Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 384 - Primavera City (5)

The pressure on the general in charge's team suddenly increased. The frontline started to get pushed back by the enemies' elite. Meanwhile, Auron, who was also included in this general in charge's team, also felt the same things.

Enemies started to charge nonstop and fearless. As a mage who was at the back of the team, usually, he would easily felt safe when his frontline was still intact in front of him. However, right now, he could not feel safe anymore, even though the frontline in front of him was still intact.

Auron tried his best to ignore his bad feeling. He kept on throwing spells while maintaining his vigilance. However, his bad feelings not gone. Instead, it grew worse than before.

The soldiers in front of Auron started to get pushed back. Auron gritted his teeth and moved back as the backline had also moved back.

The First Prince, who oversaw all the situations, also knew that the general in charge was being targetted. He sent some soldiers to help the general. Unfortunately, he could not send too many soldiers because he also had difficulty due to the enemies' amount.

To the east of the First Prince's location was the vice general in charge. He was also in a difficult situation because he had many casualties at the city's wall.

The situation was not good on Gaia's side. However, the First Prince still insisted on holding on instead of running away.

Chaotic Death looked at the situation was siding on Regalia's side. He looked calm. However, he also didn't look happy. It had come to this, and they still hadn't reclaimed the Primavera City.

Chaotic Death began to feel impatient. The longer the war, the more unexpected situation could happen. And, he didn't want to experience that unexpected situation.

Chaotic Death shouted, "Attack!! Full force!!"

This was the last command from Chaotic Death before he also went to join the fight. With that command, all of the Regalia's soldiers who were idle before began to move out.

All of the Regalia's soldiers were marching towards Gaia's soldiers. The pressure on the Gaia's soldiers soared to the maximum. Not only on the general in charge's side but also at the First Prince's side and the vice general in charge's side.

Casualties began to rise up quickly on Gaia's side. The First Prince gritted his teeth. He saw Chaotic Death began to take action.

When the First Prince was about to take action against Chaotic Death, behind him, from the teleportation portal's direction, a bunch of soldiers coming. And, it didn't stop right there. The soldiers kept on coming. Finally, the reinforcements had arrived.

The First Prince could release some of his burdens. He went to fight against Chaotic Death with calm.

Meanwhile, Chaotic Death saw the reinforcements had come. This was what he didn't want. However, this was still inside his expectations. That was why he gave the safety measure by stationing soldiers at the other three cities.

"Finish this quickly! Kill all the enemy!!! Claim the portal!!!" Chaotic Death impatiently shouted another command. He didn't care how many soldiers he should sacrifice.

Then, Chaotic Death went to the First Prince. He already saw that the First Prince came to him. As a commander from Regalia's side, he should be the one who faced this enemy's prince.

For all this time, Chaotic Death had seen how the First Prince led the battle and fight with his eyes. However, he never experienced fighting against the First Prince.

That was why Chaotic Death wanted to test his skill against the First Prince. It would be a useful reference for his future. Moreover, the battle had been going well without him joining the slaughter. Although there were reinforcements from the enemies, the number didn't count much compared to their number. So, it should not be a problem.

Even if the number of reinforcements kept on increasing, it would be no problem. It was because it would mean there would be another city in war.

Chaotic Death took his sword out from the sheath. The First Prince also did the same. Inside the First Prince's mind was that if he could kill Chaotic Death, then he could turn the battle around. No, it had not to be as far as killing, defeating Chaotic Death was enough.

Before the First Prince could reach Chaotic Death, two enemy soldiers had come to him first. However, the First Prince quickly pushed away these two soldiers away. 

Then, the First Prince sped up and charged towards Chaotic Death. He brandished his sword. Chaotic Death blocked the First Prince's sword.

Chaotic Death grinned and mocked the First Prince, "So, you want to die first? No problem, I will help you. Later, I will bring all of the soldiers here to accompany you."

However, the First Prince ignored Chaotic Death's provocation. Then, he used the royal secret skill, [Shining Cut]. The First Prince performed three quick sword's slash.

These three slashes added the power to each other and merged into one stronger slash. The power was as expected. Chaotic Death was pushed by the skill's power and lost his balance.

The First Prince used this chance to aim at Chaotic Death's head. He thrust his sword to Chaotic Death's left eye. However, from below, Chaotic Death prevented the thrust using his sword.

As his attack was stopped, the First Prince continued to use another skill, [Cross Cut]. He slashed twice, horizontally, and vertically. These two slash form a cross.

Chaotic Death didn't stay idle. Seeing the power from the First Prince's attack, he used his skill to counter the First Prince's attack. His normal attack could not stop the First Prince's skill's power.

The First Prince's attack got deflected. Then, the First Prince whirled his body and used another skill, [Twister]. 

These series of attacks overwhelmed Chaotic Death. As he lost his balances, the First Prince kicked him away. Then, he used his deathly skill, [Penetrate].

A sharp sword-shaped aura shot out from the First Prince's sword. Then, it flew towards Chaotic Death, who was faltering due to his balance.

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