Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 288 - Fiery Buffalo (3)

The buffalo's boss flinched for one second. It was short. But, in that brief moment, the others dared to attack the boss.

The guard's leader stood up and looked at the buffalo's boss. Meanwhile, the buffalo's boss shook its heads as it got out from its flinched state. 

The buffalo's boss immediately looked for another target. Its next goal was a cleric behind Auron. In less than a second, the boss already charged out to the cleric.

The guard's leader was blown away by the impact and was not located near the cleric. Auron saw the surroundings. Some of the swordsmen deliberately moved away from near the boss.

Auron sneered, "What a bunch of scaredy-cats!"

Auron was in the boss's charge path. If he didn't move out, he would be run over by the boss. However, he didn't move out.

Auron cast [Earth Wall] in front of him and took out his dagger. The distance between the buffalo's boss and Auron was short. So, in a few seconds, the boss already crashed the [Earth Wall] that Auron cast.

Auron, who was behind the [Earth Wall], cast another spell [Ice Bolt]. He aimed at the buffalo's boss's right horn. He had heard before that the horns were the way to trounce the boss.

It was said that when the boss was in charge mode, you should aim at the tip of its horn. If you could hit the tip of the boss's horn with a single target attack, the boss's charge would stop, and it would get flinched for a second. However, it was not easy to do that.

The boss was too fast in charge mode. To aim that small target in a fast-moving target was not an easy task. Moreover, Auron never verified the correctness of the rumored gossip.

Auron's [Ice Bolt] flew to the boss's horn. However, Auron missed the target. His [Ice Bolt] hit the boss's back. The boss suffered some damage, but its charge was not stopped.

Auron could not help but raised his dagger in front of him. The boss's horn collided with Auron's knife. A burn effect was applied to Auron.

Auron tried to stop the boss, but his strength was not enough. He was blown away by the boss. The boss kept charging towards the cleric.

However, before the boss hit the cleric, a man stepped over and raised his weapon. It was Sleight Hand.

At first, the thief didn't want to involve in this matter and just let the other protect the cleric. However, when he saw Auron, who was a mage, helped the cleric, he felt ashamed.

In the end, the thief could not help but moved forward and blocked the buffalo's boss. Surprisingly, the thief had enough strength to stop the boss.

Sleight Hand had already played the game since the game had opened. Although he didn't play full time, he spent, at least, half of the year to play the game.

However, he was also an eccentric person. During the time he played the game, he unconventionally raised his character. He created a cleric, but instead of building the intelligence attributes, he increased the strength and agility.

After a few months of playing, he got bored and deleted his character. Then, he created another character to play. He created a mage and invested all of his attribute points to increase his luck.

And, this thief was his latest creation. He created a thief but invested all the attribute points to the strength and luck attributes. He only spent a small amount on the agility attributes.

The other's convoy members were awed by Sleight Hand's performance. A thief who could stop the buffalo's charge was not rare. However, a thief who could stop the assault with only several levels higher than the boss and average equipment was rare.

The guard's leader also saw the thief's performance. He was shocked by the thief's performance. However, he didn't have the time to be amazed by the thief for too long, he still had a boss to kill.

With the addition of Sleight Hand's help, who was braved enough to face the boss, the guard's leader didn't have to work as hard as before. This incident also increased the group's spirit.

With the increased spirit, the boss's health reduced quicker than before. After several minutes later, the boss slumped down and died.

When the boss died, some of the members came to Sleight Hand to befriend him or asked him something. Sleight Hand became a celebrity among the group's members.

Meanwhile, the guard's leader had to do his job, looting the boss's loot. He was awed by the thief's performance, but it was just that.

The guard's leader had more curiosity about something else. He had also noticed something unusual that the other didn't see.

It was Auron's performance. When he saw that Auron tried to stop the boss, he thought that it was a suicide move. And, it was half right when Auron was blown away by the boss's charge, the guard's leader thought that Auron would die.

However, Auron didn't die. This showed that Auron had more health than ordinary mages. "Did he invest his attribute points to vitality?" The guard's leader pondered while picking up the loot.

But, the guard's leader also noticed that Auron's magic damage and cast's speed was slightly better than the average mages. If he invests some points to the vitality, one of the two should have weaker performance than what Auron had shown.

The guard's leader thought about Auron's equipment. So, he inspected Auron's equipment. The equipment was pretty good, but it was not at the level that could boost the power that high.

This strange phenomenon was what made the guard's leader became more curious about Auron. However, he didn't tell it to anyone else and just kept it himself.

After the guard's leader finished looting the boss's drop, he dismissed the crowd who surrounded Sleight Hand. A few minutes later, the group continued their journey.

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