Looking around, Di Qing saw that there seemed to be a house on the east side of the mountain. He immediately carried Leng Qing and ran forward. As he neared the entrance, he saw a dilapidated temple with two broken stone lions by the entrance. A broken board was hung obliquely above the entrance, and the words "Mountain Temple" were written on it.

He walked into the hall and saw that the shrine was quite spacious. There was a pile of ashes from a firewood in the middle of the hall. There was even a broken urn hanging from the three wooden sticks bound together with tree bark.

Di Qing was overjoyed. She leaned on Leng Qing's desk and walked around the hall. She even found a bed in the back hall. The table seemed to have been cleaned and was in perfect condition.

Leng Qing's cheeks turned red. She had passed out so she picked him up and gently put him on the table. She helped him to tuck him in. She knew that the child was sick so she was in need of money to cure him.

He took the broken urn and washed it in the stream at the back. Then, he scooped up half a jar of water and came back. Di Qing went outside the temple to pick up some dry wood and boiled water. She first found a broken bowl and drank it. Then, she turned around and tore a piece of cloth from the cloth and soaked it in water and put it on Leng Qing's forehead.

After repeating this a few times, he used his hand to feel it again. Leng Qing's forehead was no longer as hot as before, and her breathing gradually became calmer. Since early in the morning, Di Qing had only eaten a single steamed bun to fill her stomach. As she busied herself this time around, she did not realize that her stomach was drumming as she walked out of the hall. The sun had already gone past noon.

There was no one else in the desolate suburbs. The gentle breeze made people feel refreshed. Walking up a hill, Di Qing looked around, only to see the trees near the mountain rippling like waves, the farmers' smoke curling up, and the faint sound of chickens and dogs barking.

For a moment, Di Qing sighed with emotion, "What a peaceful scene. If officials are not greedy, officials are not vicious, and evil people do not run amok, then the world would truly be peaceful." Even if you don't want to live in a foreign land, you wouldn't need to worry about losing your family. "

He had always been a broad-minded person who had great ambitions at a young age. He was a righteous and heroic person who hated bullying others the most. At this moment, he recalled Leng Qing's sad question last night, "Brother Di, why do you think this is all happening?"

And then he thought of his situation, which was filled with grief and resentment, and he thought, "A great man should serve the world and benefit the people. Do I have to live like this for the rest of my life? Even if you have all the guts in your body, you're still powerless to get rid of that evil. It's a waste of a good man's body. " He thought for a long time, but felt that the road ahead was uncertain, and things in the world were hard to predict.

Seeing that the sun had set, he walked down the hill to the cemetery to retrieve the iron tools and return them to the farmhouse. On his way back, he picked up a rooster and picked up a sharp rock by the stream.

Seeing the rooster flapping his wings, Di Qing laughed, "It's fine for me to endure a round of hunger. It's fine for me to endure a round of hunger, so I won't hurt you if I want to." He was preparing to cut open the rooster's belly to wash it.

Behind him, someone suddenly said, "Anitto, all those who were born loved their lives. "The benefactor's heart is kind, but he is kind, and has repaid with endless blessings."

Di Qing was startled, and didn't hear the footsteps of someone approaching from behind. She turned around and saw a white-browed old man in an almond yellow robe standing behind her. He put his hands together with a peaceful expression on his face.

Di Qing let out an "Ouch!" and hurriedly bent over to give chase.

The old man in yellow chuckled and held onto Di Qing, saying, "Since Benefactor has already released him, why must we recapture him? "Just now, I heard from Benefactor that someone was sick. The old monk slightly comprehended his medical skills and is willing to serve you. This way, I can thank Benefactor for releasing me. How about it?"

Di Qing was overjoyed. She was used to eating since she had escaped. She did not care about this meal, but the cold green patient had an urgent matter on his mind. He quickly thanked her and led the old monk into the temple.

Leng Qing was still sleeping soundly. She touched his forehead and started to burn her hands.

The yellow-clothed old monk said, "This little benefactor is very ill, typhoid fever invades his lungs, may I ask you to help him get up, this old monk will first help him expel the cold poison."

Di Qing helped Leng Qing up and placed her right hand on Leng Qing's back. She pushed her inner force and a stream of hot air slowly entered her body through her meridians.

Leng Qing cried out, opened her eyes and said, "Brother Di, Brother Di, where are we? Yama Hall? Am I dead? "

Di Qing was overwhelmed with shock. This yellow-clothed monk was so powerful, and before she could even reply, the old monk had already pulled back his palm. Leng Qing was lying limply on the ground.

The yellow-clothed monk smiled and said: "This old monk has expelled this little benefactor's cold poison, his condition is not too bad, but I'm afraid he won't wake up until tomorrow morning. Please don't worry, Benefactor, I'll be fine by then."

Di Qing knew that the yellow-clothed monk used his deep internal energy to expel the cold air, so she sincerely bowed to him in her heart. She bent down to bow and said respectfully, "Master's profound strength makes this disciple extremely impressed. May I have the name of master?"

The yellow clothed monk smiled, "This old monk, Ling Qiu, caused benefactor to starve. He is very uneasy and guilty." He took out some rations from his backpack and placed it beside the table. He put it together and said, "This old monk has something to do, so I'll be leaving first. My two benefactors, please wait." With a flick of his sleeve, he flew out of the room.

Di Qing felt a warm breeze blow against her sleeve, lifting her up and chasing her out of the temple. But when she saw the setting sun, the yellow figure of Ling Qiu disappeared in an instant.

Di Qing thought to herself, "The world is big, and many people are extraordinary. Even this old monk is not an ordinary person. It's laughable that he called himself a chivalrous hero just because he managed to understand a bit of martial arts. No wonder he was so terrified when things went wrong."

He returned to the main hall and randomly ate some rations left behind by the Spirit Hill. Seeing Leng Qing sleeping soundly, he went to find some grass to spread the door to the temple. He leaned against the pillar and sat down, thinking about his future.

He unconsciously thought of that young girl in colorful clothes whom he had just met by chance. As such, Di Qing thought about all sorts of things and couldn't fall asleep anymore. Thus, she stood up to open the door, wanting to go outside to get some fresh air.

Suddenly, he heard the faint sound of hooves in the distance. Suddenly, a group of cavalrymen came rushing towards him at a lightning speed.

At this moment, the sky had gradually darkened, and the distant mountains were hazy like smoke. In the twilight, he saw about a dozen riders in the distance. Their riders were all abnormally valiant, and even though they were galloping strong horses, they were still able to stand up straight.

Di Qing had a case on hand, so she didn't want to reveal her identity. She closed the temple door and listened attentively. The sound of horse hooves galloping past seemed to be a long whistle. The crying stopped. After a while, the sound gradually came closer. It was actually heading towards the mountain temple.

A rough voice said, "Brothers, all of you get off your horses and rest in the temple until it gets dark, when you enter the city. "Please, Mister Murong."

Another cold voice answered, "Commander Ye is too polite!"

Di Qing heard this person's familiar voice, it sounded like the voice of the old man in the grey robe from the medicine store last night. Di Qing heard this person's familiar voice, it sounded like the voice of the old man in the gray robe from the medicine store last night, but because his voice seemed to be always cold and carried a chill.

He then heard the person from before say, "If we can capture the remnants of the rebellion this time, Mister Murong has great merit. This official will naturally report to His Majesty …"

As they spoke, the temple door was pushed open and Murong Duo walked in first. Behind him followed a strong man dressed like a military officer. He was only around 25 years old.

Seeing that there was someone in the hall, the young military official stopped talking and asked, "Who is it?" This shout was as loud as a bell, causing Di Qing's ears to ring. It was an imposing and awe-inspiring shout.

Before Di Qing could reply, a dozen or so military men rushed out from behind the Martial Officer with waists and sabers in hand. They surrounded Di Qing in all directions, moving nimbly and nimbly. Apparently, they were all skilled martial artists.

It turned out that this young military official was called Ye Zichun. Back in the Imperial Guard Competition, he was known as the "best fighter in the capital".

Yeats Chun thus obtained the appreciation of the imperial government, and ordered Yeats Chun to become the deputy commander of Huainan Road Horse Army, with troops stationed in Shiqiao Town, Jiushui County (Shiqiaopu Town, Luotian County).

When Murong Duo saw the patrolling soldiers pass by under the city that day, he suddenly thought of this person. He thought that the two of them could deal with the unscrupulous son with their skills, so he picked up his concealed weapon and left the city. On the way, he bought a good horse in the town and arrived at the Yeats Spring station the next morning.

Ye Zichun had met Murong Duo a few times when he was serving as a guard in the palace. He knew that even though he didn't hold any official position, he was highly regarded by the empress at the time. He was Empress Dowager Liu, the current ruler of the imperial court. He also knew that this person had extremely high martial arts skills. He was a Martial Senior and was extremely respectful and courteous.

When Murong Duo revealed his purpose of coming here, the empress dowager ordered him to cooperate with the imperial arrest. She was quite surprised to hear that the 'Royal Family' of the Wulin Family of the Henan Province was actually a descendant of Wang Cormorant.

He didn't dare to hesitate at the moment. After eating a simple meal, Ye Zhi used the Spring Fortune Technique to help Murong Duo heal his internal injuries. He picked a dozen martial arts experts from the army and brought them to Murong Duo.

Everyone rushed to the outskirts of Luoyang City before it got dark. Ye Zhi had been in the government for a long time, so he was not like Murong Duojiang who didn't know what was going on. But it would be too ostentatious for him to leave the encampment in such a way, lest he should be criticized, and therefore decide to go into the city after dark to consult with the local soldiers.

Murong Duo also understood the implications of this and had no objections. Unexpectedly, they met Di Qing and Di Qing when they entered the temple. In a moment of surprise, more than ten muscular men had surrounded the two.

As long as Ye Zhi Chun gave the order, the two of them would not be able to escape the sword. He hurriedly said, "Wait, I know these two. They are the poor people in the city. Lord Ye do not need to worry."

Ye Zichun did not expect Murong Duo to actually know these two people and was slightly surprised. He waved his hand, signaling the soldiers and men to retreat. In the end, he was still a bit worried, and signaled the military man beside him to intimidate them.

The soldier understood and shouted to Di Qing, "We are here to capture the thieves, you brat, don't reveal the traces of our men. "If the thief runs away after hearing that …" The knife in his hand cut the air three times: "Be careful, sir soldier will chop your head off to replace it."

Di Qing agreed repeatedly, looked at Murong Duo, and nodded her head in thanks. She then wrapped Leng Qing in her arms and headed to the rear part of the hall to hide.

The soldiers cleaned two places first and invited Murong Duo and Ye Zichun to sit. Two military men were standing guard outside the door, while the rest of the soldiers were scattered around the hall resting. With Di Qing and Ye Zhi Chun present, Ye Zhi Chun no longer spoke.

Murong Duo closed his eyes to rest. No one knew what he was thinking, but the entire hall was completely silent. After a long time, when Di Qing heard the silence in the hall, she wanted to get up and take a look, but when she heard someone walking over, she realized that the person in front of her was the leader of the military officials.

When Ye Zhi Chun saw Di Qing, he cupped his fists and said: "You are in a dangerous situation. Although you have a long blade in your head, but you have no fear on your face. "Even if Mister Mu Rong doesn't say anything to stop me, I still won't hurt a man like you."

Di Qing quickly stood up and knelt down, saying, "Your Excellency's words are embarrassing. I respect heroes the most, and I have never seen such an awe-inspiring and humble official like you. I have just shocked Your Excellency and deserve to die a thousand deaths. Please forgive me!"

Ye Zhi Chun laughed out loud and said: "You are very good. Even though you are in danger, you do not beg for mercy. He would not show weakness in the face of a strong opponent. He was a good man! "If I am unable to make it out alive in the future, I can send my troops to join the Chihuahua Chihuahua Tribe to vote for me."

After finishing his sentence, he turned around and waved his hand, "Brothers, get your horses settled and enter the city!"

The men all agreed and ran out to settle their horses. He rushed back to report that everything had been arranged. Ye Zhi Chun respectfully invited Murong Duoduo to go first, then led the crowd out. Before leaving the house, he turned his head and said: "Remember, I am Ye Zhi Chun."

Di Qing hurried to the door. A group of people had long since blended into the darkness.

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