Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 510 - Ancient Training Ground (1)

Auron's group had to wait for several hours before they could go inside. To spend time, Auron began to start a conversation with the other Absurd's members. They discussed a lot of things from the dungeon things until the other experience and funny stories.

Time went by, they could not leave the place for too long because there was a rule. If it was their turn and they didn't go inside the dungeon in 5 minutes, then it would be deemed as they forfeited their right to enter.

Since nobody knew how long the party inside would go on, nobody could predict went the next group would go in. What fortunate was the dungeon had a time limit. If the party inside could not kill the boss in 2 hours, then they would be teleported outside and failed the run.

Usually, an average group would spend around 1 hour inside. However, nobody could know whether they spend less or more than that number.

Auron's group was fortunate, the previous group before them was not an average group. Several groups only spend less than 1 hour to complete the dungeon. There was even a group that only spend 30 minutes inside.

After three hours, a new group entered the dungeon. After this group, it was Auron's group's turn. 

After a long conversation, Auron's group became bored. The members decided to do something else on their own. Some were hunting nearby monsters while some talking with the guards that guarding the dungeon.

As someone from the military, some of them knew each other especially Smite who had a high rank and the leader of the group. They had promised to gather back in 30 minutes. On the other hand, Auron didn't have anything to do so he just sat down and waited until it was their time to go.

While waiting, Julia approached him. Since she also didn't have anything to do and she was relatively new to this group, she could only come to Auron who was also a player the same as her.

It was during their time together on the demonic monster mission that she knew Auron's mage character as a player. Inside the Absurd team, Auron and Julia were the only players inside.

Julia awkwardly started a topic, "Have you heard about the news?"

Auron was confused about what she was talking about, "What news?"

Auron was busy hunting and leveling that he didn't have any time to look for any recent news. The most recent news that he knew was about a player that learned the [Dual Wielding] skill. Moreover, he knew it because it was related to him.

Auron didn't want to discuss that so he pretended to not know anything. Moreover, what if it was not the news that Julia meant.

"There is a player who learned the [Dual Wielding] skill. It was a very rare skill." Julia didn't find it strange that Auron didn't know about it considering his level. She even told him that it was a very rare skill.

"Oh really? Is that skill impressive?" Auron pretended to be surprised and acted like he didn't know.

"That skill was impressive. Do you know if you..." Julia started to explain the benefit of learning that skill. She also explained that after 10 years of this game running, this was the first time that skill appeared among the player.

"But, well, it was nothing to do with us. Although we as a mage could use the skill, we cannot maximize the benefit. That skill was more suitable for the melee class."

After Julia said that, the conversation stopped. An awkward atmosphere started to descends upon these two. Although Auron and Julia had worked together, it was only at the work level. They didn't know each other's information that well.

Auron also felt the awkward atmosphere. As a man, he knew he needed to do something. So, he started to start another topic.

Unfortunately, Auron's love experience was not that much. He spent almost all of his time playing this game that he didn't have any time to have an intimate relationship. Of course, it didn't mean that Auron never liked any girl.

There was a time when he was still in school that he like his classmate. However, it was only as far as liking that girl. Auron never had said to the girl directly. It was not like he didn't want to say it, but his priority was the game. Because of that, the girl became his senior's girlfriend.

"What is your hobby?" As Auron didn't have that much experience and he was pressured to start a new topic, Auron brought up this question.

Julia was surprised by this abrupt question. However, she knew that Auron just wanted to bring a new topic, so she answered the question.

From that point, the conversation went smoother, Auron began to ask about Julia's information and Julia did the same. They began to know more about each other.

"How are your parents doing?" Auron asked this question. However, Julia didn't answer the question and kept silent.

The awkward situation occurred once more. Auron was not that tactful. During their conversation, Julia always diverted the question about her family and smoothly changed the topic.

However, Auron was not tactful enough to know about this. So, he could not help but ask that question. This time, Julia didn't answer. It was not because she was furious. Instead, her expression turned sad.

Auron saw this. Even though he was confused about the reason Julia became sad, he knew that he needed to change the topic. However, he was confused about what should he do. Should he apologize or directly change the topic?

Fortunately, when Auron was about to ask another question, Smite came and said, "Let's gather. It was almost time. The previous group should be done shortly."

Auron breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up and nodded at Smite. Then, he extended his hand to Julia and said, "Let's go."

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