Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 290 - Arena Duel (2)

Path of Heroes was an organization that managed the arena duel. The king created it, and now it was led by one of the princesses. Path of Heroes deliberately didn't set the minimum level to join the arena. They only had one rule for those who wanted to join. They had to pass the test given.

The test was actually simple. The participant had to fight three continuous one on one duel against the prepared staff. Each of the test staff would have a level of around 240 - 260. The participant had to win three battles at most in three hours.

If they passed the time limit, then it would be deemed as they failed the test. Although the Path of Heroes didn't set any minimum level, the test itself had already given a minimum level for the upcoming challenger. After all, it would be impossible for a level ten character to defeat three opponents who were level 240 and above.

The rule for the duel was the same as the real arena duel. The participants could use any equipment and weapon they had. However, they could not change it once the fight had started. So, the management didn't care if they borrowed their friend's stuff to participate as long as they win.

Another rule was they could not use any potion at all. A buff potion or healing potion was prohibited in the duel.

Each time a person participates in the arena, they usually would wait until their health fully healed before competing. However, for the test, they could not do it. They had to immediately fight the next opponent when the previous one had been defeated.

The staff took some Auron's general data first, like his level and his character's name. Although the arena had the real identity of the registrant, they only used that information for their own use.  The kingdom needed to have an appropriate way to contact. 

After taking note of Auron's name and level, the staff called three people who will be going to be Auron's test opponent.

The three people who were going to be Auron's opponent were lined up based on their turns. There were two males and one female who would be Auron opponents.

Auron's first opponent was a male who was a level 258 thief. Both of them stepped up into the arena. Inside the arena, they could not kill each other. Of course, some injuries were unavoidable. But, when one of the participants was about to die, the arena would shield them from further damage.

A few seconds later, the battle started. The thief immediately used his stealth skill. The test opponent was serious about this battle because they were paid by the company. If they could defeat their opponent, they would get a big bonus. That was why they would seriously use all of their skills.

Although they faced lower-level opponents, they would not underestimate them. It was because, except for the big bonus, they never knew if their opponent had a golden spoon.

It was challenging to fight against a thief who used its stealth ability. Only a cleric had a detection skill to find the stealthy thief. Auron, as a mage, could not know where the thief at.

This was one of the advantages of playing as a thief in the arena duel. They could use the stealth skill as soon as the battle starts.

Many of the thieves' skills were relying on stealth skill. So, if they could not take down their opponent in one combo after they broke their stealth down, it would be difficult for them to win. Moreover, if they missed their combo chance.

Auron was waiting for the thief to make a move. However, he didn't just wait silently. Auron created an [Earth Wall] behind him. This way, the thief could only attack him from the sides and in front of him.

Auron waited patiently. The thief also waited for his opportunity, but he could not find one. When his stealth time was about to over, the thief didn't have any choice left. He had to attack.

At that time, Auron looked towards his left. The thief thought, "A chance."

Then, he immediately attacked Auron from his right. The thief slashed his dagger towards Auron. However, Auron was aware of the attack and used his knife to block the attack.

Unfortunately, the thief was a dual dagger user. As the first dagger was stopped with the knife, the second dagger already aimed at Auron's neck.

Auron kicked the thief in the stomach. The dagger almost slashed Auron's neck and only grazed the skin. The thief was flown backward but immediately regained his foothold.

He kicked the ground and prepared to launch another attack. However, Auron moved backward and chanted a spell while marching. The thief still didn't know that Auron had that capability, he kept chasing Auron.

When he was closed towards Auron, he stabbed one of his dagger towards Auron. However, Auron also finished chanted his spell. A [Fire Bolt] came out, and cleanly hit the unaware thief.

The thief was blown away by the [Fire Bolt]. Of course, the [Fire Bolt] didn't gravely injure the thief. But, it was enough to give Auron's some space.

When a thief and a mage was having a duel in a limited space, the thief should have the advantages. However, right now, the thief was actually the one who felt the pressure.

From the short encounter before, the thief knew Auron was a mage who could fight in close combat. He didn't panic when to confront a sudden attack from his second dagger and quite good in determining which skill to use.

The thief thought that it was unfortunate to meet Auron. Although not all of the mages had the capability, throughout the data, a mage who was capable of fighting in close combat usually would have a high ranking. Moreover, the one who was really skillful in the close combat fight like Auron.

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