Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 322 - Sckilemd Ruin (1)

A few seconds later, Auron opened his eyes. A fantastic view was shown in front of his eyes. A garden full of plants and butterflies with a breeze. It was like he was in a different world compared to the previous place.

In the tunnel, it was dark and narrow. Not only that, but there was also the pungent smell from the plant. However, in this place right now, he could not find any of that. A vast area full of green grass. There were various beautiful plants and flowers in multiple colors.

Auron also could see butterflies flying everywhere in the place. Birds were chirping, and a breeze could be sensed by his senses. The smell of grass and the fragrant smell of flowers could be smelled by Auron.

Auron and the others felt confused about this magnificent place. After all, it was so different from the previous site. Moreover, this place should be inside an ancient ruin, not a garden of Eden.

However, Auron curiosity was answered by the system notifications.

[Congratulations! You have defeated the entrance's guardian of the ruin]

[You have the right to enter Sckilemd Ruin]

[You have entered the Sckilemd Ruin]

"So, this ruin is Sckilemd Ruin," Auron thought inside his mind when he learned the ruin's name.

Although Auron was fascinated by the magnificent views here, however, he still had to arrange his mind first before enjoying the place here. From the previous battle with the boss, Auron gained two levels. He immediately assigned his newly acquired attribute points as usual.

Then, Auron looked at his group's members who were also as confused as Auron with this drastic change. "Where are we?" The female archer asked.

Auron shrugged his shoulders, "We don't know it yet."

"How are your conditions?" Auron asked the others who replied that they were alright.

"What should we do right now?" The female archer continued to ask.

Auron also didn't have the answer to that question. However, he remembered something and asked Felice and Patricia, "Do you have any information about this ancient ruin?"

However, both of them shook their heads. "We just got a piece of information about an ancient ruin. However, we didn't know anything about the ancient ruin."

No one had any idea about the ruin. So, they decided to explore this place first before deciding what to do next. All of them stood up, and with Auron at the front, they began to explore the area.

There was actually a stone path here. It was as if it was made to guide them. Auron and the others began to follow the stone path.

They walked forward until there was a split to the left and right. However, the stone path split was not because it was a road end. Instead, it was because, at their front, there was a wide lake.

The water in the lake kept on changing color according to the rainbow color. Moreover, there were various butterflies in many colors flying above the lake water.

Above them, there was a bright blue sky. And, it would be unbelievable if they said this was inside a tunnel or underground.

In the middle of the lake, there was an island. It was not a big island, but the island should be enough for one hundred a.d.u.l.t men.

The butterflies were centered on this island. While there were still many butterflies flying around them, but at the island, there were more butterflies.

It was because there was a bright red crystal floating above the island. Auron predicted that the height of the crystal reached 5 meters. There were no mysterious aura or anything special about the crystal except it was glowing red. 

However, the seemingly unspecial crystal attracted the butterflies to fly towards it. Auron looked at his members and nodded. Then, he led the group towards the crystal.

The group didn't have to swim to reach the crystal. Some paths led to the island. Whether choosing the left path or the right path didn't matter because all of the paths led to the same destination, the island.

Auron chose the left path and walked towards the island. It was not a long walk, it only took them 2 minutes to reach the island. There seems nothing dangerous about the crystal nor this place.

Auron looked up to see the crystal's top. The red crystal was glowing in red color. Meanwhile, butterflies kept on flying around the crystal as they were hypnotized by the glow.

"What should we do with this crystal?" Felice asked.

"Should we destroy it?" Semial also asked a question.

However, nobody knew what they should do with this crystal. Auron looked around them. There was nothing dangerous around here since there were only butterflies and Auron's group around the crystal.

Auron also tried to look deep inside the lake's water. However, he also could not see any movement inside the water. This strange situation made Auron felt uneasy.

Auron went forward and decided to touch the crystal. As soon as Auron touched the crystal, a series of notification appeared.

[You have found the ruin's core]

[The ruin's core had identified an unrecognized object touching it]

[The ruin's core activated its self-defense mechanism]

[The self-defense mechanism will be activated in 1 hour 59 minutes 59 seconds]

[Destroy the core]

Countdown: 1 hour 59 minutes 59 seconds

Description: Destroy the ruin's core within the limited time or face a catastrophe.

Quest Clear Condition: Destroy the ruin's core before the countdown is up.

Quest Clear Rewards: Pick 5 rewards from the ancient treasure trove.

Quest Failure Punishment: You will be teleported to the nearest town, and catastrophe will be coming.

A quest triggered that told Auron to destroy the crystal within 2 hours. Meanwhile, the crystal started to radiate a dark red color. The color was getting darker and darker after each second passed.

The butterflies around it also scattered away as if they were afraid by the crystal. "What happened?" The others started to ask the same question when they realized the change in the situation.

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