Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 531 - Auron's Military Trial (2)

In front of Auron, there was an old man with white hair and a white beard. The old man should be around 60 years old. But, the old man was still vigorous like a young man.

This old man was worked at the intelligence corps as an agent. In the intelligence corps, an agent was some kind of manager. Their job was to supply and help as well as provide the intelligence officer with everything. Each agent would manage at least five people, and Auron was under this old man.

Right now, this old man was busy with a pile of paper in front of him. He didn't realize that Auron was in front of him. 

"Hey, Blackbeard," Auron called the old man in front of him.

The old man had named himself Blackbeard. It was weird since the old man had a white beard. However, Auron could do nothing since the old man would not respond if he was called something else.

Hearing someone calling him, the old man glanced over and saw Auron was in front of him. However, before the old man could say anything, Auron said, "What is happening here? Everything seems hectic here."

The old man frowned upon hearing Auron's words. However, he quickly recalled that Auron was new here. As Auron's agent, Blackbeard, explained, "Once a year, the royalty hold an important meeting. The meeting's agenda is to discuss everything that happens in their territory. And, it is not just about military reports. It is about everything and in detail."

"And, this meeting also discuss the possibility to expand our area in Gaia as well as in the Bridge World."

"Since this is an important decision, we have to give the right information. You don't want to imagine the consequences if there is wrong information given."

"This is one of our intelligence corps' responsibility. As you can see, many people will spend their effort to compile the correct information and give the most detailed information. This matter also concerns our next year's budget. So, everyone regards this as an important event."

"You know we are busy, right. So, please don't waste our time. If you come here just to ask about this, then get lost."

"General Aston sent me here. He said there is a mission that needs some members?" Auron quickly said.

Blackbeard stopped for a second, pondering. Then, he remembered something, "Oh yeah, there is one mission that needs some members."

Blackbeard scoured his desk. Then, not long after, he took out a paper. "Here, take this. This mission is joint work with the military academy. And, this paper here represents your status as the intelligence corps."

Auron nodded. It was not too long ago since he was graduated from the military academy. This time, Auron returned to the military academy but not as a student but as a professional military soldier.

Auron wanted to leave the place and went to report to the military academy. However, before he could go too far, Blackbeard said, "You don't have to report today. There are still 3 days before the deadline. You can report tomorrow after your trial."

Auron halted his step and looked over. He stopped his action because Auron was shocked. He was shocked because even though the chaotic situation here, it seemed that Blackbeard still knew about his condition.

Blackbeard was busy writing something on his paper while looking over at the paper on top of the pile. Auron shook his head and exited the place. However, he still did as what Blackbeard had said.

The next day.

Tok... Tok... Tok... "Since the defendant had agreed to accept any punishment and this is his first offense, hereby I sentence the defendant to pay 10 gold and five thousand military points as fine."

"All of the fines should be paid in one month. If the defendant could not pay in time, he would be stripped of his military status and put in jail for one year."

"Any objection?" The judges announced his sentence to Auron.

"Since no one object, then the trial dismissed!"

Auron stood up and exited the court. Even though the five thousand military points were quite huge, Auron knew that the amount was lesser than the average fines. General Aston had helped Auron to shifted the punishment from being jailed to pay some penalties. He also lower the penalties.

An average level mission's rewards would give Auron about 2 thousand up to 4 thousand. This means, five thousand points were equivalent to two of an average level mission's rewards. Although Auron didn't know about the mission tomorrow, he felt that tomorrow's mission could give him around 3 thousand points. So, he could already get half of his point needed right away.

As for the 10 gold fine, it was nothing. After all of the items from the ancient dungeon sold, Auron should get more than 10 gold. Of course, Auron still didn't know when all of the things would be sold. All of the items would be sold in a week or two, so it should be no problem.

With everything here done, Auron directly went to the military's academy to report for the mission. Of course, Auron already told Smite that he was going for an assignment, so he knew where to look if there was something urgent.

In no time, Auron arrived at the military's academy. Auron directly went to the headmaster's office.

"Wow, you are the one that came?" The headmaster recognized Auron since it was not too long ago since Auron graduated.

The headmaster was surprised because he knew it was not easy to enter the intelligence corps. And, in just such a short time, Auron could join the intelligence corps. If it was not because of nepotism, then it would be because Auron was so skillful or lucky enough.

"Have a seat!" The headmaster continued, "I requested 5 intelligence officers, and you are the first one. So, let's wait for the other four before I explained the mission."

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