Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 110 Abundant Rewards 2

Daniel brought out a box from his drawer. Then, he gave the box to Auron as he said, "The king rewards all of Radit's group member for their contribution achieving the piece of information. For Auron, as you were the one volunteering become the hostage, the king give you this item inside the box. As for the others member, each of the member will be given 50 golds which you can claim at the royal bank."

"For Keiran, you can claim his portion and give it to him yourself."

"Lastly, I have to express my sorry and gratitude for saving my wife and son. I hope that we could still have good terms."

Receiving the box, Auron and his friends thanked him back and said that they already forgave him. After all, they knew that Daniel had already done his portion of job to ensure that Keiran didn't get any harsh punishment.

Auron and his two friends left Daniel's house. At the entrance of Daniel's house, Auron split way with his two friends. After finishing one mission, they realized that they were still weak. If it was not because their luck, they could lose their life in the mission before. That was why, they decided to make themselves stronger instead of picking another mission. Moreover, they already had enough points to pass the first month without getting any punishment.

Auron's two friends agreed at what he said, they also wanted to raised their strength before continuing with another mission. They decided to meet again one month from now to get another mission.

Reihan and Borad went to the royal bank to claim the rewards from the king and they also made sure that they would delivered Keiran's portion to him. Meanwhile, Auron wanted to started hunt. With his swordsman character and mage character hunting, he was sure that his level would soar quicker. But, before that, he went back to his room in the academy's dorm to open the king's rewards.

At his room, looking at the box in front of him, he was expecting a great rewards from the king. But, he didn't want to have high hope. He opened up the box. A few moment, after he opened the box, a bright light flashed out from the box and blinded Auron for a few seconds.

When Auron regained his sight again, he looked at the box once more. But, instead seeing a box, he saw another things. In front of him, at the place where the box was there before, a set of equipment was placed before him.

[Esitem Robe] (rare grade equipment)

Type: Body - Upper - Lower

Requirement: 60 intelligence, level 50

Class: Mage, Cleric

Defend: 60

Vitality +10

Intelligence + 30

Mp +100

Set Effect:

2 pieces: Mp + 100

3 pieces: Intelligence + 30, Vitality +10

4 pieces: Mp regeneration rate + 3/sec

[Esitem Headband] (rare grade equipment)

Type: Head

Requirement: 60 intelligence, level 50

Class: Mage, Cleric

Defend: 45

Vitality +5

Intelligence + 15

Mp +50

Set Effect:


[Esitem Gauntlet] (rare grade equipment)

Type: Arm

Requirement: 60 intelligence, level 50

Class: Mage, Cleric

Defend: 50

Vitality +8

Intelligence + 20

Mp +60

Set Effect:


[Esitem Shoes] (rare grade equipment)

Type: Footwear

Requirement: 60 intelligence, level 50

Class: Mage, Cleric

Defend: 50

Vitality +8

Intelligence + 15

Mp +50

Set Effect:


There were 4 pieces of equipment in front of him. It made Auron was shocked as well as excited. The reason was he got a full set of equipment. A full set equipment was quite expensive. A common set equipment could cost 1 gold per pieces. Moreover, a rare grade set equipment, it could cost 30 gold per pieces.

"With this set, although it could not solved my mana problem, but it could help." Auron smiled.

Besides the attributes that the equipment raise, the set effect was very enticing for Auron. Moreover, the Mp regeneration rate could help him to solve the mana problem.

But, Auron saved his excitement for later. He could only use the equipment after he level 50. Right now, he was still level 42.

"8 more level, I could used this equipment."

This boosted Auron's motivation to raise his level more. He quickly kept this set of equipment somewhere safe and headed outside of the academy. With quick speed, he immediately went tothe potion's store to replenish his supplies. This time, he bought a lot of potion. He didn't want to repeat his mistake before. Also, this time, he decided to went hunting for one week straight before went back home.

With the long hunting time in mind, Auron spent all of his money on the potion's supply. Auron left some note to both of his friend saying that he would left hunting for a week. Then, Auron left for the teleportation gate and teleport to another town, Gancit.

Gancit was a small town and compared to Miderian it was only 1/10 of Miderian's size. However, as a small town, Gancit was bustling with people. From low level player until high level player could be seen in this town. The reason was because this town was invested by one of the richest merchant guild in all of Gaia. This made Gancit, besides Miderian, become a market town for every player. Many unique items was sold here. From a common high level equipment until king grade equipment could be found here.

Auron walked over from the teleportation gate headed to the town's entrance. In the way, Auron noticed a flyer posted at the wall. In the flyer, said that Gancit would hold an auction. It was also said that in the auction there would be something 'special'. But, it was not mention in the flyer what was the 'special' thing in the auction. Auron looked at the date of the auction, it was coincidentally held 7 days from now. Since it was still long time in the future, Auron putted it at the back of his head.

Smiled, Auron shook his head and went outside of the town with one place in mind, Orc's camp

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