Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 537 - Pauper Bandit Group (3)

Auron was satisfied with the information he got. He was ready to go to the base. Auron walked to the village's exit.

When Auron was near the village's exit, he saw a young man walking inside the village. Auron brushed past this man, and he immediately turned around.

The young man didn't realize that Auron was looking at him and continued towards the center of the village.

On the other hand, Auron noticed something strange about this man. The young man was around 17 - 18 years old. Despite the fact of his young age, the young man could not hide his ferocious look.

The young man was not fit with the village's vibe. Even though the young man in this village became a hunter and hunted nearby beast for a living, Auron knew that the man in front of him right now was not a hunter.

Auron could even felt killing intent from the young man. The young man in front of him was a part of the bandit groups. Auron decided to tail this young man. 

Auron maintained some distance from the young man. And, just like Auron had thought, the young man was moving aimlessly as if he was searching for something.

After wandering for five minutes, the man was passing by the bar. At the same time, the caravan's owner was exiting from the bar.

Auron could see a sudden change of posture from the young man he followed when he saw the caravan's owner exiting the bar.

The young man followed the caravan's owner from behind. Meanwhile, the caravan's owner went back towards his group. He wanted to get back to his group's members.

The caravan's owner passed the inn where Auron usually slept in. And, at that time, his students were getting out of the inn after eating their breakfast.

The three students immediately looked around and spotted Auron, who was tailing the young man. The three students found it strange when they saw Auron, who was supposed to exit the village, was here.

The girl wanted to raise her hand and ask Auron. However, she suddenly realized something and put down her hand.

Unfortunately, the two boys were not as tactful as the girl. They innocently raised their hand and shouted, "Why are you here, teacher? Didn't you suppose to go already?"

The young man saw this and knew that these students would not greet him as he didn't know them. With that, the young man turned around and realized Auron was behind him.

Auron cursed inside his heart, "These two boys!"

However, he quickly pretended and answered the student, "Yes, I forgot something inside the room."

Unfortunately, the young man found this strange. Moreover, he vaguely recognized Auron's face at the village's entrance.

The young man could sense something was not right. He quickly ran. However, he was not escaping. Instead, he ran towards the caravan's owner from behind.

Auron, who saw this, also reacted quickly. He chased the young man. Meanwhile, the boys realized that there was something wrong when they saw the chase. The girl slapped the back of the boy's head while saying in a low voice, "Stupid."

The young man, who was running towards the caravan's owner, put his hand inside his clothes. Then, from inside, he took out a knife and prepared to stab the caravan's owner.

The caravan's owner, who was walking drunkenly, heard the commotion behind him. He stopped and turned around to see what was going on. However, what greeted him was a knife aimed towards his stomach.

The caravan's owner was panicked and slipped. He fell back on his bottom. The caravan's owner was fortunate. Because he fell down, the knife missed the target.

The young man was fl.u.s.tered with the sudden incident. However, he quickly regained his composure and stabbed the caravan's owner once again.

Before the knife could reach the caravan's owner's forehead, a [Fire Ball] arrived and hit the young man's back. This explosion caused the young man to stagger and pushed him forwards. The young man lost his balance and could not help but fell forwards.

The young man fell towards the caravan's owner, who was on the ground. His knee hit the caravan's owner's face. He also lost his knife due to the impact.

The young man quickly tried to grab his knife back and complete his mission. Unfortunately, Auron had arrived at the location and held down the young man.

The young man struggled and tried to break free. However, Auron had held him tightly that he could not escape. Not long after, the village's guards came because of the commotion.

The guards quickly surrounded Auron and the caravan's owner, as well as the young man. They quickly separated Auron and the young man.

Fortunately, the caravan's owner, who was in pain, pointed at the young man and said, "He tried to kill me!"

Then, he quickly explained the story from his point of view. Since the guards recognized the caravan's owner from this morning's incident, they believed his words and released Auron.

However, the guards still asked Auron to explain the story from his point of view. Quickly, this commotion invited many spectators, including Auron's three students.

Seeing it was not appropriate to listen to the story here, the village's guards invited Auron to the village's head's house to tell the story. They also helped the caravan's owner and asked for a cleric to help him.

The girl thought quickly and pushed the boy, who was a cleric. The boy knew what to do and volunteered himself to heal the caravan's owner. 

Although the boy's heal was still weak, the caravan's owner's injury also not heavy. So, he didn't mind with the boy healed him. 

Since there was a crowd here, the guards brought everyone to the village's head's house. They also brought Auron's students. The addition of three young kids was not a problem.

With that, the situation was under control. However, the two incidents that happened in a row made the villagers restless.

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