Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 157 Defense Battle 3

"Beware! The enemy main troops are coming!" Officer Molke shouted to remind all of the soldiers and students.

Splassh... A blood gushed out from nearby noble student's arm. When the enemy thief tried to follow up his attack, that noble's guard intercept the attack. Meanwhile, a warm light covered the injured noble student healing him.

Although, there were huge level disparity between the student and the enemies, however the remaining student already proved their own strength. They were not a pushover. They could still maintain to receive one hit from the enemies. Moreover, with the help of teamwork and cleric they could stand up against one enemy.

Seeing his attack was failing, the thief retreat a bit, then looked out for another weak and unprotected target. They also looked for an opportunity to strike at the cleric. However, it was very difficult since the cleric was protected from all side.

An enemy thief aimed at nearby commoner student. Pulling out his knife, he activated his movement skill and move fast towards the unaware student.

Before the knife could slashed the student vital point, a [Wind Slash] stopped his advance. A noble student launched that attack to him. Although, the [Wind Slash] could stop his advance but it didn't enough to stop his attack.

The thief moved out still targeting the same commoner student disregarding the noble student who already stopped his advance. The thief tried to use [Vital Strike], a deadly skill for thief that 100% produce a critical attack and 100% stun the target for 1 second.

Although, the stun was only last for 1 second, however for a thief who was aiming kill the target in short time, that 1 second enough to link it with another skill and kill the target.

At first, the commoner student didn't aware that a thief targeting him, however, after the noble student manage to stop the thief advance, the commoner student aware of this. He recognized the thief tried to use [Vital Strike] to him. He tried to dodge however, it was late to dodge.

The student tried to block the attack although he knew that blocking didn't mean anything. He raised his swords to block it. With fast speed, the thief dagger also coming towards the student.

However, before the dagger and sword could connect, a [Fire Bolt] hit the thief moving hand which held the dagger. The [Fire Bolt] managed to deflect the attack of the thief. The thief gnashed his teeth knowing his chance was gone. He retreated back and looked at the direction where the [Fire Bolt] came.

There stood a male mage looking back at him, then the mage looked at another direction where another battle took place. That mage was Auron.

Every time Auron launched a spell, the enemy was attack was stopped or failed. Although, the damage from his spell was not that great, but the timing of his spell was precise. It managed to come at crucial moment and saving lives.

It was thanks to his position as a mage that positioned at the back, he manage to calmly calculated the enemy attack and launched a counter attack at precise moment. However, in a crowded and intense battle, this behavior was difficult to recognize. Moreover, with a weak damage it didn't raise any attention.

- 120... Boom... Auron saved another noble student from the hand of the enemy thief. The noble student retreated closer to Auron with several other commoner student.

This was the group which Auron joined. It consist of 2 noble student and 8 commoner student including Auron. The 2 noble student actually didn't want to join the group. However, since they didn't have any guard assigned to them, they could not help but join the group.

The 2 noble student still grumbled and felt that it was a difficult fight. However, what they didn't knew was that the fact that their group was the only group that didn't suffer any casualties until now.

Their fighting tactic contribute to it. They only tried to fight with the enemy behind the front line. Although, the danger level was not that great, but there was still a huge danger level from the thief. However, out all of the attack the thief didn't manage to reap a single live from their group thanks to Auron.

Meanwhile, the other group already suffered several casualties from the thief. However, they also manage to kill several enemies.

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With the disadvantages of quantity, Auron's side had a difficult time fighting. However, thanks to the royal troops they manage to hold the enemy off. The enemies suffered many casualties compared to Auron's side.

Moreover, with the Fourth Prince, the fighting capability was raised several time. As a prince, although his level was almost the same as the royal troops, but his resource was different. Hence, the fighting capability the Fourth Prince showed could be compared to two or three royal troops.

Furthermore, as a prince, he got an aura skill that can raised the fighting capability of the other soldiers near him. This was a unique skill which everyone could gain including player when they already achieved at certain nobility rank or military rank.

With this, the enemy's number almost means nothing. The enemies number slowly dwindled little by little. With less enemy, the pressure at the front line reduced a lot. Moreover, thanks to the Fourth Prince's presence, their teamwork gone spike.

No noble dared to voice out their complaint even if the prince ordered them to protect a commoner. With unity, their fighting became a lot easier. However, there were still casualties among them.

1 royal troops, 15 guards, and less than 10 student died at the hand of the enemies at front line or because the thief that lurking out. However, the enemies suffered more casualties than them. They suffered twice almost thrice the number.

With less pressure on the front line, the Fourth Prince ordered 2 royals troop to withdraw from the front line and joined the back line to wipe out the thief lurking aiming at their cleric, mage or archer.

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