Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 140 Bazaar 2

Auron stood up from his chair and took up the dishes. He went to wash the dishes. After that, he looked up at the clock, the bazaar had just started. Auron went up to his capsule and went inside it.

After Auron regained his sight, he was at the spot before he log out before. He looked at his surroundings. There were oceans of human, NPC and players mixed among them. It was so surprising since the place he stood right now, was not where the bazaar took place.

The auction already enticing enough, even the town could not support the sudden influx from visitors.

With some effort, Auron arrived at the bazaar's area. In front of the bazaar's area, Auron could saw several guards guarding the bazaar. What surprise Auron was there were not only guards from the responsible merchant guild, but there were also a group of royal guards mixed among them.

"Rare grade equipment above level 300, come here take a look!"

"Selling rare grade skill book, cheap!"

"Come over, a battle mount high grade!"

"Young man over there, come see this weapon"

Numerous shouts could be heard from each of the tenant. Each of them tried their best to get the attention from the passerby. There were even some of the tenant which offered a bundle price.

However, Auron could not take this matter into his head yet since a specific place draw his attention. Auron walked over to that place.

Soon, he arrived in front of a building. It was not too big, but from the look, Auron knew it was sturdy enough to defense against a quite number of high ranked skills or spells.

In front of the building, there were also 4 pillars with glass box on top of it. Inside each of the glass box, there was an item. From the look, Auron could notice it was an expensive item. There were also a massive number royal guards guarding the area. If one dared to steal the item, that person certainly could not escape from the area.

Auron went closer to the pillar. At certain distance, Auron was stopped by the royal guards.

"Halt, that's the limit for seeing. Don't closer!" A guards shouted.

Auron could not help but obey the rule. Fortunately, he could see the item inside the glass box. He looked at the information card placed in front of each of the glass box.

The first item was a mount. It was a king's grade mount. The mount increase the user's physical resistance and magical resistance. It is also increase its movement speed above the average. Moreover, the mount reduce the monster aggro to the user. Auron looked at the price, the minimum bid was 10 thousands gold. Unfortunately, it was only ordinary mount and not a flying mount or else the price would be higher.

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"So, this was the cheapest item" Auron thought and continued to look at the second item.

The second item was a weapon. It was a king's grade saber. There was also some information about it. The saber was no ordinary saber. It had a special effect to inflict random status ailment when successfully hit the target. However, sadly, the attributes it provided slightly below average. Auron looked at the price, the minimum bid was 15 thousands gold.

The third item was a set of king's grade equipment. It was a set equipment suitable for thief class. It need 6 items to get the full effect from the set. 5 pieces equipment and 1 piece weapon. And what it was sold was only the 5 pieces equipment. However, 5 pieces equipment already boosted the user by a huge margin. Its minimum bid was 50 thousands gold.

The fourth item was another king's grade weapon. This time, it was a staff. When Auron looked at the description, he was awed. This staff's special effect could be considered as a top tier among the king's grade weapon. The staff increased the user chanting speed by a 50%. It also raised all of the spell damage of any element by 20%. Sadly, the staff only gave the user average attributes. Its minimum bid was 90 thousands gold.

"This was just 4 items, I wonder, how expensive the other 3 items" Auron wondered.

As Auron was thinking about the other 3 items, he received a message. It was from Jaden. Auron read the message and shocked.

The message contained the information about the item sold in the auction. All of the 7 items. As Auron already looked at four items, he skipped them and directly see the fifth item.

The fifth item was a piece of land in Gancit. The land was placed in one of the strategic place in Gancit. Everyone who was inside Gancit would walked through the place. If one could make a store selling an enticing item, that place would be crowded with people. Moreover, there were one year tax exemption and 20 guards assigned for one year sold as a bundle with the land. The bundle was sold for a minimum bid of 150 thousands gold.

The six item was a king's grade item. However, it was not a weapon or equipment, instead it was a flying mount. It not only increase the user's movement speed, but it also increase all of the user's attribute for 10%. It was rare for a mount to give its user raised attributes in percentage. Usually, it would raise the attribute in fixed amount. Moreover, this was a flying mount not an ordinary mount. Auron looked at the price and its minimum bid was 200 thousands gold.

Auron was sure that this would made the rich people go crazy to obtain this item. This was only the six item. So, there was only one last item. Auron was curious on what was the last and the most expensive item. He looked at it and became shocked. He agreed that this item should be the finale item. The 6 items before could not compared with this item's rarity.

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