (subtext: you have the ability to come to me!)~

23. What is the TV drama of the goddess? It is necessary to sell the copyright before there will be a TV series. Now the copyright has not yet gone out.

24, chaos is not all information, all the information in the chaos does not exist, so Qin Mu also has no way to restore the people who have become chaotic, can only say that there are infinite possibilities in chaos.

25. Yan Weeping is a disciple of the Emperor of Heaven. I originally wanted to write about her. However, if there is a problem in writing, it will take a lot of space, but readers may not like it. If you want to see her words, I can write.

26, never mentioned that Ling Tianzun is the son of Liu Gongzi, Ling Tianzun is not a six son. Most of the readers guessed and were taken seriously by you.

27. The prototype of Yankang Guoshi is Wang Anshi. In fact, Jiang Baigui has two prototypes, one is Wang Anshi and the other is Zhang Juzheng, a combination of two people.

28. Ye Lin did not restore memories in the new universe opened up in Jiangnan.

29, Qin Mu's aesthetic is not my aesthetic, but the aesthetics of the majority of men, do not rely on me, you like big breasts, like big breasts, like **** (say three times)! ! !

If I say my favorite female character in the book, it is the **** of the gods.

I like it beautifully.

what about you?

30. Who is Zhongyue's favorite?

Zhong Yue's favorite... Zhong Yue likes everyone.

Zhong Yue’s nickname is Fuxi’s large breed of cattle.

31. The pastor seems to have a very long time span, but think of time as a picture. I have already written these pictures and wrote them in The Goddess.

The most important thing is the story, the story is the ontology, what is the so-called time span is nonsense.

The confession in the story has already been explained, and I understand it in the whole order.

32, women's clothing again? Basically not, if the next book can still be the first monthly ticket, then then say (subtext: the next book, the next book! Support me! Don't talk about women's clothing, streaking all!).

33. The advantages of Zijing Biluogong are fusion, which absorbs the strengths of other exercises and integrates them into their own exercises.

Therefore, Yun Tianzun can still turn over after he died in the hands of the Emperor, absorb the Taidi's practice, and improve it, laying a foreshadowing for the later capture of the Taidi Taoist fruit.

After Yun Tianzun's resurrection, he became the strongest presence in the shortest time, and it was also related to his purple 霄 碧.

34. Hegemony Sandangong is the foundation of the Kaihuang period. It is very common during the Kaihuang period, but the founder of this method is Kaihuang Qinye. At that time, Qin Ye merged all the basic exercises of the era of the Emperor of the time, and was reorganized by Wen Tiange. Kaihuang did not name it as the hegemony.

The name of the body, San Dangong, is the village chief Hu Yu.

Village head: Yes, it is what I did!

The hegemony is a lie that I scatter, and the tyrannical body is also a good thing!

The house pig has been registered, and the house pig 01 has just become a first-class new one. Please take care of it.

The list of rewards for the book review activities in August has already come out. The detailed list of the public number, the starting point of the book review area, and the various book friends are available. You can pay attention to it and receive the reward in time. After the book is finished, there is still a book review activity at the starting point. There is a starting point coin and a title of “God” fan, everyone can participate.

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