Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 149 Raiding Month Begin 1

The academy students separated into three groups with each officer as their leader. Two of the groups would intercept the enemies while the last group would wait and defense at the village.

Auron was belonged to one of the group who was task to intercept the enemies. Auron's group member numbered to almost 120 people.

Sathire was the name of the officer who led his groups. He had a pretty high ranked in military. Also, he was a swordsman. Right now, Sathire was arranging task for each of member.

He separated the members based on their class. Swordsman was most in the group. There was no merchant class joining the battle since they were left at the village to help with the village. Meanwhile, the rest of the class had almost similar number.

"Now, take your formation as what I told you and move out!" Sathire commanded loudly.

The groups started to form a formation. All swordsman would go up to the front. While in the middle of the formation, there would be a bunch of cleric as well as mage. At the most back were the archers. Lastly, the thief would circled the formation.

"Thief, go look at the enemies whereabouts! Maintain your distance and be careful!" As Sathire commanded, half of the thief separated themselves and spread to every area.

The groups moved slowly up to the portal's location while vigilant at their surrounding. A few minutes passed by, and there was no news from the thieves.

A few minutes later, two thieves went back. "Officer, there were two enemies at 11 o'clock from this place."

A few seconds later, another thief came back reporting, "We saw the other attacking groups already engaging with enemies at 2 o'clock from our place."

"They were fighting with 4 enemies."

"Good, 2 and 4 which mean we already had all of the enemies pioneer team's position. Any casualties?" Sathire asked.

"There are some of the thief who were not careful already got killed."

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"How is the enemies' strength?"

"It looks like the enemies' strength was average since Officer Emsire, with the help of cleric and range support, could handle three of the enemies. Meanwhile, the last enemy was handled by the joined hand from various nobles' children in the group. There were casualties, but I cannot determine the number"

"Should we send any help to their group?"

Although, the enemies' strength was average, it power still overpowered the students. Fortunately, with the equipment and number, also by the nobles' children help they could managed to hold off the fort.

"No need, Emsire was stronger than me, in few seconds, he should already kill two of the enemies. We cannot avoid casualties. Move full speed, to 10 o'clock direction. We will intercept the others enemies."

Still maintaining the formation, the group moved faster to the 10 o'clock direction. After confirming the enemies' strength, Sathire moved full speed leaving the group by distance at his back.

Although Emsire was stronger than him, the difference was not that much. If Emsire could handle three enemies then he still could handle two enemies by himself. The reason he doing this was to intercept the enemies as soon as possible so the enemies could not learn the geographic area.

Terrain could help one in the war. Even though, the difference in the strength of two parties was huge, with the help of terrain the weaker party could defeat the stronger one. And now, they still had this advantages, meanwhile their enemies still learning the terrain.

If they let the enemies roamed around the area longer, they would learn the surrounding terrain which will dismissed their advantages.

This also was one of the reason why the enemies would send pioneer team consist of players. After defecting to Regalia, the player could choose their resurrection point in Regalia world. So, when the player dead, they would resurrect in Regalia.

After they died, they could still went over to attack Gaia through their allies portal as long as the portal still opened. Then, they will passed the information about the terrain to the enemies for when the enemies launched their full scale attack.

This was why, Sathire and Emsire foremost task was to intercept them as soon as possible and killed them. This will hinder them to collect many information on their first try.

In state of war, the players would gain 100% increased in their experience point from killing the opposite side. This was also the reason why many player like to hunt for enemies in Bridge World.

However, the increased was not with downside. The penalty for death also doubled. Player will lose 2 levels from dead. Moreover, after resurrection, all of their attributes would be reduced by 10% of their maximum attribute for 1 hours. Also, the reduced attributes could be stack.

If the player died twice, then, after resurrecting, that player would already lose 4 levels and that player's attributes also reduced by 20% for 2 hours.

This was done so a player could not abuse their strength of not get permanent dead. Usually, in a war state, first, the high leveled player would roam around freely and killed as they like. When they already suffered one dead, they would still immediately went back to the battlefield, but this time, they would joined the group of NPC to get some protection.

Auron's group was chasing their officer, Sathire, who was in full speed to intercept the enemies. Soon, their group spotted the enemies. Sathire immediately launched an attack toward the enemies while his group at the back still chasing him.

The enemies were not weak, they could dodge Sathire first attack. However, soon, Auron's group arrived beside Sathire and attack them together.

If the enemies only fight with Sathire, then they believed they could escape. However, with Aurons' group'snumber, they could not do it. Hence, the enemies could not help but bring down several enemies with them.

A causalities was inevitable. The weak one immediately died from one attack of the enemies, while the stronger one could still managed to hold on and with the help of cleric's heal they were safe and sound.

Meanwhile, Auron at the back was relaxing chanting his spell towards the enemies. However, he knew this was only the beginning.

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