Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 403 - Wind Cliff (3)

It was already dark outside. However, inside the Tower Training Fourth floor, the sky was still blue. A violent storm was currently undergoing. This storm swept all of the soldiers who still on the Fourth floor.

Although they could hold on if they were ready, not all of them ready. Some of them fell down the cliff and got teleported to a random place. Meanwhile, some of them were more fortunate. They were getting carried away by the wind, but instead of falling down, they crashed on the wall or trees.

Auron was one of them who crashed on a big boulder at one of the cliffs. After 4 hours searching and only could find 10 monsters, Auron became tired and stressed. He became impatient as the pressure built up. That was why when the wind was on its getting stronger phase, and he found two monsters alone, Auron could not think calmly.

Auron felt that he had enough time to kill the said monsters before the wind reached its peak. He took the risk and fought against the monsters. He thought that since the monsters were on their defensive stance due to the wind and could not retaliate, he could kill them quickly.

Just as he had thought, Auron killed one of the monsters easily without any effort. However, when he was about to fight against the second monsters, the wind started to get stronger. Even though it still didn't reach its peak, but the wind was enough to make the monster moved from its location.

Auron was chasing the monster. However, the wind kept on getting stronger, and before he could realize, the wind reached its peak. Auron wasn't ready and got blown away because he loses his foothold. Fortunately, he was blown in the direction of a big boulder and crashed on it.

Although he still got damage on his vest due to the impact, it only took away 1 health point for his vest. Compared with falling from the cliff, this one damage was obviously better.

Auron was stuck on the boulder for a few minutes. When the wind got weaker, he fell down to the ground. He sighed, relieved.

Auron learned a huge lesson from this. Due to his impatience, he almost fell down from the cliff. Moreover, he also lost the monsters he fought previously due to the wind.

This incident cleared up Auron's mind. He began to build his patience once more. Of course, patience would not speed things up, but at least, it would be safer for him.

Not just Auron, every soldier who was inside the fourth floor also experienced the hardness to collect the task. Some of them gave up and took this chance to rest first and renewed their spirit. Some of them still hold on patiently and collected it bit by bit.

Auron was still pondering on each option. He wanted to take a break first. However, he felt reluctant since, currently, there were few people on the fourth floor. With this small amount of people, the competition was already tricky. What if they waited until tomorrow when everyone woke up, the competition would be fiercer. With this reason in mind, Auron decided to stay on and tried to finish the task one step at a time.

Auron took this chance to move to another cliff. On this floor, the monster appeared randomly on each cliff. But, the amount of the cliff on this floor also numerous. There were 15 thousand cliffs with different sizes.

If the number of monsters divided into each cliff equally, then two monsters would appear on each cliff. Sadly, that was not the case. It was really random. One cliff could have 10 monsters appear at a time when there were no monsters that appeared at other cliffs.

It would be more efficient if they moved to two or three cliffs each time they could. This way, they could increase their completion speed rate rather than waiting on the same cliff.

Of course, moving to another cliff gave some other risk. It was up to the training participant whether they would take this option or just waiting at the same cliff until the end. This floor tested the soldiers' decision making and also their sensitiveness to the surrounding changes.

After arriving at the new cliff, Auron was lucky. He found five monsters, and there were no other soldiers here. Moreover, the wind was still on its progress to its lowest state.

This situation was very great for him. Without delaying any further, Auron took out his sword and immediately charged towards the monsters.

The monsters sensed Auron's presence, and they also took their battle stance. The five of them charged at Auron.

Auron brandished his sword. Since there was no one around, Auron used this chance to chant his mage spell.

A piece of pointy ice was formed when he used [Ice Bolt]. Then, he immediately shot that ice shard to the foremost monster. Unfortunately, Auron never played a range of characters before. He never thought that wind would have an effect on the things he shot.

Although the wind had less effect on spells, with the current wind's power, it still slightly change the ice's trajectory. At first, Auron had aimed in the middle of the monster's chest. However, the wind moved it a bit from its original target.

Fortunately, the ice still pierced the monster's left shoulder. Besides, the monster was weak, so even though it was far from its vital's part, the monster still died.

After shooting his spell and blocking the monster's attack with his sword, Auron made some distance. He didn't want to be surrounded by the monsters from all sides.

By keeping all of the monsters in front of him, he could see what's the monster's gonna did. Two monsters leaped at Auron from the left and right side, followed by another two at the back.

When he was moving away, Auron had started to chant [Lightning Chain], an advanced spell from the wind element. A bolt of light streak from one monster and jumped to another monster until it hit them all. With this one spell, Auron finished all of them in an instant.

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