Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 136 Jaden 1

Six days passed by, Auron fully immersed in hunting during the past week. He back and forth to Gancit and Orc's camp.

After each of the hunting session, sometimes, Auron would gain a profit. However, most of the time, he would incurred a loss during each session. It was no surprise since it was so rare to get a rare item to sell.

His savings slowly get depleted, but Auron didn't feel dejected, instead, he felt ecstatic. He was level 70 right now. It was so difficult to gain that much level in 6 days. Moreover, he needed four times more experience point than normal player.

It was all thanks to the fact that he hunt monster surpassed his level a lot. Also, it was to the fact that he gained 100% of the experience point despite hunting in a party of two. It helped a lot since hunting in a party give a bonus experience point. Although, it was only little but it helped Auron.

Due to this fact, Auron didn't even care how much he had loss during the past week as long as he didn't got bankrupt. Moreover, the loss got reduced slowly as he got stronger by gaining level.

Although gaining some level, Auron still didn't have enough speed to clear out all of the orc in medium camps. Auron already timed his best speed and his worst speed when fighting against the boss.

From that data, Auron felt that it was to risky to try clearing all of the orcs. So, instead of forcing himself to clear all of the orc to get bonus experience point. He would directly went to the boss and killed it. Then, he would moved to another camp and do it over again.

Although, he would not gain as much as if he killed all of the orcs, but it was still enough. The boss gave more experience point and with such speedy run, he could move to other camp more quickly and killed more camp's leader.

Right now, it was in the morning on the last day before Auron went back to the academy. It was also the day for the auction took place.

Auron was in dilemma on whether going to the auction or not. He was curious on the 'special' thing mentioned, however he didn't have enough money to participate. At first, he was going to abandon the thought of going to the auction and gone to use the time for hunting. However, his curiosity still lingering around his head. Moreover, each time he back from the hunting to supply potion, he heard some rumor about the item and it piqued his curiosity more.

Today was no exception, he still heard about some rumor on the 'special' item. Some said, it was a legendary grade skill book. Others said, it was legendary grade weapon. There were also some said it was a high grade flying battle mount.

Auron wanted to see what was that 'special' item. But, there would be zero chance for him if he didn't have enough money. Suddenly, Auron had an idea.

He remembered during the past week, Jaden, the rich man, was showing his effort on befriending Auron. He would message Auron just to ask Auron's condition or to let Auron know that he could lent Auron some money if he needed. Also, every time he message Auron, he would express his pure intention to befriending and met with Auron.

Auron never replied the message, but Jaden didn't give up and still kept messaging Auron every day. However, Jaden still have some manner that he would only message Auron at the morning or when there was a huge happening around him especially the auction. Since, the message was not to the point of annoying and also sometimes the message contains something that still helpful about the auction, Auron didn't block Jaden, but he just never replied it.

Auron felt that Jaden was sincere enough, although he was still careful about this person, Auron decided to contact him to inquiry about the auction. Yes, at the end, Auron's curiosity win over him.

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When Auron was about to contact Jaden, a message arrived. It was from Jaden, and also it told Auron about the auction that would be going on soon. Jaden's message told that the auction would be divided into two events.

The first event would be a small bazaar in front of the auction house. Everyone was free to trade or to make a stall there. It was like ordinary market in Gancit. It will starts at 1 p.m until 5 p.m.

And, 5 p.m would be the start of the second event, the auction. It was also said that there would only be 7 items going in the auction. Also, it was said that in the first event, there would be 4 items out of 7 items that will be showcased there.

And, as always, at the end of the message, Jaden expressed his good intention to befriend and met with Auron.

Reading the message, Auron felt that Jaden was really kind enough to kept on doing this. Moreover, when he met with Jaden, he felt that Jaden was such a straightforward person and not the type to scheme behind.

Auron decided to met with him, but still he careful around new person. So, Auron replied the message. It was just a simple message containing, a place and time. Also, Auron didn't forget to give him warning 'no companions allowed'.

Auron left for the meeting place and waited there since he decided that the meeting will begin one hour from now.

At another place, in a luxurious hotel, Jaden was laying on his bed lazily, when he received a message. After he read the message, he immediately got up and preparing himself like he was going to meet his date for the first time. He didn't want to notify Kemdall who was guarding outside of his room, so after he had done preparing, he went up to the balcony and sneaked out of his hotel through the balcony.

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