Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 485 - Dual Wield (2)

Auron was currently at the biggest weapon shop in the Miderian. However, after searching for 10 minutes, he could not find a suitable sword for him.

The reason was Auron's lack of money. The affordable sword for Auron was of low quality. Meanwhile, the high-quality one was expensive, and Auron could not buy it.

Auron sighed. Rather than buying a low-quality sword, Auron wanted to save the money first and use it to buy a high-quality sword.

Auron left the weapon shop disappointed. Since he could not find any good sword, Auron was thinking of using his produced weapon. Although it was not as good as the sold weapon, it was free to use.

Auron kept all weapons from his latest blacksmithing session on his inventory. Since he had produced many weapons, he intended to find the right place before sorting and picking out the best weapon he had created. 

"No. I cannot give up this easily," Auron shook his head. 

Auron was still not contended if he still had to choose a low-quality weapon. He thought of a way to get money. He looked at his inventory to find any sellable item. However, his inventory was full of consumable items that he needed and the weapon he produced.

Auron could get some money by selling his weapons. However, getting the right price was not that easy. It took time. Moreover, there were a lot of items that he needed to sell.

Auron thought of something. There was one last thing that he had to check the military. He just finished a big mission. Although the chance was low, Auron still hoped that the reward from that mission already been given.

Auron decided to move back to his mage character to check out. He went out of his dorm's room and went to the military's administration office. On his way to the military's administration office, Auron saw a commotion in the training field. 

Actually, a commotion in the training field was natural. However, what piqued Auron's interest was that it was not because of any duel or training. Instead, a man was surrounded by a group of enthusiastic men.

Auron approached the commotion. When he was coming to the field, he began to hear several shouts.

"Come on! Let's get started!"

"Yes! What are we waiting for?"

"Calm down... Calm down..."

"I have been tired of waiting. We should start now!"

"Be patient. There was still 10 minutes left!"

These shouts were heard when Auron approached the place. While the man in the middle of the crowd was calming the mob down, the people surrounding him rushed him.

Auron was confused about what was going on. So, he tapped and asked the nearest soldiers what was going on.

"In 10 minutes, that soldier wanted to auction some of his equipment." The soldier explained to Auron.

Auron looked at this auction with some interest. Actually, a soldier auctioning his old equipment was not a rare scene. Occasionally, there was some soldier that sold his equipment here.

The military also didn't forbid the soldiers to exchange with each other as long as both parties agreed.

When a soldier was auctioning their equipment inside the military, their aim was not gold. Instead, their objective was the military points. Transaction inside the military could be paid with military contribution points.

Of course, to do this, the auctioneer needed to pay someone from the administration office to supervise the auction so the item winner would have enough military point to spend.

And, just like what Auron had thought, he had recognized one of the military administration staff near the commotion.

It was good for Auron. This way, he didn't need to go all the way to the office to see whether the rewards had been distributed or not.

Auron approached the administration staff and asked him.

The administration staff was still busy arranging the administration doc.u.ment, stopped what he did, and looked at Auron. Then, without saying anything, he nodded and started typing something on his device.

And, just like what Auron had thought, the rewards from the latest mission was still not distributed yet. Auron dejectedly sighed. Then, he asked the second question about how many military points he had. 

"15234 points," The staff said.

Auron frowned. He didn't know whether that point was many or not. The staff saw Auron's expression, and he asked Auron, "Do you want to join that guy's auction?"

Auron replied with a nod.

"Hmm... I don't know about the items he intends to auction. However, the item ranges from 5000 points up to 100 thousand points from what he had said. Seeing your point, I guess you could buy one or two items. You should try it." The staff said.

Just like what the staff had said, there was nothing wrong with trying. Auron nodded and waited for the auction to begin.

An auction like this was usually dependent on the participant's wealth and the item. If the item was rare, but the participant was not that rich, then the prices would not rise that much.

On the other hand, if the item was not that rare, but it managed to pique many participants' interest, then the prices could rise up.

That was why, usually, the one who held the auction would not disclose the number of items he would like to auction. He would throw some normal things first to see the participant's wealth and enthusiasm.

This way, if the participant was not as he had expected, he could only give three to four items to auction and keep the rest for a future auction.

Auron looked at the surrounding. There were not that many people around. However, as time ticking, the commotion indeed attracted many people's attention. Hence, the number of people steadily going up.

One minute before the auction started, the number of people had gone up past 50 people. Auron wanted to try his luck on this auction. He hoped that he could get a suitable sword.

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