Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 365 - First Match (3)

The opponent was confused by the sudden boosted in Auron's speed. He looked at Auron [Sloth]'s effect. It had not ended yet.

Meanwhile, his [Sloth] was one level stronger than Auron. That was why his [Sloth] should not end yet. 

"How could he move faster?" This was what inside Auron's opponent's mind.

It was a mystery to Auron's opponent. However, he didn't have the luxury to think about it right now. Auron had already arrived in front of him.

Auron slashed out his dagger to the opponent's face. The opponent saw this. He hurriedly raised his dagger in front of him to receive Auron's attack.

Clang... A clashing sound of two daggers was heard. However, the fight didn't end there. Auron already knew that the opponent could block this attack even if he had the element of surprise. What Auron aimed at was the second attack.

A [Fire Lance] stormed to Auron's opponent's chest. The enemy was already caught in surprise by Auron's first attack. That was why he was one step slower. With Auron launched his second attack, the enemy could not react in time. The [Fire Lance] cleanly hit the opponent's chest.

A direct hit in such a close range made the [Fire Lance]'s power blown the opponent's away. The opponent's crashed to the arena's floor. He was in pain. But, he quickly stood up.

Auron would not let these advantages go away. He kept on pressuring the opponent. When the opponent stood up, Auron already arrived by the opponent's side and ready to throw another attack.

The opponent also didn't want to be Auron's punching bag. It returned an attack using [Ice Bolt]. In such a close range, it was usually effective to throw a quick spell such as this. It could disrupt the opponent's rhythm if they were not ready.

This was a textbook way for a mage to escape such a situation. This method could really work. However, it would only work if the opponent was alone and didn't aware of the situation.

As Auron was fully concentrated on the fight, he could saw the sign when his opponent's creating the [Ice Bolt]. Auron quickly moved away and chanted [Earth Spike].

The enemy threw the [Ice Bolt] in panic. He hoped that this [Ice Bolt] could really hit Auron. However, it would not be that easy for such thought to happen. Moreover, with Auron completely on guard.

The [Ice Bolt] completely lost its target. Meanwhile, the [Earth Spike] that Auron's chanted already pierced from the ground and targeted the opponent's head.

Seeing the incoming [Earth Spike], the opponent moved his head to avoid the attack. Unfortunately, it was not perfect. The [Earth Spike] managed to graze the opponent's right cheek and also hurt the opponent's ear's lobe. 

Blood came out from the wound. However, the fight didn't over right there. Auron already coming forward to the enemy. The enemy was an experienced soldier. Such wounds were hurt, but it would not be enough to make him gave up.

Auron's opponent tried to turn the situation around. He unleashed [Frost Spike]. The [Frost Spike] was a similar spell with [Earth Spike]. What made it different was the [Earth Spike] was made of ground, while the [Frost Spike] was made of ice.

It was unfortunate for the enemy. Auron already had many experiences in fighting against a mage. What made it different from his previous experiences was his class and equipment.

With that many experiences, he had seen many spells. He could see the sign when a spell was about to launch. By knowing this sign, he could mostly dodge the spell. Of course, he could not achieve a 100% feat to avoid the spell even though he knew the spell. However, it was enough for him to not let the spell hit his vital point.

Moreover, in this current situation, Auron was in the upper hand. Not only that the opponent's [Sloth]'s effect had just ended. His speed increased once more.

With the increased speed, dodging the [Frost Spike] was easier. Auron took a side step and dodge the [Frost Spike]. Then, he took a stabbing gesture.

The opponent raised his dagger and tried to block Auron's stab. However, suddenly, at a high speed, Auron turned his body 180 degrees and changed his attack to a horizontal slash towards the enemy's neck.

Although it was so sudden, the enemy could realize Auron's intention and duck down. Auron slashed out thin air. However, he already prepared a quick [Fire Bolt] and immediately threw it.

The opponent jumped sideways to dodge the spell, but he was one step late. The [Fire Bolt] hit the opponent's ankle. His jump was stopped and fell to the ground.

Auron stabbed his dagger to the ground. However, before the dagger could hit the opponent, he already used [Aqua Barrier].

Auron's attack met with the barrier. It was a lifesaving spell for a mage. This means that Auron's opponent was cornered by Auron's relentless attack.

Using this momentum, Auron's opponent tried to regain his position back. Meanwhile, Auron who was on the offensive side suddenly became more aggressive. He knew that [Aqua Barrier] was not invincible.

Even though Auron didn't know at what level was the opponent's [Aqua Barrier], but he could feel that it was not that high level.

While maintaining his vigilance, Auron kept launching the attack. The opponent, who wanted to use this momentum to regain back his position, was also pressured. Auron didn't give him any chance.

Just as Auron had thought, Auron's opponent's [Aqua Barrier] didn't last long before it was destroyed.

Auron kept on attacking wildly. The opponent tried his best to maintain his current situation. However, everything went beyond what he could handle. Wound after wound kept on appearing on the opponent's body.

After several attacks more, the opponent could not dodge Auron's last attack to its head. However, before the attack could hit the opponent's head, the referee had blocked it for him and ended the match. Finally, Auron gained one win.

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