Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 463 - Enemy's Base (1)

The soldiers were calming the villager and also tried to explain to them on the evacuation plan. After this village got attacked, the villager would be insecure about living in this village.

That was why until the military could make sure the village was safe, the military decided to evacuate the villagers first.

While the soldiers were executing the evacuation plan, Alice called up her team and the reinforcement's leader. Then, she began explaining.

It turned out when Alice launched her last attack, she had put on a tracking device on the demonic monster. She got the tracking device when she had separated with Auron and met with the husband and wife pair.

Fortunately, when Alice asked the pair about the tracking device, they had one. Before she was going to the village with the husband, Alice got hold of the tracking device.

When Alice saw that the demonic monsters suddenly escaped, she was confused. Even though she didn't know the reason, but she had deduced that the reinforcements had come. That was why she risked herself and put the tracking device on the demonic monsters. In return, she got another attack and blasted away.

Fortunately, Alice's deduction was correct. After kicking her away, the demonic monsters didn't bother with her. Then, not long after, the reinforcements had come.

Alice took out a small monitor. There was a dot that moved away from the middle of the screen on the monitor's screen. Alice's position was at the center of the screen. Meanwhile, the moving dot was the tracking device.

Alice wanted to explain something. However, she could not since the dot almost left out of the monitor. If the dot out of the screen means that the tracking device had gotten out of the tracking range.

With hurried, Alice asked the other to follow them. Of course, not only these several people, Alice asked several soldiers to follow her as well.

Alice had started to move while the soldiers were still arranging themselves. She had to chase the demonic monsters before the demonic monsters got out of the screen.

Alice moved outside of the village, followed by Auron, Julia, and the husband and wife pairs. Although they had experienced a life or death battle against the three demonic monsters, they were not afraid to chase after them.

The chasing had already lasted for 10 minutes. It was a surprise that the demonic monsters didn't go to the outer of the kingdom. Instead, it went to the center of the northern territory of the kingdom.

Fortunately, the tracking device could track a long distance. The distance even made the demonic monsters that had a wide range of perception could not sense Alice and her companions.

After following the demonic monsters for another 10 minutes, suddenly, the dot in the tracking monitor stopped. Alice took the lead and stopped as well. They could not go to close, afraid that the demonic monster would sense them.

Auron looked around. This place was in the northern territory of the kingdom. Where they were right now were at the center of the northern region. Although it was not precisely beside a city, it was still close to a city.

Auron knew there were two cities and three towns near this place. It was a surprise that there was a demonic monster in the center of the northern territory.

Not long after Alice stopped the chased, the soldiers arrived behind him. Alice immediately called the leader, and she gave several commands.

Alice told the leader to spread the soldiers around here. She told them to disguise themselves and secretly watching this area. Alice had a feeling that this place was the enemy's base.

Not only that, but Alice also told the leader to go to the northern territory's military branch to get some reinforcement. Alice wanted to be safe.

After Alice experiencing battling against the demonic monsters, she knew that the demonic monsters were not weak. Moreover, Alice still didn't know their number. Up to this moment, Alice had seen six demonic monsters, and she yet didn't know whether there were more or not. Furthermore, each time she saw the demonic monsters, they were stronger than the last one.

Since this was the enemy's base, Alice afraid that there would be more demonic monsters inside the base.

And, one more important thing, the demonic monsters were not alone. There was also Asyaka Cult involved in this mess. And, Alice still didn't know the exact number of the cult's members.

It was almost nighttime right now. Alice didn't want to attack at this time. That was why she wanted to wait for the dawn or even the morning to attack. She could not wait for too long as she was afraid that the demonic monsters would find the tracking device and their existence exposed.

After receiving the order, the leader quickly went to execute the task. It was indeed an endless night for the military.

Meanwhile, Alice, Julia, Auron, and the husband and wife pairs had their task. They had to investigate how wide the enemy's manpower. Of course, it was not easy since they had to be careful, so the demonic monster would not notice them.

The five of them separated into two groups. Julia went with Auron while Alice and the husband and wife pair went into a group.

Gathering information was an important thing to do when they wanted to attack the enemy's base. Moreover, this time, they had little knowledge of their enemy.

Time passed by, the information gathering was not a successful feat as the cult was careful and didn't want to leak any information. Moreover, it was night time. It was challenging to gather information when everyone was sleeping.

At 3 in the morning, the five of them gathered back on the northern territory's military branch. The northern military managed to collect 300 soldiers in this short time. Combined with the soldiers who followed from the village, they had 350 soldiers. But, is it enough?

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