Tales of Herding Gods

: The second story of Miriam Are you a witch?

The yellow sheep that Xuanji rides is the leader, the leader is running in the front, and the sheep in the rear are like the tide, rushing away the blue camel team.

The wizards were furious, and the black body image of the flock was flying like a bat under the night.

The wizard, for the people at the bottom of the world tree, is a group of horrible and strange existence.

They are the people of God at the top of the world tree, and the descendants of God have mastered some of God's abilities, which they call supernatural powers.

They communicate God's will, do things for God, deal with God's daily life, and serve God's diet.

Similarly, they also convey the wrath of God!

After the mysterious body, the clouds in the sky are densely covered. It is the power of the angry wizard to mobilize the gods, gathering in the dark clouds and thunder.

Thunder and lightning are like raindrops, falling from the sky and venting the anger of the wizard.

The mysterious machine manipulated the yellow sheep to avoid a lightning strike. After the thunderstorm, only three or five yellow sheep were running with the head sheep, and the other yellow sheep had been strangled by lightning.

When the wind started, Xuanji looked back and saw that the wizards were flying in the wind. This is definitely something that ordinary people can't do!

The wizards chased him. At the same time, the army that guarded the upper world of the Miluo Palace also heard the news. A cavalry went straight to the mysterious machine and Susu. The glittering armor was extremely dazzling under the sunlight. .

They are the army that guards the Miro Palace and guards against the slave rebellion that built the palace. Those who are qualified to guard the Palace of the Miro are all descendants of God and descendants of God.

Although they do not control the power of God like a wizard, they are born with great power!

Far away, the golden arrow rain will shoot at Xuanji and Susu, and the golden arrow will become a cloud, covering the sky!

Mysteriously screamed, the yellow sheep turned and rushed to the world tree.

Suddenly, countless tender green vines from the front were drilled out of the mud, growing wildly, blocking their way to the trees.

This is the magical power of the wizard.

The vines grow wild around the yellow sheep, and soon they are surrounded by primitive jungles.

The vines are like living creatures, as if they are tentacles, and they are flexible to them.

Susu screamed again and again, but the mysterious machine showed a surprised color, and the fingers touched the vines that were rolled up.

Just as he was in contact with the vines, he suddenly felt something called "Tao".

He sensed the "Tao" contained in the magical power of the wizard. This "Tao" is extremely rough, and even can be said to be simple. But such a simple "Tao" can actually spur such power and make him somewhat confused. solution.

"This is the magical power, is the power of God?"

He is a bit stunned. Is the power of God so rough and shallow?

This is just the simplest and most shallow interpretation of the Tao.

He will also.

And he will be more.

At the moment of his ecstasy, the vines had already entwined him and Susu, **** and lifted the young girl.

The yellow sheep was also hoisted, the two legs were tied and sturdy, and the head and the feet were upside down.

Mystery is still a bit confused. He has always been a stupid teenager, but his body reaction speed has always exceeded the brain's reaction speed.

Before he had returned to God, he had already displayed his so-called "magic"!

Or, what he is doing cannot be called supernatural power at all.

He just showed the "Tao" that he had learned from his own things, and displayed it with the help of vines.

The sorcerer and the army guarding the Palace of Miro stopped, and in front of them was a huge vine jungle with dense thorns covering 100 acres of land. This is the magical power of the wizard to control the vegetation.

"A woman who is robbing God..."

The general who guarded the Miro Palace shook his head, revealing a look of laughter and laughter. At this moment, suddenly the vine jungle swayed.


A strip of vines suddenly grows sharply, and it is as thick as a scorpion, like a thousand tentacles, dancing in the sky!

The vines are so long that they spread in all directions, and soon surrounded the wizards and the army, occupying only a thousand acres!

The soldiers who guarded the Miluo Palace looked up and stared at this spectacular scene. In the sky, countless vines danced like a dragon.

"Witcher!" The general hurriedly looked.

Several wizards shook their heads: "Not what we did..."

The vines were separated from the sides, and the yellow pheasant came along. On the back of the sheep, Susu was still somewhat confused. I don’t know why this happened, but the mystery was quite calm, and I took the Huangyang Trail and walked to the wizards.

"I want to marry this woman." He said to the wizards.

"You are a wizard?"

The head of the old wizard is shaking: "There are also wizards in the bottom world?"

He showed anger and anger, and seemed to be insulted: "Which **** did the scandal?"

Other wizards also showed anger and humiliation.

Xuanji did not know why they were sorrowful and angry, why they felt humiliated and said to themselves: "I want this woman. You tell Mi Luo, his woman, it belongs to me."

"Big rebellious!"

The wizards were furious and angered: "The children of the world's gods and the servants of the bottom world are originally unreasonable! You still want to grab the woman of Miro!"

Mi Luo is the **** of the greatest, the ancestor of the gods, the king of the gods, this is such a courageous guy, even to grab the woman of Mi Luo!

The upper world can't tolerate a low-blooded wizard in the bottom world, and it can't tolerate this low-blooded wizard to grab the goddess of the gods!

The wizards and the generals shot at almost the same time, but in the next moment, all the wizards, including the generals, and the thousands of guardians of the Miluo Palace, were all **** by the vines and could not move.

The wizard wants to call the power of God, but what is weird is that the power of God seems to be more obedient to the will of this low-ranking wizard.

The generals and the officers wanted to break free from the vines by virtue of the physical strength, but they could not break free. Even if they were descendants of God, they could not fight the eccentric magic of this low-lying wizard.

Xuanji rode the yellow sheep and walked past them. The thunder in the sky burst, and the thunder fell from the sky, but did not hurt the wizard and the soldiers.

"Don't provoke us." Xuanji threatened them.

The yellow sheep carried Xuanji and Susu left. After a long time, the vine suddenly looked like a big python with no strength, and the body and the sorcerers and the soldiers fell from the air.

"This matter, can't give up!"

That old wizard turned and went: "The people in the bottom world, there can never be a wizard, and no wizard can appear! Appeared, the rule of the upper world will be unstable. His strength, almost the strength of the great witch! Must be solved! Follow me to the upper world, see the big witch!"

The other wizards left with him.


Xuanji started the weird dream again. The shadowy figure in the dream stepped through the boundless catastrophe. Behind it was the magnificent scene of the magnificent universe.

"Teacher." The man said to him.

He still can't see the person, still can't make any answer.

He struggled hard, and the nightmare came and turned into countless pursuits of him and Susu's face. Hey, horror, and black robe wizards looming in those faces, erratic.

The figures of the wizards became distorted and not human.

The mysterious machine woke up from the nightmare, and the sound of the bonfire came. This is a dark cave, the mouth of the cave, the yellow sheep is standing there, and the ears are swaying from time to time.

When he adapted to the light in the cave, he finally remembered it.

They were chased by the great witches from the upper world. The great witches were strong. He was not an opponent and escaped several times.

They have gone through dozens of killings and encirclements, and eventually returned to the world tree. His "Tao" played a role in helping him to chase after the soldiers and flee here.

After a moment, Huang Yang raised his head in the hole, and saw Susu holding some wild fruits into the hole. When he saw him wake up, Susu was very happy. The girl’s face was filled with a simple and beautiful smile.

On the way to avoiding the upper world, they have already been combined in the wild, taking the heavens as the bed and the land as the bed. Now, she is the wife of mystery.

Susu put down the wild fruit, and Xuanji looked at the girl who had become his wife and suddenly burst into tears.

Susu panicked: "What's wrong? Is the wound hurting?"

"I saw that you are getting old."

Mysteriously choked: "I saw the time left on your body, I saw the passage of time, and you will die on the sickbed decades later."

His path is too deep. In just a few dozen days, his eyes are comparable to God's eyes, and he can even see part of the future.

He did not see the truth of time and space until it was later that a woman named Ling arrived, only to see the truth of time and space.

Susu smiled, his little man was a little stupid, silly and lovely.

"Everyone will be old, and the rulers of the upper world will be the same. Even those wizards will be old."

Susu smiled and said: "Only God will not be old."

"But I won't be old."

Xuanji opened his palm, and his enlightened words appeared on the palm of his hand like the world tree. There was only one kind of Tao, but different interpretations formed different branches, branches and roots.

Now his road tree is still very weak, but he already has what the road tree should have.

Next to the campfire, Susu looked at the palm of his little lover. The little world tree danced like a fairy in the heart of the lover's hand, gently stretching the roots and branches.

She can't help but be amazed.

She and Xuanji did not know how terrible and terrible the mystery of these decades of achievements.

The realm is something that does not exist for Xuanji. After all, the realm is created by future generations, and he has never followed the realm.

"When I understand the debut, I will not grow old anymore."

Xuanji controls his own world tree, erases all traces left by himself in his years, and sees that he is about to stay young. He suddenly gets excited: "I must have a way to make you not old! I can create one. Kind of text, a language that can carry the words of the Tao, the language that carries the Tao, as long as you can learn, you can be like me!"

Su Suzhen laughed: "Which is so easy? I am different from you, I am not a wizard."

"I am not a wizard!"

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. The great witches from the upper world are very powerful, far from being comparable to the wizards they have encountered before.

They packed up and moved immediately.

The yellow sheep carried them out of the valley and climbed to the mountain. Xuanji held Susu forward and saw that they had gradually climbed to the highest peak of the bottom world of the world tree.

At this time, they saw the head of Mi Luo, and when they climbed the mountain, they saw the whole picture of Mi Luo and the magnificent Mi Luo Palace.

This **** of Mina is higher than the bottom world where they are located, higher than the highest peak of the bottom world, and even bigger. I really don't know when the people in the world tree can build the Mire Palace.

In the distance, the black cloud of black pressure flew, and Xuanji looked at it and immediately urged the yellow sheep to go down the mountain.

That is the big witch is chasing.

They fled in the bottom world for a few months, and the big witches are still chasing after them, but the people in the bottom world have learned that the underlying world has a young wizard who can compete with the rulers of the upper world.

He snatched the woman of God.

On this day, Xuanji and Susu came to a town. People heard their legends, surrounded them and looked at them curiously.

The two responded to the inquiries of people here while purchasing food.

"I heard that you are a child of God."

Some old man asked: "The **** of the upper world, turned into a yellow sheep, and turned your mother back to the island, and then you have it. Is it true?"


Another woman asked: "Some people say that the **** of the upper world has become a swan, and you have gone to your mother's headscarf. Your mother went to chase and met a beautiful man. Then I have you. Is it true? ”


"Some people say that your mother is in the wild, seeing the footprints of giants, walking in the footprints and pregnant, so I have you. Is it true?"



The third story of Mi Luo has been updated on the public number, focusing on the house pig WeChat public number, that is,

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