Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 255 - Exposed (2)

The bandit group was getting ready to escape. They turned back from they were coming from and ran away.

Auron was still fighting against the monster. He didn't realize there were spectators. Only after the bandit group started to escape did Auron realized the bandit group's presence.

In a sudden split second, a thought flashed in Auron's mind, "F***, My secret exposed!"

There were actually many possibilities that could happen. However, the one that came to Auron's mind was the worst possibilities.

If Auron's secret was exposed, then there would be no doubt that he would be dead. Auron would be chased all over the place. Also, if the news was spread to others, then many enemies would pursue him.

He needed to stop the bandit. Auron immediately ignored the monster he was fighting against and chased the bandit.

Auron increased his speed using skills. The monster still followed behind Auron. However, the distance getting farther and farther away. Moreover, the monster's speed was not too fast.

Meanwhile, the bandit was rushing. They saw Auron was chasing them, and it made them more nervous. The enemy was too strong. He could face the monster alone with no difficulty.

At the same time, they needed to fight in a group of ten facing the same monster. Moreover, the enemy's fighting capability was a weird one. To win against such an enemy, the bandit group didn't have any confidence at all.

Auron had a higher level than the bandit group, which means his base movement speed was quite faster. Moreover, Auron gained double the amount of attributes than regular character.

Although the bandit group also had a quite high movement speed, but the distance between Auron and the bandit group slowly became closer and closer. Moreover, Auron had used his movement skills.

The bandits also quickly used their movement skills. Their speed increased. However, they could not distance themselves from Auron. They could only make their distance remained the same.

"Damn, quicker! He is close!" One of the bandit cursed when he knew Auron was near them.

The bandit could curse anytime he liked. However, it would not change the current situation. It made Auron and the bandits in stalemate.

When Auron's skill was on cooldown, his speed became closer, and the bandits could increase their distance. However, it was not long since the bandits' ability also went cooldown.

When Auron could use his skill once again, their distance became shorter. The bandits had to use their skills once again. This situation repeated like a cycle.

The bandits also could not go to their boss yet since if they went there, then their headquarter would be exposed. They had no choice but to go around and tried to shake Auron off.

The bandit's leader raked his brain hard. If this situation continued, it would only tire them. In the end, the bandit's leader asked the other's opinion while escaping.

The bandit's leader actually wanted to bring Auron back to their headquarter, and with the other bandits in the headquarter, they would capture Auron.

However, they had to bait Auron carefully. If Auron realized he was being baited, then it would only make their headquarter exposed and no benefit to them. In the end, the bandits decided to take the risk and baited Auron. 

However, as soon as they made their decision, an [Earth Wall] appeared in front of them. The sudden appearance of the [Earth Wall] shocked the escaping bandits.

Most of them could not quickly halt their step and crashed the [Earth Wall]. Meanwhile, only two of them could have the time to dodge the sudden [Earth Wall].

The [Earth Wall] destroyed by the bandit's body. Halves of the bandits fell down. The other halves could control their body and avoid falling to the ground.

Of course, the one who cast the [Earth Wall] was Auron. He managed to close their distance close enough for him to be able to cast [Earth Wall] in front of them.

And, it succeeds. The [Earth Wall] forced all of the bandits stopped their escapes. Meanwhile, Auron immediately targets one of the falling bandits.

Auron launched several attacks using his dagger and spells. Since the enemies already knew his secret, he didn't have to hide it anymore. He unleashed several attacks that managed to reap that bandit's life.

With this incident happened, each of the bandits fell into a dilemma. If they ran away, then their friends would die. Meanwhile, if they were not running away, then they had to face an impossible to win fight.

In the end, all of them had their own choice. Some of the bandits chose to run away. While the other tried to team up and fight against Auron. Fortunately, only two bandits decided to run away. Moreover, the two of them were the weakest among the bandits.

Auron had to act quickly. He had to contain the news. Immediately, Auron aimed the other weak bandits. He tried to kill the bandits one by one starting from the weakest.

However, since the two weakest bandits ran away, Auron could only aim the next weakest bandit. With Auron's quick action, the bandits had no choice but to fight.

Auron was so fierce. He didn't give any mercy to his enemies. Besides, Auron also used his full power to attack the enemies. With the differences in level, Auron managed to kill his enemies quickly.

The bandit's leader was among the ones who didn't run away and chose to fight. However, he also could not stop Auron from killing his teammate. In the end, he also had to die under Auron's hands.

Auron stood up after killing all of the bandits. Eight items were drops on the grounds as a result of the bandit's death. Auron collected all of the things quickly and faced in the direction where the other two bandits ran away.

Auron had to kill these two bandits to contain the news about his secret. He began to move out and chase the two bandits.

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