Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 339 - Second Stage (6)

Auron was caught off guard. The body blow hit him hard. He was blown away and crashed on the ground.

Blood seeped out from his mouth. This was the first time since he fought against the mannequin that he received such damage. 

Auron was shocked because of this situation. He was confused about whether the mannequin deliberately trapped him, or this just was purely his mistake.

However, he could not think about that for too long. The mannequin didn't give him any time. It already dashed towards Auron. 

Auron raised his sword. He didn't want to repeat the same mistake twice. However, when he raised his sword, he felt an acute pain in his ribs. Auron gritted his teeth and held the pain.

Bang... Auron pushed back by the mannequin's sheer power. He used his chance to stand up and moved away. While he ran away, he held the pain in his ribs.

The mannequin didn't let Auron got away. It already chased Auron as soon as it saw Auron stood up.

Another one-two punch thrown to Auron. Holding the pain on his ribs, Auron dodged the first punch and blocked the second punch. Then, he unleashed [Fire Bolt] to the mannequin.

Although he was in a dire state, but Auron could not always run away. He had to attack the mannequin to kill it.

The [Fire Bolt] aimed at the mannequin's face. Seeing the [Fire Bolt] coming to its head, the mannequin didn't feel afraid or dodge it. Instead, it pushed its head towards the [Fire Bolt]. It was like the mannequin was headbutting the [Fire Bolt].

Auron had been prepared this time. After all this time fighting against the mannequin, he knew that the mannequin had a high chance of ignoring the attack. Although, previously, the mannequin blocked Auron's attack. However, for a weak attack, the mannequin tended to overlook the offense and received it confidently.

Auron jumped backward to dodge the mannequin's punch. Then, he chanted another [Sloth] since it was off cooldown already. With the slowed mannequin, Auron moved away and drank several health potions.

Auron already suffered a lot from the clean hit that he took previously. Now, he had a chance to restore his health. So, he would use it wisely or else he would die, and all of his effort would be gone.

Just like before, the mannequin didn't care what Auron was doing and kept attacking him. Fortunately, when the mannequin was close to Auron, he had just finished drinking the potion. So, he could ready himself to face the mannequin's attack.

After drinking the health potion, the pain on Auron's ribs ease up a bit. He saw the mannequin's punch. Instead of blocking the attack, Auron chose to dodge the blow. Then, he went around the mannequin's back and chanted [Earth Spike].

However, the mannequin turned its body powerfully. The big butterfly wing slapped Auron's [Earth Spike] that just coming out from the ground.

Auron flinched a bit because of the butterfly wing. Although the wing was big, but he didn't think that this butterfly wing would be powerful enough to disturb his attack. 

Auron's momentum to attack was off because of this wing. Since he lost the momentum, he would not push this attack forward.

Auron began to strategize back his way of fight. He calmly assessed the battle and fought carefully.

Auron also didn't try to do something dangerously. He fought as carefully as he could. When his health was low, he would chant [Sloth] and drank several health potions.

Although Auron had lost more health than the mannequin, but thanks to the [Sloth] and health potions, he could maintain his health in the safe zone.

The battle continued slowly. It was because Auron didn't rush to kill the mannequin. He had changed his way of fighting. After all, it would be better to kill the mannequin rather than he being killed by the mannequin.

Previously, Auron could reduce the mannequin's health by 10% in 10 minutes. However, as he changed his way of fighting, now, he could only achieve the same percentage in 30 minutes.

Time passed by, the mannequin had only 5% of his health left. However, it was not easy to reduce that 5%. It was because Auron felt something weird.

As the mannequin's health getting lower, Auron felt that the mannequin's speed rose. At first, he thought that it was just his imagination. However, as the mannequin's health kept reduced slowly, the difference in speed became clearer.

Auron started to feel the difficulty of fighting against the mannequin rose. The mannequin began to have the same speed as Auron.

In fact, when the mannequin's health was at 5%, the mannequin had a faster speed than Auron. Even when Auron used [Sloth] to reduce the speed, it could only make Auron had the same speed as the mannequin.

Auron looked at his health. Thanks to his strategy before, he could maintain his health at around 80%.

Auron's health was at 80%, while the mannequin's health was at 5%. There was a difference of 75% between their health.

The battle became harder for Auron. It was also harder for him to drink health potion even he had used [Sloth]. The mannequin didn't let him do that.

That was why Auron had thought to go all out when the next [Sloth] was available. He tried to exchange attacks against the mannequin. Although he knew that he would lose in terms of damage, but he believed that with the difference of 75% in their health, he could win against the mannequin.

However, to achieve that, Auron had to pass this round of fight until the [Sloth] was off cooldown. He had to maintain the advantage of his health as big as he could.

Auron held as hard as he could. Finally, after 30 minutes, his [Sloth] was off cooldown. However, the situation was not as great as what Auron had thought. He had 75% of his health left while the mannequin had 3.5% of his health left.

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