Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 455 - Chase (3)

The mini device that the cloaked man had pressed was actually a tracker device. It was usually used when the owner was kidnapped or in a predicament situation and needed help. The device would emit a signal that could only be received by other similar devices.

Meanwhile, the owner of the other devices was at the level of vice executives up to the three founders. Just as what the cloaked man had thought, the newcomers were his reinforcements.

The newcomers were his two vices. Since these two was nearby, they were the one that arrived first.

With this new helper arrived, the situation didn't look good for Auron and Alice. They knew that if this man could call his cult member, then more of them would flock here.

Alice took out a piece of small paper. Then, she quickly gave Auron the paper. She whispered a few words with Auron.

After that, the two of them escape to the west direction. The cloaked man was not ready with this sudden development. He quickly chased the two of them, followed by the two newcomers.

Not long after escaping, Auron and Alice split. They ran using their own way.

While escaping, Auron took out the small piece of paper that Alice gave. There was a location given along with few rows of names. However, Auron could not read all of that. He only took note of the location and immediately saved back the piece of paper. He had to focus on escaping if he wanted to survive.

Meanwhile, the cloaked man and his vices had split as well. The cloaked man went to chase Auron while the other two chased Alice.

The situation had already progressed this far. To redeem this situation, the cloaked man had to offer something, and he had thought to give one of these two. He chose Auron since he knew that Auron was weaker than him and easier to capture.

Since Auron started to move first, the cloaked man was left behind. The distance between Auron and the cloaked man was quite far. However, the cloaked man could still see Auron's silhouette from far away.

5 minutes passed by since Auron and Alice had separated. Auron had tried to confuse the cloaked man by moving in zigzag. He also intentionally took a long and harsh path. However, it was futile. The cloaked man was still following behind him.

Meanwhile, the cloaked man focused on Auron. He didn't want to lose Auron's whereabouts. However, he suddenly realized something weird.

It had been 5 minutes passed. But, the distance between him and Auron didn't decrease at all. He had to use a speed potion to increase his movement speed, but there was no effect.

Their distance didn't reduce at all. How could a swordsman like him lose in terms of movement speed against a mage?

Although from the battle before, he knew Auron was a battle mage, he should be faster than the battlemage. A mage didn't have any skill to increase movement speed. There was [Wrath] that could increase the speed, but there would be a side effect after use.

On the other hand, as a swordsman, he had more than two skills to increase his movement speed. One thing came into the cloaked man, did Auron had a lot of speed potions?

What the cloaked man didn't know was, all this time, Auron didn't use any speed potion. He had used his swordsman's movement skill as soon as they were off cool down. That was why there was a time when the distance actually decreased, but it immediately increased once more.

Another 10 minutes passed by, as they had used their maximum speed, Auron had covered a lot of distance during these 15 minutes. From far away, Auron could see a silhouette of a village up ahead. That village was his destination. It was the location that Alice had given him.

The cloaked man also saw the village ahead of him. He gritted his teeth. Actually, the cloaked man didn't want Auron to go into the village. It was because it would attract more attention to him. He had already attracted a lot of attention in the town. Thankfully, there was a cult's branch inside the town that would take care of the problem.

However, there was no one he knew at the village ahead of him. Although it was just a small village, there was still a problem.

However, the cloaked man could not stop Auron as there was quite some distance between them. He had no choice but to follow Auron went to the village.

Auron quickly sprinted to the village. In no time, he arrived in front of the village. Since the security was enhanced around the area, there were two guards at the village. However, as this was just a small village, the guards were weak compared to the other guards. These two guards were about the same level as Auron.

"Help!! Help!! A bandit is chasing me! He wants to kill me!" Auron shouted for help.

These two guards saw Auron, then they also noticed the cloaked man chasing Auron. One of the guards quickly shouted to gather the other guards. There were four guards dispatched to this small village. Two of them had the same level as Auron while the other two had a lower level.

Auron quickly went inside the village and passed the guards. Meanwhile, all of the guards had taken out their weapons.

The cloaked man knew he could not escape from this situation. After giving some thought, he decided to attack.

One of the guards attacked forward. The cloaked man didn't spare his energy. He unleashed his powerful attack and quickly killed the guard. Then, he followed by killing another until all of the four guards died.

Auron knew that these guards could not stop the cloaked man, but he could not help but sacrifice them. And, his plan was working. The guards bought Auron some time. Auron had arrived in front of a small-sized house.

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