Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 515 - Quad Elemental Spirit King (1)

One hour and twenty minutes had passed since Auron's group entered the dungeon. They had gathered all of the four elemental orbs and were on their way back to the first location they were summoned in the dungeon, the center.

They were not in a hurry to get to the center. It was because they already did a speed run for almost an hour, and they wanted to use this chance to relax a bit before doing the last battle in this dungeon.

Thanks to Auron's buff potion, all of the people here could fasten their pace and had 40 minutes of spare time to kill the last boss.

Auron was leading the group back to the center of the dungeon. Deep inside, he felt rather sorry for taking this quest. Auron never knew that he would have to spend this many. He had already taken some loan to Roan.

However, Auron had already gone this far. Of course, he would not give up midway. He could only continue on. He just hoped that the quest's item would drop from the boss in this run, so he didn't need to take the second dungeon run or even the third run.

When they were on their way back, Cedric suddenly approached Auron secretly. Then, he said to Auron, "Boss, I don't know you are this prepared and thorough for this dungeon run. I praise you for this."

Auron had a mixed feeling. He didn't know whether he had to be happy or not for Cedric's compliment. However, whatever Cedric's intention, it was already good enough that Cedric approached and talked to him first. It means that they become closer.

Auron posed as this was nothing and said to Cedric, "What do you mean? Preparation is the most important thing to do when one wants to do some dungeon run."

"Yeah, I know. But your preparation is on a different level. I look up to you for this matter. Can you tell me your secret, Boss?"

"What secret? There is no secret. You just need to be more thorough when preparing for everything." Auron answered.

"No... No... No... That is not what I mean." Cedric quickly said when he realized that Auron misunderstands his question.

"So, what do you mean?" Auron was confused.

Cedric moved closer to Auron and whispered, "Which conglomerate family are you coming from? Are you friend with our leader through your conglomerate's connection?"

Cedric had misunderstood Auron's identity. He thought that Auron was coming from a wealthy family. Well, anyone could mistake Auron's identity just like Cedric if they saw what Auron did.

Auron was spending buff potions like it was drinking water. Because of that, Cedric misunderstood Auron's identity.

However, instead of answering Cedric's question, Auron was more interested in what Cedric had said. 

"Our leader is coming from a rich family?" Auron asked.

Cedric nodded and answered, "Yes, though he never wanted to admit that it is true. However, Jeffrey had said that Smite was coming from a rich family."

"You know that Jeffrey and our leader were close friends, right? You should also know that Jeffrey is a money-grubber, and he is rich, right?"

"But do you know what? Even the rich Jeffrey said that our leader was richer than him! Also, I heard some rumors that our leader used the money to come this far."

Cedric was very excited when gossiping about Smite. He began to tell Auron about Smite's rumors that he had heard of.

However, Cedric's excitement had to be cut off because they already arrived at the center of the dungeon.

There were four pillars of different colors, red, blue, green, and white, in the center of the dungeon. As soon as they arrived, Auron immediately went to the red pillar.

At the red pillar, Auron put on the [Fire Orb]. Then, he moved to the blue pillar and put [Ice Orb]. Lastly, he put the [Earth Orb] and [Wind Orb] at the green and white pillars respectively.

After Auron put all of the four orbs, he immediately backed out and approached his teammate. The four orbs shone and shook tremendously. 

There was around one minute after all four orbs were put on the pillars until the last boss spawned. While waiting for the boss to come, Auron did what he had to do, distributing the buff potions to all members.

From each of the four orbs, a light shone and shone towards above them. These fours light intertwined with each other, and a figure started to materialize slowly.

It took several seconds before the figure materialized completely. The materialized figure had stood on his two legs like a human. However, its appearance was weird. 

The figure's head was just like a normal middle-aged man's face. On his neck, there was a necklace with the four orbs attached to it.

What made this figure weird was his body. The body was made of four different elementals. His upper right body was made of fire. Then, his upper left body was made of ice.

Meanwhile, his bottom right body was made of stone and rock. Lastly, his bottom left body was like a hurricane that shaped into a leg.

This was the last boss of this dungeon, [Quad Elemental Spirit King]. Just like its name, the last boss could use all four elemental attacks.

Just like the third camp, this last boss also only received halves damage from physical attacks. For the magical attacks, each body part would be immune to its element. For example, the upper right body was a fire element, so it was immune to fire element attacks. However, it could be attacked by other elements.

This means that the mages had to aim their spell correctly. If they wanted to attack with a fire spell, they had to target body parts other than the upper-right place.

The boss slowly floated down from the air. Although it was an elemental spirit, it could not fly. The game made it that way, so the difficulty was not that high.

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