Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 302 - Crisis (4)

The older swordsman raised up his sword and slashed diagonally downward. Auron, who was preparing to attack, had to dodge the attack first. He moved to the side, so the sword missed the target.

After that, Auron took a step forward and stabbed his dagger to the older swordsman's stomach. The older swordsman pulled up his sword and blocked the stab with his sword.

However, Auron was not only attack with his dagger, but he also finished chanting his spell and threw it to the enemy. [Fire Bolt] thrown to the swordsman's head. 

Unfortunately, the older swordsman had a quick reaction. In such short distance, he turned his body 180 degrees and moved backward to avoid the [Fire Bolt]. It was a fantastic move knowing that the older swordsman was affected with [Sloth].

"Tch... If it is the younger swordsman, he would definitely die." Auron thought.

However, what had happened already happened, he had to move quickly before the younger swordsman came. Auron moved forward and closed the distance right after the older swordsman managed to dodge the [Fire Bolt].

The older swordsman also saw Auron's movement. He turned back and faced Auron when a dagger was already coming toward him.

The older swordsman blocked the incoming dagger with his swords. He was about to launch a counter-attack when Auron ducked down.

Auron aimed was not this dagger attack. So when he knew the enemy had blocked the dagger, he ducked down a bit and swept the older swordsman's leg. He aimed at the back of the swordsman's knee joint.

Caught off guard by this kick, the older swordsman could not guard the kick, and his knee got kick from behind. His knee bent a little because of the kick and lost the balance.

This was what Auron's goal. As soon as the enemy lost his balance, Auron threw the [Ice Bolt] towards the enemy's body and a stab to the leg.

The enemy tried to move his sword. Fortunately, he could move his sword in time and block the [Ice Bolt] with his sword. However, he could not prevent the stab at his leg.

Auron pulled up the dagger and wanted to stab again at the same spot to widen the injury. However, a slash from his right disturbed the move. The slash was coming from the younger swordsman who already arrived at the scene.

Auron moved to dodge the attack. However, he was a step late. The tip of the younger swordsman's sword managed to graze his arm. 

Blood seeped out from the light injury that Auron had just received. However, Auron could not care about his injuries right now. He changed his target to the younger swordsman and attacked him.

Auron moved forward to the younger swordsman and thrust his dagger towards the swordsman. He would do the same as what he had already done to the older swordsman.

However, what the younger swordsman did to block the attack surprised Auron. The younger swordsman raised his right arm and blocked the thrust with his right hand.

The dagger pierced the swordsman's hand. Auron urgently pulled the knife. However, to remove the dagger, it would need more time than when the enemy blocked it with the sword. At that time, the younger swordsman used the sword in his left hand to slash Auron. 

Auron, who managed pulled the dagger, could not dodge the slash in time. His right arm was about to get cut when Auron moved forward and blocked the slash with his right shoulder.

Although a mage had only a cloth type equipment, but it could still be used to reduce the incoming attack's power. Auron's right shoulder was cut pretty deep before Auron kicked the younger swordsman away.

This was not what the younger swordsman wanted. What his original intent was that he would sacrifice his right arm to end Auron's life. However, it didn't happen as he wished.

Auron moved away and created a distance between them. He held his right shoulder with his left hand. When he looked at his left hand, blood had covered his left hand. Fortunately, Auron still could move his right hand.

However, it was not only Auron that was injured. The enemy also had a pretty deep injury. The younger swordsman stood up next to the older swordsman. His right arm was covered with blood from the top to the tip of his fingers. He even had a hard time controlling his right arm.

Meanwhile, the older swordsman stood up. He already had a hard time to stand up because of his leg injury. However, he tried his best to stand up even though he was limping.

What fortunate for the enemies, except Auron's right shoulder got injured, was the fact that [Sloth]'s effect had disappeared.

Auron's injury was lighter than the enemies had received. He used it to his advantage. Auron started to chanting a spell from the spot where he stood.

Since the older swordsman had an injury in the leg, he could not move fast enough. So, the younger swordsman had no choice and was the one who went to Auron.

Auron, who saw this move, smiled. He canceled the chanting and went forwards to face the younger swordsman.

The younger swordsman raised his sword and attacked Auron with his left hand. Auron also raised his dagger to block the sword attack.

Clang... the dagger clashed with the sword. The dagger should be the one that loses in the clash of the weapons. However, the younger swordsman's injury made him could not use his full power, which made the clashed of the weapon ended in an even match.

Auron moved forward and used his dagger to stab the swordsman's stomach. The swordsman had lost to much blood, which made his reaction a little bit slower.

The younger swordsman was one step late to dodge the attack to his stomach and got stab. Auron didn't stay still. He threw a [Fire Bolt] and another cut to the younger swordsman.

The younger swordsman could do nothing except receiving his fate. The younger swordsman slumped down to the ground. These two attacks from Auron ended his life.

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